97 research outputs found

    A Fed hatása az állampapírkamatra – A Fed-kamatdöntések befolyása a magyar és más feltörekvő piacok államkötvényhozamára

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    Az olyan jelentős államadóssággal küzdő országok számára, mint a 2000-es években eladósított Magyarország, komoly mozgásteret jelent, ha az adósság kamatain meg tud takarítani. Azonban a kis, nyitott gazdasági státuszból következő világgazdasági függőség az államkötvénypiacon is kiszolgáltatottá teszi a gazdaságpolitikát. Számos területen tapasztalhatjuk, hogy ha az Egyesült Államok „tüsszent”, a feltörekvő gazdaságok „megfáznak”. A többszörösen igazolt feltevést jelen tanulmány a megváltozott világgazdasági környezetben teszteli tizenegy országra – köztük Magyarországra –, nevezetesen azt, hogy a Fed kamata befolyásoló erővel bír a feltörekvő gazdaságok államkötvénykamatára. A nemzetközi kamattranszmisszió fogalomkörébe helyezett regressziós és kauzalitáselemzéssel vizsgáljuk a determináltságot. Azon túl, hogy kimutatjuk a kamattranszmisszió létét, megállapítjuk azt is, hogy különböző földrajzi tér és időhorizont esetén eltérő ez a befolyás, sőt extrém helyzetben meg is szűnhet

    Myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma: investigations by comparative genomic hybridization of two cases and review of the literature

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    Myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma (MIFS) is a rare low-grade sarcoma of the distal extremities characterized by a myxohyaline stroma, a dense inflammatory infiltrate and virocyte- and lipoblast-like giant cells. Up to now, only two cases have been investigated cytogenetically, showing complex and heterogeneous karyotypes, in part with supernumerary ring chromosomes. We characterized two further cases of MIFS immunohistochemically and performed comparative genomic hybridization as well as DNA image cytometry analyses. Both tumors showed the characteristic histomorphological pattern of MIFS and were positive for Vimentin and CD68. Moreover, both cases presented aberrant karyotypes including distinct DNA copy number changes involving chromosome 7 and disclosed DNA aneuploid

    Overview of motion and presence detection systems used in smart lighting systems

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    The article describes stages of design of smart lighting systems. Advantages and disadvantages of detectors used in smart lighting systems are stressed with the purpose of further development of these systems. Ambient factors, which affect the detection system, were analyzed and consequent conservation measures were proposed

    Transforming Traditions of Material Culture : Spatial and temporal patterns in pottery style, production and use during the second half of the 6th millennium cal BC in south-eastern Transdanubia and beyond

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    International audienceOne of the most salient traits of a major milestone in European history, the shift to a Neolithic life-style in Central Europe and the associated social changes, was the emergence of pottery production. The main goal of the research project described here is the study of Neolithic pottery production from a complex perspec- tive and the addressing of the associated distinctive social activity types and potential range of meanings during the period from the late Starčevo to the appearance of the Lengyel culture (5500–4900 cal BC). The springboard for our project was the series of intensely investigated sites in southern Transdanubia, a region that acted as a contact zone between the Neolithic communities of Central Europe and the northern Balkans, and thus played a key role in the neolithisation of Central Europe. The research findings from this region are complemented and compared with the data from various sites along the Danube. Aside from our academic colleagues, our research results can be of interest to the broader public too, and our reconstruc- tions of various artefacts and the documentation of our archaeological experiments can be later used as illustrations to museum exhibits. The expected results can be fitted into the broad picture outlined by other research conducted on these sites and offer an exceptionally detailed picture of how the region’s settlements developed during the second half of the 6th millennium BC

    Система управления автономного охранного квадрокоптера

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    Разработана архитектура аппаратного обеспечения автономного охранного квадрокоптера, выполнена его сборка. Разработана программная архитектура системы управления автономного охранного квадрокоптера, а также алгоритм работы и его программная реализация.The hardware architecture of the autonomous security Quadrocopter was developed and its assembly was performed. The software architecture of the control system of the autonomous security quadcopter is developed, as well as the algorithm of operation and its software implementation

    Определение объема вычислительных экспериментов при решении задач оптимизационного синтеза динамических систем методом ПЛП-поиска

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    Даются рекомендации по выбору необходимого числа машинных экспериментов при решении конкретных задач исследования и оптимального проектирования методом ПЛП-поиска, позволяющего осуществлять глобальный квазиравномерный просмотр заданной области варьируемых параметров и применить формальные оценки из математической статистики.Recommendations about the choice of necessary number of machine experiments at the solution of specific objectives of a research and optimum design are made by method of the PLP-search allowing to carry out global quasi uniform viewing of the set area of the varied parameters and to apply formal estimates from mathematical statistics