7 research outputs found


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    Materiais antibacterianos para aplicação na purificação de água foram produzidos a partir de carvão ativado suportados com nanopartículas (NPs) de prata (Ag) e cobre (Cu). Os materiais foram produzidos utilizando-se o método de impregnação a vácuo com soluções aquosas dos sais metálicos de nitrato de prata (AgNO3) e sulfato de cobre (CuSO4.5H2O) em diferentes concentrações, seguido da etapa de decomposição térmica para síntese das NPs de Ag e Cu no carvão ativado. A caracterização textural dos materiais foi realizada através de técnicas de medidas de área superficial específica BET, área de microporos (método t) e volume e diâmetro de poros (método HK); a caracterização estrutural foi realizada por análises de Difratometria de Raios-X (DRX) e a caracterização morfológica por Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão (MET). Os materiais produzidos em diferentes concentrações: C/Ag 0,3 % Cu 1,0 %, C/Ag 0,3 % e C/Cu 1,0 %, foram avaliados em relação à atividade antibacteriana contra as bactérias Escherichia coli em filtros de purificação de água, conforme estabelecido pela norma ABNT NBR 16098:2012, nas condições de 5 % e 95 % da vida útil do filtro. Os materiais modificados somente com NPs de Ag (C/Ag 0,3 %) e NPs de Cu (C/Cu 1,0 %) mostraram uma atividade antibacteriana inferior a 2 log de remoção de (1,36 log/1,07 log) e (1,31 log/0,94 log), respectivamente. Em contrapartida, o material produzido com a combinação de NPs de Ag e Cu (C/Ag 0,3 %Cu 1,0 %) mostrou uma elevada atividade antibacteriana (4,91 log/ 3,75 log), inibindo completamente o crescimento bacteriano e, por conseguinte, este pode ser considerado como potencial material antibacteriano na purificação da água.AbstractAntibacterial material for application in drinking water purification were produced from activated carbon supported with nanoparticles (NPs) of silver (Ag) and copper (Cu). The materials were produced using vacuum impregnation method with aqueous solutions of metallic salts of silver nitrate (AgNO3) and copper sulfate (CuSO4.5H2O) in different concentrations, followed by thermal decomposition step for synthesis of NPs (Ag) and NPs (Cu) on activated carbon. The textural characterization was carried out by measurements techniques of BET specific surface area, micropore area (t method) and pore volume and diameter (HK method); the structural characterization was performed by Diffraction X-Ray analysis (XRD) and morphological characterization by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The produced materials in different concentrations: C/Ag 0,3 % Cu 1,0 %, C/Ag 0,3 % and C/Cu 1,0 %, were evaluated for antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli in water purification filters according to standard ABNT NBR 16098:2012, under the conditions of 5 % and 95 % of the filter life. The modified materials with single NPs of Ag (C/Ag 0,3 %) and NPs of Cu (C/Cu 1,0 %) showed an antibacterial activity less than 2 log reduction (1.36 log / 1.07 log) and ( 1.31 log / log 0.94), respectively. However, the produced material with combination of NPs of Ag and Cu (C/Ag 0,3 % Cu 1,0 %) showed a high antibacterial activity (4.91 log / 3.75 log ) completely inhibiting the bacterial growth, and therefore, this can be considered as potential antibacterial material for water purification


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    Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo o estudo de filtros de carvão ativado modificados com nanopartículas de prata e cobre. Para a impregnação dos metais na superfície do carvão ativado foi utilizado o método de impregnação por excesso de solvente nas concentrações de C/Ag0,5%, C/Ag1,0%, C/Cu0,5%, C/Cu1,0%, C/Ag0,5%Cu0,5%, C/Ag0,5%Cu1,0%, C/Ag1,0%Cu0,5% e C/Ag1,0%Cu1,0%. Os filtros produzidos foram testados (com água da torneira) quanto aos parâmetros físico-químicos (cor, turbidez, pH, cloro, dureza, sólidos dissolvidos totais e metais) de acordo com a Norma ABNT NBR 16098:2012 e permaneceram dentro da faixa de aceitação para o consumo humano (Portaria 2914:2011 e ABNT NBR 16098:2012). Para a determinação da concentração dos metais lixiviados para água durante a passagem pelo filtro foi utilizada a absorção atômica de chama, todos os resultados obtidos permaneceram dentro da faixa de aceitação para o consumo humano de acordo com a Portaria 2914:2011 e ABNT NBR 16098:2012. Sendo assim, o carvão ativado produzido poderá ser aplicado no tratamento de água na remoção/inativação viral.AbstractThis research aimed at studying filters of activated carbon modified with silver and copper nanoparticles. For the purpose of metal impregnation on the surface of activated carbon, it was utilized the excess solvent impregnation method at concentrations of c/ag0.5%, c/ag1.0%, c/cu0.5%, c/cu1.0%, c/ag0.5%cu0.5%, c/ag0.5%cu1.0%, c/ag1.0%cu0.5% and c/ag1.0%cu1.0%. The produced filters were tested (with tap water) relative to the physical-chemicals parameters (color, turbidity, ph, chlorine, hardness, total dissolved solids and metals) according to regulation abnt nbr 16098:2012 and remained within the acceptable range for human consumption (directive 2914:2011 and abnt nbr 16098:2012). As for the determination of the concentration of leached metals to water during the passage through the filter, flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry was used and all the determined results remained within the acceptable range for human consumption, according to directive 2914:2011 and ABNT NBR 16098:2012. Thus, the activated carbon produced can be used in water treatment for removing/inactivation viral

