24 research outputs found

    Correlation of lifetime progress of atherosclerosis and morphologic markers of severity in humans: new tools for a more sensitive evaluation

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    OBJECTIVES: To describe the morphological features of atherosclerosis in the aortas of autopsied patients (ranging from young adults to the elderly), thus providing new tools for a more sensitive morphological evaluation. METHOD: We collected 141 aorta samples. We assessed the macroscopic degree of atherosclerosis, thickness of the intima and media, lipid and collagen depositions in the intima, and the infiltration of mast cells into the layers of the aorta. We correlated the findings with gender, age, race and cause of death. RESULTS: The degree of atherosclerosis was significantly higher in the elderly. The aorta was thicker in the elderly and in cases with a cardiovascular cause of death. The thickness of the intima was significantly greater in the elderly, in males and in cases with a cardiovascular cause of death. The lipid content in the intima of the aorta was significantly higher in Caucasians. Older people and men had a significantly higher number of mast cells. CONCLUSION: A macroscopic evaluation is a good indicator of the severity of atherosclerosis, but a more detailed analysis, namely evaluating the thickness of the layers of the aorta and the number of mast cells, may further elucidate the changes in the constituents of this vessel


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    Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo o estudo de filtros de carvão ativado modificados com nanopartículas de prata e cobre. Para a impregnação dos metais na superfície do carvão ativado foi utilizado o método de impregnação por excesso de solvente nas concentrações de C/Ag0,5%, C/Ag1,0%, C/Cu0,5%, C/Cu1,0%, C/Ag0,5%Cu0,5%, C/Ag0,5%Cu1,0%, C/Ag1,0%Cu0,5% e C/Ag1,0%Cu1,0%. Os filtros produzidos foram testados (com água da torneira) quanto aos parâmetros físico-químicos (cor, turbidez, pH, cloro, dureza, sólidos dissolvidos totais e metais) de acordo com a Norma ABNT NBR 16098:2012 e permaneceram dentro da faixa de aceitação para o consumo humano (Portaria 2914:2011 e ABNT NBR 16098:2012). Para a determinação da concentração dos metais lixiviados para água durante a passagem pelo filtro foi utilizada a absorção atômica de chama, todos os resultados obtidos permaneceram dentro da faixa de aceitação para o consumo humano de acordo com a Portaria 2914:2011 e ABNT NBR 16098:2012. Sendo assim, o carvão ativado produzido poderá ser aplicado no tratamento de água na remoção/inativação viral.AbstractThis research aimed at studying filters of activated carbon modified with silver and copper nanoparticles. For the purpose of metal impregnation on the surface of activated carbon, it was utilized the excess solvent impregnation method at concentrations of c/ag0.5%, c/ag1.0%, c/cu0.5%, c/cu1.0%, c/ag0.5%cu0.5%, c/ag0.5%cu1.0%, c/ag1.0%cu0.5% and c/ag1.0%cu1.0%. The produced filters were tested (with tap water) relative to the physical-chemicals parameters (color, turbidity, ph, chlorine, hardness, total dissolved solids and metals) according to regulation abnt nbr 16098:2012 and remained within the acceptable range for human consumption (directive 2914:2011 and abnt nbr 16098:2012). As for the determination of the concentration of leached metals to water during the passage through the filter, flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry was used and all the determined results remained within the acceptable range for human consumption, according to directive 2914:2011 and ABNT NBR 16098:2012. Thus, the activated carbon produced can be used in water treatment for removing/inactivation viral

    Educomunicação e suas áreas de intervenção: Novos paradigmas para o diálogo intercultural

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    oai:omp.abpeducom.org.br:publicationFormat/1O material aqui divulgado representa, em essência, a contribuição do VII Encontro Brasileiro de Educomunicação ao V Global MIL Week, da UNESCO, ocorrido na ECA/USP, entre 3 e 5 de novembro de 2016. Estamos diante de um conjunto de 104 papers executivos, com uma média de entre 7 e 10 páginas, cada um. Com este rico e abundante material, chegamos ao sétimo e-book publicado pela ABPEducom, em seus seis primeiros anos de existência. A especificidade desta obra é a de trazer as “Áreas de Intervenção” do campo da Educomunicação, colocando-as a serviço de uma meta essencial ao agir educomunicativo: o diálogo intercultural, trabalhado na linha do tema geral do evento internacional: Media and Information Literacy: New Paradigms for Intercultural Dialogue

