20 research outputs found

    Méhnyakszűrés Magyarországon – epidemiológiai, történeti és módszertani vonatkozások = Cervical cancer screening in Hungary – epidemiological, historical and methodological aspects

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    A méhnyakrák kérdése újból előtérbe került, mivel előfordulása és halálozása hazánkban, az európai átlaghoz képest, magas. Annak ellenére, hogy a XXI. században már egyetlen nőnek sem szabadna méhnyakrák következtében elhaláloznia, a betegség Magyarországon napjainkban is évente csaknem 500 nő életét követeli. A méhnyakrák általában a transzformációs zónában (squamocolumnaris junctio) alakul ki hosszú évek alatt, metaplasia talaján. Ennélfogva a rákmegelőző állapotok felismerhetők és sikerrel kezelhetők még az invazív folyamat kialakulása előtt. A közlemény szerzői a méhnyakszűrés néhány epidemiológiai, történeti és metodikai vonatkozását foglalják össze. Orv. Hetil., 2011, 152, 2063–2066. | The issue of cervical cancer has been raised again recently, as opposed to other states of the European Union our country shows a high incidence and mortality rate of cervical carcinoma. Although in the 21st century not a single woman should die of cervical cancer, cervical cancer claims the lives of approximately 500 women in Hungary annually until this day. The most typical point of development is where the columnar epithelium of the cervical canal and the squamous epithelium of the uterine cervix meet, the so called transformation zone (squamocolumnar junction). The disease is a several year long process of squamous epithelium metaplasia. This is what provides the opportunity for screening, as by recognizing the lesion in a precancerous state, treatment is possible prior to the development of a tumor. Authors review some epidemiological, historical and methodological issues related to cervical cancer screening. Orv. Hetil., 2011, 152, 2063–2066

    A legjelentősebb angiogeneticus gének méhlepényi expressziójának változásai a méhen belüli növekedési visszamaradás hátterében

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    Placental vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A) gene and endoglin gene are both overexpressed in placental samples obtained from pregnancies with intrauterine growth restriction compared to normal pregnancies. In the background of these changes a mechanism can be supposed, in which the increased endoglin activity in intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) leads to impaired placental circulation through an antioangiogenetic effect. This results in the development of placental vascular dysfunction and chronic fetal hypoxia. It is chronic hypoxia that turns on VEGF-A as a compensatory mechanism to improve fetal vascular blood supply by promoting placental blood vessel formation. Although the maternal serum placental growth factor (PlGF) level is a potential predictor for both IUGR and praeeclampsia, placental PlGF gene activity may be less of an active in the regulation of placental circulation in IUGR pregnancies during the later stages of gestation. Orv. Hetil., 2017, 158(16), 612-617

    Nursing homes and the elderly regarding the COVID-19 pandemic: situation report from Hungary

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    The global impact of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic is significant in terms of public health effects and its long-term socio-economic implications. Among all social groups, the elderly is by far the most affected age group regarding morbidity and mortality. In multiple countries spanning several continents, there are an increasing number of reports referencing the novel coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) spread among nursing homes. These areas are now recognized as potent hotspots regarding the pandemic, which one considers with special regard. Herein, we present currently available data of fatal COVID-19 cases throughout Hungary, along with the analysis of the co-morbidity network. We also report on viral genomic data originating from a nursing home resident. The genomic data was used for viral haplotype network analysis. We emphasize the urgent need for public health authorities to focus on nursing homes and residential service units worldwide, especially in the care of the elderly and infirmed. Our results further emphasize the recent statement released by the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding the vulnerability among seniors and especially the high risk of COVID-19 emergence throughout nursing and social homes

    Multiple SARS-CoV-2 Introductions Shaped the Early Outbreak in Central Eastern Europe: Comparing Hungarian Data to a Worldwide Sequence Data-Matrix

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    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 is the third highly pathogenic human coronavirus in history. Since the emergence in Hubei province, China, during late 2019, the situation evolved to pandemic level. Following China, Europe was the second epicenter of the pandemic. To better comprehend the detailed founder mechanisms of the epidemic evolution in Central-Eastern Europe, particularly in Hungary, we determined the full-length SARS-CoV-2 genomes from 32 clinical samples collected from laboratory confirmed COVID-19 patients over the first month of disease in Hungary. We applied a haplotype network analysis on all available complete genomic sequences of SARS-CoV-2 from GISAID database as of 21 April 2020. We performed additional phylogenetic and phylogeographic analyses to achieve the recognition of multiple and parallel introductory events into our region. Here, we present a publicly available network imaging of the worldwide haplotype relations of SARS-CoV-2 sequences and conclude the founder mechanisms of the outbreak in Central-Eastern Europe

    Szélsőjobboldali és nyilas mozgalmak Debrecenben a 30-as évektől a szovjet megszállásig

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    A szakdolgozatban bemutatásra kerül a Horthy-korszak szélsőjobboldali mozgalmai és debreceni tevékenységük. A vizsgálat tárgyát képezte továbbá, a nemzetiszocialista táboron belüli viszonyok, valamint kapcsolatuk más politikai csoportokkal. Ismertetésre kerül, milyen hatást gyakorolt a szélsőjobboldal a debreceni közéletre és mely társadalmi rétegeket tudtak megszólítani. Mindezek mellett, a cívisváros politikai küzdelmei is megjelennek a dolgozatban a 30-as évek elejétől a szovjet csapatok bevonulásáig.MSc/MATörténelemB