1,275 research outputs found

    Scaling properties of growing noninfinitesimal perturbations in space-time chaos

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    We study the spatiotemporal dynamics of random spatially distributed noninfinitesimal perturbations in one-dimensional chaotic extended systems. We find that an initial perturbation of finite size ϵ0\epsilon_0 grows in time obeying the tangent space dynamic equations (Lyapunov vectors) up to a characteristic time t×(ϵ0)b(1/λmax)ln(ϵ0)t_{\times}(\epsilon_0) \sim b - (1/\lambda_{max}) \ln (\epsilon_0), where λmax\lambda_{max} is the largest Lyapunov exponent and bb is a constant. For times t<t×t < t_{\times} perturbations exhibit spatial correlations up to a typical distance ξtz\xi \sim t^z. For times larger than t×t_{\times} finite perturbations are no longer described by tangent space equations, memory of spatial correlations is progressively destroyed and perturbations become spatiotemporal white noise. We are able to explain these results by mapping the problem to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class of surface growth.Comment: 4.5 pages LaTeX (RevTeX4) format, 3 eps figs included. Submitted to Phys Rev

    Los servicios de asesoramiento a los Deportistas de Élite en las Universidades Españolas.

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    Los objetivos de este estudio fueron determinar: i) en qué medida las universidades españolas ofrecen programas de asesoramiento a sus deportistas-estudiantes y ii) el tipo de apoyo ofertado. La metodología utilizada fue el análisis documental, y en caso de no existir dicha información, se envió un cuestionario auto-administrado ad-hoc a las universidades para su cumplimentación. Las entidades analizadas fueron las 70 universidades españolas con docencia tipo presencial en grados oficiales. 46 universidades prestan servicios de asesoramiento a deportistas de élite. Las ayudas más frecuentes son aquellas que no conllevan coste alguno, es decir: el cambio de fechas de exámenes, cambio de grupo de clase o las tutorías personalizadas. Por ello, sería recomendable que desde la Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas (CRUE) se dirigieran acciones comunes y coordinadas, en vez de que cada deportista-estudiante tenga que resolver los problemas académicos de forma puntual

    Bibliografìa Argentina del género Prochilodus (Pisces: Curimatidae)

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    Fil: López, Hugo Luis. División Zoología Vertebrados, Museo de La Plata, UNLPFil: Bonetto, Argentino A.. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia; Buenos AiresFil: Gómez, Sergio E.. División Zoología Vertebrados, Museo de La Plata, UNLPFil: Protogino, Lucila Cristina. División Zoología Vertebrados, Museo de La Plata, UNL

    Effects of saline reclaimed waters and deficit irrigation on Citrus physiology assessed by UAV remote sensing

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    The aim of our research was to discover the effects of the long-term irrigation with saline reclaimed (RW) and transfer (TW) water and different irrigation strategies: control (C) and regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) on yield and fruit quality of grapefruit at harvest and during cold storage. TW-RDI treatment decreased tree canopy (TC) and crop load, resulting in a 21% reduction of fruit yield. Regarding fruit quality, RW notably decreased peel thickness at harvest (about 8%); however, this difference was not remained during cold storage. Sugar/acid ratio was mainly increased by RDI, but also by RW, due to an important increase in soluble solid content (11% of average value for TW-RDI, RW-C and RW-RDI). In addition, RDI combined with RW, significantly increased the number of fruits in small category 5 at the end of cold storage. Finally, neither ratio yield/TC nor irrigation water productivity were affected by any irrigation treatments.This study was supported by two CICYT (AGL2010-17553 and AGL2013-49047-C2-482 515 2-R) projects and SIRRIMED (KBBE-2009-1- 2-03, PROPOSAL N◦245159) 483 project. We are also grateful to SENECA–Excelencia Científica (19903/GERM/15) for 484 providing funds for this research

    Ocurrencia natural de hongos entomophthorales de áfidos plaga de Medicago sativa L. en Argentina

