16 research outputs found

    Kisfaludi Strobl Zsigmond

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    Változatok egy témára : Árpád-házi Szent Erzsébet

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    The baroque art often illustrated the saints of the medieval ruling dinasty, the House of Arpad. In these pictures the saints were usually portrayed in fixed scheme. The prototype of the St. Elisabeth illustrations is the picture of Daniel Gran (Vienna, Karlskirche, 1757). In his study the author analyses the picture of another baroque painter, Giovanni Battista Pittoni (Bad Mergentheim, 18th century), which was a sample for the Hungarian illustrations

    A házi gondozók kihívásai a Covid19 első hulláma alatt

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    Jelen tanulmány azt vizsgálja, hogy milyen kihívásokkal szembesültek a házi gondozók a Covid19 világjárvány első hulláma alatt. A vizsgálat alapját egy online kérdőíves kutatás képezte, melyet 551 házi gondozó töltött ki. A cikkben a járványügyi szigorítások gondozókra gyakorolt hatását a változásra fókuszálva elemezzük a következő kutatási kérdések mentén: Milyen változásokat érzékeltek a gondozók feladataikban és gondozottjaik létszámában a járványügyi intézkedések bevezetése előtt és az azt követő hónap között? Milyen változást tapasztaltak a gondozáshoz kapott segítségben a pandémia kitörése előtt és a járvány első hulláma alatt? Hogyan változott a gondozók szubjektív leterheltsége és stressz-szintje? A vizsgálat főbb megállapításai: a gondozók több mint fele számolt be az ellátotti létszám csökkenéséről (27%) vagy növekedéséről (25%). A megkérdezettek 75%-a érezte úgy, hogy a járvány kitörése óta többlettevékenysége keletkezett, leginkább a szociális segítés (50%), a mentális támogatás (42%) és a gondozási tevékenységek (30%) területén. A gondozók több mint kétharmada jelentős stressz-szintemelkedést érzékelt a veszélyhelyzet kihirdetése előttihez képest. Feladataik ellátáshoz a veszélyhelyzet kihirdetése előtt és utána is a legtöbb segítséget a kollégáiktól (80%) és a gondozottak családjaitól (50% körül) kapták a válaszadók

    Are the Morphological Indices of the Vertebrobasilar System Heritable? A Twin Study Based on 3D Reconstructed Models

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    Background and Objectives: The asymmetrical vertebral artery (VA) flow and diameter are common findings, which can result in an asymmetrical blood flow in the basilar artery (BA), leading to bending of the artery over time. This study investigated whether the variation of the different vertebrobasilar morphological indices that influence flow characteristics might be inherited. Materials and Methods: We analyzed 200 cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of healthy Caucasian twins (100 pairs) who underwent time-of-flight MRI. From the scans, we reconstructed the 3D mesh of the posterior circulation from the start of the V4 segment to the basilar tip and subsequently analyzed the morphology of the vertebrobasilar system. The phenotypic covariances of the different morphological parameters were decomposed into heritability (A), shared (C), and unshared (E) environmental effects. Results: 39% of the twins had left dominant VA, while 32.5% had right dominant. In addition, 28.5% were classified as equal. The vertebral artery V4 segment diameter, curvature, and tortuosity were mainly influenced by shared (C) and unshared (E) environmental factors. A moderate heritability was found for the BA length (A: 63%; 95% CI: 45.7–75.2%; E: 37%; 95% CI: 24.8–54.3%) and volume (A: 60.1%; 95% CI: 42.4–73.2%; E: 39.9%; 95% CI: 26.8–57.6%), while the torsion of both arteries showed no heritability and were only influenced by the unshared environment. Conclusions: The length and volume of the BA show a moderate genetical influence. However, most of the measured morphological indices were influenced by shared and unshared factors, which highlight the role of the ever-changing hemodynamic influences shaping the geometry of the vertebrobasilar system

    Lumbar spine abnormalities in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea

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    Abstract Previous studies suggested cervical spondylosis as a risk factor for development of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). We aimed to assess lumbar disc degeneration in patients with OSA and correlate the findings with symptoms and disease severity. Twenty-seven patients with OSA and 29 non-OSA controls underwent sleep studies and lumbar magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and completed the Epworth Sleepiness Scale and the 24-item Roland‐Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ) questionnaires. Plasma klotho was determined with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Patients with OSA had higher number of disc bulges (4.6 ± 3.7 vs. 1.7 ± 2.5, p  0.05). Markers of OSA severity, including the oxygen desaturation index and percentage of total sleep time spent with saturation < 90% as well as plasma levels of klotho were correlated with the number of disc bulges and anterior spondylophytes (all p < 0.05). OSA is associated with lumbar spondylosis. Our study highlights the importance of lumbar imaging in patients with OSA reporting lower back pain

    HUNCHEST-II contributes to a shift to earlier-stage lung cancer detection: final results of a nationwide screening program

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    The introduction of low-dose CT (LDCT) altered the landscape of lung cancer (LC) screening and contributed to the reduction of mortality rates worldwide. Here we report the final results of HUNCHEST-II, the largest population-based LDCT screening program in Hungary, including the screening and diagnostic outcomes, and the characteristics of the LC cases.A total of 4215 high-risk individuals aged between 50 and 75 years with a smoking history of at least 25 pack-years were assigned to undergo LDCT screening. Screening outcomes were determined based on the volume, growth, and volume doubling time of pulmonary nodules or masses. The clinical stage distribution of screen-detected cancers was compared with two independent practice-based databases consisting of unscreened LC patients.The percentage of negative and indeterminate tests at baseline were 74.2% and 21.7%, respectively, whereas the prevalence of positive LDCT results was 4.1%. Overall, 76 LC patients were diagnosed throughout the screening rounds (1.8% of total participants), out of which 62 (1.5%) patients were already identified in the first screening round. The overall positive predictive value of a positive test was 58%. Most screen-detected malignancies were stage I LCs (60.7%), and only 16.4% of all cases could be classified as stage IV disease. The percentage of early-stage malignancies was significantly higher among HUNCHEST-II screen-detected individuals than among the LC patients in the National Koranyi Institute of Pulmonology's archive or the Hungarian Cancer Registry (p < 0.001).HUNCHEST-II demonstrates that LDCT screening for LC facilitates early diagnosis, thus arguing in favor of introducing systematic LC screening in Hungary.HUNCHEST-II is the so-far largest population-based low-dose CT screening program in Hungary. A positive test's overall positive predictive value was 58%, and most screen-detected malignancies were early-stage lesions. These results pave the way for expansive systematic screening in the region.• Conducted in 18 medical facilities, HUNCHEST-II is the so far largest population-based low-dose CT screening program in Hungary. • The vast majority of screen-detected malignancies were early-stage lung cancers, and the overall positive predictive value of a positive test was 58%. • HUNCHEST-II facilitates early diagnosis, thus arguing in favor of introducing systematic lung cancer screening in Hungary