3 research outputs found

    Autonomous Forest Vehicles: Historic, envisioned, and state-of-the-art

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    The feasibility of using autonomous forest vehicles (which can be regarded as logical developments in the ongoing automation of forest machines), the systems that could be applied in them, their potential advantages and limitations (in the foreseeable future) are considered in this paper. The goals were to analyze: 1) the factors influencing the degree of automation in logging; 2) the technical principles that can be applied to autonomous forest machines, and 3) the feasibility of developing an autonomous path-tracking forest vehicle. A type of vehicle that is believed to have considerable commercial potential is an autonomous forwarder. The degree of automation is influenced by increased productivity, the machine operator as a bottle-neck, cost reduction, and environmental aspects. Technical principles that can be applied to autonomous forest vehicles are satellite navigation, wheel odometry, laser scanner, and radar. A new path-tracking algorithm has been developed to reduce deviations from the desired path by utilizing the driver’s steering commands. The presented system has demonstrated both possibilities and difficulties associated with autonomous forest machines. A field study has shown that it is quite possible for them to learn and track a path previously demonstrated by an operator with an accuracy of 0.1 m on flat ground and also to detect and avoid unexpected obstacles. Although the forest machine safely avoids obstacles, the study shows that further research in the field of obstacle avoidance is needed to optimize performance and ensure safe operation in a real forest environment

    The most popular school management system comparison and implementation in comprehensive school in Latvia

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    Darbā tika pētītas dažādas skolvadības sistēmas un to popularitāte Latvijā. Tika aplūkotas vairākas skolvadības sistēmas definīcijas. Tika apskatītas konkrētas sistēmas Moodle, E-klase, ĢIS un Mykoob. Tika aplūkota labās prakses piemēru kopa, kas jāievēro, veidojot skolvadības sistēmas. Praktiskajā daļā tika ieinstalēta un praksē pārbaudīta Moodle sistēma vispārizglītojošā skolā. Tika izpētīti Moodle sistēmas uzturēšanas un ieviešanas dažādi aspekti. Rezultātā tika iegūta autora izveidota labās prakses piemēru kopa skolvadības sistēmas ieviešanai skolā, balstoties uz Moodle sistēmas ieviešanas piemēra.In this paper “The most popular school management system comparison and implementation in comprehensive school in Latvia” a variety of learning management systems and their popularity in Latvia were studied. Several definitions of learning management system were considered. The Moodle, “E-Klase” and Mykoob systems where analized. The possible examples of best practice guidelines to be followed when deploying a learning management system for school were analized. In the practical part the Moodle system was installed in a comprehensive school and was tested with high school students. Moodle system maintenance and implementation of various aspects where explored. In the result the set of best practices for implementation of school management system where obtained by the author based on the implementation example of Moodle platform