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    Four species of entomophthoroid fungi, Pandora neoaphidis (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae), Zoophthora radicans (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae), Entomophthora planchoniana (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae) and Neozygites fresenii (Neozygitales: Neozygitaceae) were found to infect Aphis craccivora, Therioaphis trifolii, and Acyrthosiphon pisum and unidentified species of Acyrthosiphon on lucerne in Argentina. Samples were collected from five sites (Ceres, Rafaela, Sarmiento, Monte Vera and Bernardo de Irigoyen) in the province of Santa Fe. In this study, Zoophthora radicans was the most important pathogen and was recorded mainly on Acyrthosiphon sp. Zoophthora radicans was successfully isolated and maintained in pure cultures. This study is the first report of entomophthoroid fungi infecting lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) aphids in Argentina.Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectore

    Ocurrencia natural de hongos entomophthorales de áfidos plaga de Medicago sativa L. en Argentina

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    Four species of entomophthoroid fungi, Pandora neoaphidis (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae), Zoophthora radicans (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae), Entomophthora planchoniana (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae) and Neozygites fresenii (Neozygitales: Neozygitaceae) were found to infect Aphis craccivora, Therioaphis trifolii, and Acyrthosiphon pisum and unidentified species of Acyrthosiphon on lucerne in Argentina. Samples were collected from five sites (Ceres, Rafaela, Sarmiento, Monte Vera and Bernardo de Irigoyen) in the province of Santa Fe. In this study, Zoophthora radicans was the most important pathogen and was recorded mainly on Acyrthosiphon sp. Zoophthora radicans was successfully isolated and maintained in pure cultures. This study is the first report of entomophthoroid fungi infecting lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) aphids in Argentina.Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectore

    A linguaxe como medio de violencia simbólica no deporte

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    [RESUMO] En todas as sociedades machistas a linguaxe ten un papel fundamental na discriminación das mulleres, configurándose como un instrumento de dominación e lexitimador da violencia simbólica. O obxectivo deste estudo foi analizar se as estudantes de Ciencias do Deporte e a Educación Física da Universidade da Coruña reciben frases ao longo da súa carreira deportiva que reflicten a dominación e reprodución dun modelo social discriminatorio. A metodoloxía empregada inscríbese baixo o paradigma cualitativo e feminista, facendo uso da análise de contido como técnica de investigación. Para a recompilación de datos empregouse unha ficha de rexistro anecdótico que se aplicou a corenta alumnas e un grupo de discusión con cinco estudantes. Os resultados permítennos concluír que a linguaxe é un medio máis de violencia simbólica no deporte, que perpetúa un sistema de dominación masculina a través da transmisión dunha visión de inferioridade das mulleres, que menospreza a súa práctica e establece como ideal o deporte masculino. Non se acepta que unha muller poida ser superior a un home en situacións deportivas mixtas e danse casos nos que, a través da linguaxe, se chega a incitar á violencia física e sexual.

    El tipo de grasa y su estado oxidativo provocan cambios en la resistencia de la membrana de los eritrocitos en pollos broiler