    Spatial and temporal fluctuation of phytoplankton functional groups in a tropical reservoir - doi: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v35i3.12988

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    Along the horizontal axis of reservoirs are generally recognized three zones (fluvial, transition and lacustrine) with distinct hydrodynamic and physical, chemical and biological properties. Quarterly samplings were conducted in 2002, in the limnetic region from each zone, at different depths of a tropical reservoir. To test the hypothesis that highest biomass (biovolume) of phytoplankton are found in the transition zone, the PERMANOVA analysis was realized. 106 taxa were recorded. Significant differences between biovolume values of the three zones were not verified (pseudo F = 0,89; p = 0,55). Higher values of biomass were obtained in lacustrine and transition zones of the reservoir. The functional group (FG) N (Cosmarium spp.) was dominant in these zones, in rain period, and related to low phosphorus concentration, high transparency and water column stability. Low biovolume values in reservoir characterized oligotrophic conditions in all zones of the reservoir, most of the period. The dominance of FGs Y, Lo, E, P and A, as evidenced by the CCA, was associated with low light availability and higher nutrients concentrations.


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    Materiais antibacterianos para aplicação na purificação de água foram produzidos a partir de carvão ativado suportados com nanopartículas (NPs) de prata (Ag) e cobre (Cu). Os materiais foram produzidos utilizando-se o método de impregnação a vácuo com soluções aquosas dos sais metálicos de nitrato de prata (AgNO3) e sulfato de cobre (CuSO4.5H2O) em diferentes concentrações, seguido da etapa de decomposição térmica para síntese das NPs de Ag e Cu no carvão ativado. A caracterização textural dos materiais foi realizada através de técnicas de medidas de área superficial específica BET, área de microporos (método t) e volume e diâmetro de poros (método HK); a caracterização estrutural foi realizada por análises de Difratometria de Raios-X (DRX) e a caracterização morfológica por Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão (MET). Os materiais produzidos em diferentes concentrações: C/Ag 0,3 % Cu 1,0 %, C/Ag 0,3 % e C/Cu 1,0 %, foram avaliados em relação à atividade antibacteriana contra as bactérias Escherichia coli em filtros de purificação de água, conforme estabelecido pela norma ABNT NBR 16098:2012, nas condições de 5 % e 95 % da vida útil do filtro. Os materiais modificados somente com NPs de Ag (C/Ag 0,3 %) e NPs de Cu (C/Cu 1,0 %) mostraram uma atividade antibacteriana inferior a 2 log de remoção de (1,36 log/1,07 log) e (1,31 log/0,94 log), respectivamente. Em contrapartida, o material produzido com a combinação de NPs de Ag e Cu (C/Ag 0,3 %Cu 1,0 %) mostrou uma elevada atividade antibacteriana (4,91 log/ 3,75 log), inibindo completamente o crescimento bacteriano e, por conseguinte, este pode ser considerado como potencial material antibacteriano na purificação da água.AbstractAntibacterial material for application in drinking water purification were produced from activated carbon supported with nanoparticles (NPs) of silver (Ag) and copper (Cu). The materials were produced using vacuum impregnation method with aqueous solutions of metallic salts of silver nitrate (AgNO3) and copper sulfate (CuSO4.5H2O) in different concentrations, followed by thermal decomposition step for synthesis of NPs (Ag) and NPs (Cu) on activated carbon. The textural characterization was carried out by measurements techniques of BET specific surface area, micropore area (t method) and pore volume and diameter (HK method); the structural characterization was performed by Diffraction X-Ray analysis (XRD) and morphological characterization by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The produced materials in different concentrations: C/Ag 0,3 % Cu 1,0 %, C/Ag 0,3 % and C/Cu 1,0 %, were evaluated for antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli in water purification filters according to standard ABNT NBR 16098:2012, under the conditions of 5 % and 95 % of the filter life. The modified materials with single NPs of Ag (C/Ag 0,3 %) and NPs of Cu (C/Cu 1,0 %) showed an antibacterial activity less than 2 log reduction (1.36 log / 1.07 log) and ( 1.31 log / log 0.94), respectively. However, the produced material with combination of NPs of Ag and Cu (C/Ag 0,3 % Cu 1,0 %) showed a high antibacterial activity (4.91 log / 3.75 log ) completely inhibiting the bacterial growth, and therefore, this can be considered as potential antibacterial material for water purification

    Water Permeability Increase in Ultrafiltration Cellulose Acetate Membrane Containing Silver Nanoparticles

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    <div><p>Inorganic nanoparticles incorporation in polymer membranes for filtration processes has attracted the attention of researchers in order to improve in some ways their performance. In this work, AgNPs were synthesized "in situ" in cellulose acetate (CA) membrane by chemical reduction of a silver salt. The membranes were prepared by the nonsolvent induced phase inversion method. Asymmetric membranes without (CA-M) and with adsorbed AgNPs (CA-Ag-M) were obtained. Ultrafiltration properties were confirmed for both membranes (16 nm of average pore diameter) and average crystallite size of 21 nm for the adsorbed AgNPs was computed. Contact angle measured with Milli-Q water and dry CA-Ag-M is near zero while for the CA-M is around 80°. The CA-M showed water permeability of 214 Lh-1m-2, while the CA-Ag-M permeability was 1651 Lh-1m-2.</p></div