217 research outputs found

    The Freezing of Random RNA

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    We study secondary structures of random RNA molecules by means of a renormalized field theory based on an expansion in the sequence disorder. We show that there is a continuous phase transition from a molten phase at higher temperatures to a low-temperature glass phase. The primary freezing occurs above the critical temperature, with local islands of stable folds forming within the molten phase. The size of these islands defines the correlation length of the transition. Our results include critical exponents at the transition and in the glass phase.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figures. v2: presentation improve

    Ground-States of Two Directed Polymers

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    Joint ground states of two directed polymers in a random medium are investigated. Using exact min-cost flow optimization the true two-line ground-state is compared with the single line ground state plus its first excited state. It is found that these two-line configurations are (for almost all disorder configurations) distinct implying that the true two-line ground-state is non-separable, even with 'worst-possible' initial conditions. The effective interaction energy between the two lines scales with the system size with the scaling exponents 0.39 and 0.21 in 2D and 3D, respectively.Comment: 19 pages RevTeX, figures include

    Evolutionary games and quasispecies

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    We discuss a population of sequences subject to mutations and frequency-dependent selection, where the fitness of a sequence depends on the composition of the entire population. This type of dynamics is crucial to understand the evolution of genomic regulation. Mathematically, it takes the form of a reaction-diffusion problem that is nonlinear in the population state. In our model system, the fitness is determined by a simple mathematical game, the hawk-dove game. The stationary population distribution is found to be a quasispecies with properties different from those which hold in fixed fitness landscapes.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Typos corrected, references updated. An exact solution for the hawks-dove game is provide

    Directed polymers in high dimensions

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    We study directed polymers subject to a quenched random potential in d transversal dimensions. This system is closely related to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation of nonlinear stochastic growth. By a careful analysis of the perturbation theory we show that physical quantities develop singular behavior for d to 4. For example, the universal finite size amplitude of the free energy at the roughening transition is proportional to (4-d)^(1/2). This shows that the dimension d=4 plays a special role for this system and points towards d=4 as the upper critical dimension of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang problem.Comment: 37 pages REVTEX including 4 PostScript figure

    Vicinal Surfaces and the Calogero-Sutherland Model

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    A miscut (vicinal) crystal surface can be regarded as an array of meandering but non-crossing steps. Interactions between the steps are shown to induce a faceting transition of the surface between a homogeneous Luttinger liquid state and a low-temperature regime consisting of local step clusters in coexistence with ideal facets. This morphological transition is governed by a hitherto neglected critical line of the well-known Calogero-Sutherland model. Its exact solution yields expressions for measurable quantities that compare favorably with recent experiments on Si surfaces.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, 2 figures (.eps

    Comment on "Superinstantons and the Reliability of Perturbation Theory in Non-Abelian Models"

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    In a recent letter (hep-lat/9311019) A. Patrascioiu and E. Seiler argued that when taking into account "superinstantons configurations" the perturbative expansion and the beta-function of the two-dimensional non-linear sigma-model are modified at two loops order. I point out that: (1) perturbation theory in a superinstanton background is infra-red singular beyond three loops; (2) the new infra-red singular terms, which change the two loop terms, come from singular operators - describing superinstanton insertions - in the OPE; (3) taking into account these operators, the beta-function is not modified. Therefore the results of Patrascioiu and Seiler do not contradict perturbation theory.Comment: 1 page, REVTeX, no figure

    Polymers with Randomness: Phases and Phase Transitions

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    We discuss various aspects of the randomly interacting directed polymers with emphasis on the phases and phase transition. We also discuss the behaviour of overlaps of directed paths in a random medium.Comment: Invited talk at StatPhys, Calcutta 1995, to appear in Physica A; REVTEX, 2 figures on request (email: [email protected]

    New Criticality of 1D Fermions

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    One-dimensional massive quantum particles (or 1+1-dimensional random walks) with short-ranged multi-particle interactions are studied by exact renormalization group methods. With repulsive pair forces, such particles are known to scale as free fermions. With finite mm-body forces (m = 3,4,...), a critical instability is found, indicating the transition to a fermionic bound state. These unbinding transitions represent new universality classes of interacting fermions relevant to polymer and membrane systems. Implications for massless fermions, e.g. in the Hubbard model, are also noted. (to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett.)Comment: 10 pages (latex), with 2 figures (not included

    On Growth, Disorder, and Field Theory

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    This article reviews recent developments in statistical field theory far from equilibrium. It focuses on the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation of stochastic surface growth and its mathematical relatives, namely the stochastic Burgers equation in fluid mechanics and directed polymers in a medium with quenched disorder. At strong stochastic driving -- or at strong disorder, respectively -- these systems develop nonperturbative scale-invariance. Presumably exact values of the scaling exponents follow from a self-consistent asymptotic theory. This theory is based on the concept of an operator product expansion formed by the local scaling fields. The key difference to standard Lagrangian field theory is the appearance of a dangerous irrelevant coupling constant generating dynamical anomalies in the continuum limit.Comment: review article, 50 pages (latex), 10 figures (eps), minor modification of original versio

    Quantized Scaling of Growing Surfaces

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    The Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class of stochastic surface growth is studied by exact field-theoretic methods. From previous numerical results, a few qualitative assumptions are inferred. In particular, height correlations should satisfy an operator product expansion and, unlike the correlations in a turbulent fluid, exhibit no multiscaling. These properties impose a quantization condition on the roughness exponent χ\chi and the dynamic exponent zz. Hence the exact values χ=2/5,z=8/5\chi = 2/5, z = 8/5 for two-dimensional and χ=2/7,z=12/7\chi = 2/7, z = 12/7 for three-dimensional surfaces are derived.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, no figure
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