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    El objetivo de estetrabajo escomprobarsieldiferentegradodeinsaturacióndelagrasay la presencia de antioxidantes o alteración oxidativa dietética, afectan al estado de oxidación in vivo. Para ello se utilizaron dos métodos de estimaciónde laestabilidadde la membrana de eritrocitos: la resistencia a la hemolisis y la susceptibilidad a la peroxidación lipídica (TBARs). Se realizaron dos experimentos con pollosde carne en fase de crecimiento (4 a 18 días, Exp. 1 y 21 a 42 días, Exp. 2), utilizando grasas con distinta estabilidad oxidativa. En el experimento 1, tres raciones experimentales que contenían grasa añadida al 6 %: aceite de girasol (G), aceite de girasol oxidado (O) y aceite de girasol + 200 ppm. de acetato de alfatocoferol(V).Enelexperimento2,los3 tratamientos dietéticos incluían 6 % de linaza (L). 6 % de sebo y un pienso sin grasa añadida (C). Con relación a la tasa de hemolisis, en el primer experimento, la suplementación con acetato de alfa tocoferol dio lugar a valores inferiores al resto de tratamientos, que fueronestadísticamente significativosfrentealtratamiento(G)eldía11 de vida (P = 0.008). Una evolución similar se observa para los niveles de oxidación (TBARs) siendo lostratamientosG yO losquepresentanunamayorsusceptibilidadala oxidación (P <0.05) el día 11 (G y O vs. V) y el día 18 (O vs. V). Enelexperimento2, los animales alimentados con la grasa más insaturada (linaza), presentaron una mayor sensibilidad a la hemolisis (P = 0.032) respecto a aquellos alimentados sin grasa o con grasa saturada (sebo). De forma similar, se observa un mayor niveldeoxidaciónenla sangre de los animales alimentados con aceite rico en AGPI n-3 (P <0.001). Podemos concluir, que la presenciade productosdeoxidaciónyaltosnivelesdeinsaturaciónenla dieta, produce una mayor sensibilidad de loseritrocitosa larotura. Laincorporaciónde acetato de alfa-tocoferol permite mejorar la estabilidad de los lípidos de la membrana. Existe un paralelismo entre losresultadosde latasadehemolisisylasusceptibilidadala oxidación de los eritrocitos. Ambos métodos de determinación son capaces de discriminar estados de oxidación in vivo.This study is performed to study the effect of unsaturated fat, oxidized fat and antioxidants included in the diet, on the in vivo oxidative status. We usedtwo different methods to determine the lipid oxidation: the haemolysis level andtheTBARstest. We carried out two trials using broiler chickens ofdifferent ages and using fatsdifferingon the oxidative stability. In experiment 1, animals were fedthree dietscontaining 6%of: sunflower oil (G), oxidized sunflower oil (O) or sunflower oil + 200 ppm ofalfatocopherol acetate (V). Inexperiment2,dietsincluded6%of,linseedoil(L),tallow(S) or no added fat (C). In experiment 1, alfa-tocopherol inclusion promoted the lower haemolysis values, whichbecame significantlydifferentto(G)for 11 daysoldchickens (P = 0.008). Oxidation level (TBARs) showed a pattern similar to that shown for haemolysis. Irt particular, Gand O treatmentsshowedthehighestoxidationeffects(p<0.05) on 11 (G and O vs. V) and 18 days old chickens (O vs. V). In experiment 2, linseed oil increased haemolysis (P = 0.032) compared totreatments S andC.Treatment L, the treatment presenting higher PÜFA n-3 level, also increased (P = 0.001) the oxidation level (TBARS). From the here presented results we conclude that oxidized and high PUFA fats, included in the diet, increase haemolysis level. Moreover, inclusion of alfa-tocopherol acetate in the diet improves membrane lipid stability. Finally, results for haemolysis and oxidation present similarpattern; bothmethods are able to show in vivo oxidation status

    Preconcentration and sensitive determination of the anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac on a paper-based electroanalytical platform

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    This work describes the development of a paper-based platform for highly sensitive detection of diclofenac. The quantification of this anti-inflammatory drug is of importance in clinical (e.g. quality and therapeutic control) and environmental (e.g. emerging contaminant determination) areas. The easy-to-handle platform here described consists of a carbon-ink paper-based working electrode and two metallic wires, provided by a gold-plated standard connector, as reference and counter electrodes. The porous paper matrix enables the preconcentration of the sample, decoupling sample and detection solutions. Thus, relatively large sample volumes can be used, which significantly improves the sensitivity of the method. A wide dynamic range of four orders of magnitude, between 0.10 and 100 μM, was obtained for diclofenac determination. Due to the predominance of adsorption at the lowest concentrations, there were two linear concentration ranges: one comprised between 0.10 and 5.0 μM (with a slope of 0.85 μA μM-1) and the other between 5.0 and 100 μM (with a slope of 0.48 μA μM-1). A limit of detection of 70 nM was achieved with this simple device that provided accurate results with an RSD of ca. 5%. The platform was applied for diclofenac quantification in spiked tap water samples. The versatility of this design enabled the fabrication of a multiplexed platform containing eight electrochemical cells that work independently. The low cost, small size and simplicity of the device allow on-site analysis, which is very useful for environmental monitoring.The authors would like to thank the EU and FCT/UEFISCDI/FORMAS for funding, in the frame of the collaborative internationalconsortium REWATERfinanced under the ERA-NET CofundWaterWorks 2015 Call. This ERA-NET is an integral part of the 2016Joint Activities developed by the Water Challenges for a ChangingWorld Joint Programme Initiative (Water JPI). This work was alsosupported by the EU (FEDER funds through COMPETE) and FCT(project FOODnanoHEALTH, Portugal2020, Norte-01-0145-FEDER-000011 and project UID/QUI/50006/2013) and by the SpanishMinistry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO, projectCTQ2014-58826-R). Estefanía Costa Rama thanks the Governmentof Principado de Asturias and Marie Curie-Cofund Actions for thepost-doctoral grant“Clarín-Cofund”ACA17-20.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hidradenitis supurativa con afectación glútea: análisis de 83 pacientes