    Quality of life of individuals with stroke and their caregivers in a city of Triângulo Mineiro

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    Objective: To compare the quality of life (QoL) of individuals with stroke and their caregivers. Methods: This is an observational cross-sectional survey, involving 83 individuals who suffered a stroke. The participants were divided into four groups: group of individuals with stroke who have caregivers (44), group of individuals with stroke without caregivers (39), group of caregivers (44) and a reference group (83) in the period of March to May 2010. To assess QoL, the instrument used was the WHOQOL-bref. Results: The highest scores for the four fields were observed increasingly for the group of individuals with stroke with caregivers, the stroke group without caregivers followed by the group of caregivers and the reference group. The comparison of scores between groups showed that the presence of stroke and the fact of being caregiver affect QoL in all domains of WHOQOL-bref. Conclusion: It was possible to understand the negative impact that stroke causes in the lives of the affected ones and their caregivers, in order to better target public health policies

    Memória étnica em comunidade indígena: cultura, identidade e história

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    The project sought to lead the rescue of stories / tales and community knowledge memory through a collaborative research developed in partnership with indigenous teachers in place, aiming to strengthen and highlight the indigenous protagonism yesterday and today, in community building through the memory register. The project had as results the identification and registration of interesting aspects of the history and culture of the residents groups in the hamlet and allowed a debate on the resignification of facts and historical characters. Join, too, that the memory register methodology, as systematized in the project, is being used as a teaching methodology in this particular school.O projeto estimulou o resgate da memória de histórias/estórias e saberes da comunidade, através de uma pesquisa colaborativa desenvolvida em parceria com os professores indígenas do local, objetivando fortalecer e evidenciar o protagonismo indígena, ontem e hoje, na construção da comunidade, através do registro de memória. O projeto teve como resultados a identificação e registro de interessantes aspectos da história e da cultura dos grupos moradores na aldeia, bem como possibilitou um debate sobre a ressignificação de fatos e personagens históricos. Registra-se, também, que a metodologia do registro de memória, conforme sistematizado no projeto, está sendo utilizado como metodologia didática na escola em questão

    Effects of Cashew Nut (Anacardium occidentale L.) Seed Flour in Moderately Malnourished Children: Randomized Clinical Trial

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    The monitoring and combined use of dietary supplements to restore adequate growth are paramount and highly recommended in child malnutrition, an important public health problem. The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of cashew nut seed flour in children with moderate malnutrition, treated at primary healthcare services. This is a randomized clinical trial conducted from April to October 2017 in the city of Imperatriz, Brazil. The sample comprised 30 children born at term, aged between 2 and 5 years, and newly diagnosed with malnutrition (60 days or less), randomized into experimental and control groups. The intervention consisted of daily intake of cashew nut seed flour. There was intragroup statistically significant difference in the glucose levels of children who were assigned to the control group (p=0.02) and in the glycated hemoglobin in the experimental group (p<0.01). Intergroup analysis of glycated hemoglobin levels showed statistically significant differences in favor of the experimental group (p=0.01). HDL and LDL had, respectively, increased and decreased in the experimental group. The use of cashew nut seed flour in a 24-week period had positive effects on glycated hemoglobin, HDL, and LDL parameters in moderately malnourished children

    Cacos de uma história: reconstituição das vasilhas guarani

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    The restoration of broken pottery vessels, of archaeological value, it has been a practice of the Laboratory of Archaeology Guarani FCT/ UNESP, since 1988. This practice aims for exhibition in museums, pieces that were in boxes in the technical reserves of museums, intended for ignorance. This activity assists in the exhibition of collections and thus enables disclose the history of Indians who lived in our area and now can no longer tell their stories through words. The screen in outreach activity is held with the support of PROEX to museums in the state of São Paulo, for free.O restauro de vasilhas cerâmicas quebradas, de valor arqueológico, tem sido uma prática do Laboratório de Arqueologia Guarani da FCT/UNESP, desde 1988. Essa prática visa colocar em exposição de museus, peças que antes estavam em caixas nas reservas técnicas dos museus e, assim, destinadas ao desconhecimento. Essa atividade auxilia na exposição de acervos e, dessa forma, possibilita divulgar a história de índios que viveram na nossa região e que hoje já não podem contar as suas histórias por meio de palavras. A atividade de extensão em tela é realizada com apoio da PROEX para museus do Estado de São Paulo, de forma gratuita