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    Hidradenitis supurativa; Hidradenitis glútea; InflamaciónHidradenitis supurativa; Hidradenitis glútea; InflamacióHidradenitis suppurativa; Gluteal hidradenitis; InflammationBackground: In 2013, Canoui-Poitrine et al. identified three hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) phenotypes by a latent class (LC) analysis, based on anatomical sites of involvement. Objective: To improve the classification of the gluteal phenotype (LC3) patients given their diverse lesion types and differences in clinical profile. Material and methods: We designed a bicentric study gathering all LC3 patients (n=83) from two hospitals. We conducted a two-step cluster analysis among them and also compared their characteristics with the rest of the HS patients (n=661). Results: Compared with global HS series, LC3 patients were more frequently non-obese men, with smoking habit, an associated arthropathy, and a more frequent history of pilonidal sinus. The analysis of LC3 patients yielded two clusters: cluster 1 (38.3%) included elderly female patients, with later diagnosis of the disease and more sinus tracts; cluster 2 (61.7%) encompassed more men with earlier disease onset and more nodules and folliculitis lesions. Limitations: The study's limitations include its retrospective nature, bicentric design, and small sample size. Conclusion: The heterogeneous clinical presentation of HS makes it essential to have a good classification of the patients. Gluteal phenotype could actually be classified into two "subphenotypes" with a different clinical profiles and management.Antecedentes: En 2013 Canoui-Poitrine et al. identificaron tres fenotipos de hidradenitis supurativa (HS) mediante un análisis de clases latentes (LC) basado en las regiones anatómicas afectadas. Objetivo: Mejorar la clasificación de los pacientes con fenotipo glúteo (LC3) dados los diversos tipos de lesiones y diferencias en el perfil clínico. Material y métodos: Disenamos ˜ un estudio bicéntrico que incluyó a todos los pacientes con LC3 (n = 83) de dos hospitales terciarios espanoles. ˜ Realizamos un análisis de conglomerados en dos etapas dentro del grupo LC3 y también comparamos sus características con el resto de los pacientes con HS (n = 661). Resultados: En comparación con la serie global de HS, los pacientes con LC3 fueron más frecuentemente hombres no obesos, fumadores, con una artritis asociada y con mayor prevalencia de sinus pilonidal. El análisis de los pacientes LC3 resultó en dos grupos: el grupo 1 (38,3%), que incluía pacientes mayores, de sexo femenino, con diagnóstico más tardío de la enfermedad y más trayectos sinusales; y el grupo 2 (61,7%), que englobaba a más hombres con inicio temprano de la enfermedad y más nódulos y lesiones de foliculitis. Limitaciones: Las limitaciones del estudio incluyen su naturaleza retrospectiva, el diseno˜ bicéntrico y el tamano˜ muestral reducido. Conclusión: La presentación clínica heterogénea de la HS hace que sea esencial disponer de una buena clasificación clínica de los pacientes. Como hemos visto, parece que el fenotipo glúteo podría clasificarse en dos «subfenotipos» con perfiles clínicos y, consecuentemente, enfoques terapéuticos diferentes