36 research outputs found

    Evidence for suppression of collective magnetism in Fe-Ag granular multilayers

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    Evidence for the suppression of collective magnetic behavior of dipolarly interacting Fe nanoparticles is found in Fe-Ag granular multilayers. Interaction of Fe particles located in neighboring Fe layers is studied as a function of the nominal thickness of the Ag layer in between only two Fe layers. The surprisingly increasing interaction with increasing Ag-layer thickness, verified by memory-effect measurements, is explained by the formation of pinholes in the Ag layer at small Ag thicknesses, allowing direct ferromagnetic coupling between Fe particles in neighboring Fe layers which may hinder the frustration of superspins favored by dipolar interactions. At larger Ag thicknesses, the Ag layer is continuous without pinholes and frustration leads to the appearance of the superspin-glass state. The effect of increasing interactions correlates well with the growing deviation at low temperatures of the measured field-cooled (FC) magnetization from the interaction-free FC curve calculated by a model based on the relaxation of two-level systems. Similar phenomenon is reported in a recently published paper (S\'anchez et al., Small 2022, 18, 2106762) where a dense nanoparticle system is studied. The collective magnetic behavior of the particles due to dipolar interactions is suppressed when the anisotropy energy of the individual particles exceeds a certain threshold.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Benchmark on the Taxation Administrations in the EU: Competition for Capital Invested

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    In the year of 2007 Budapest Tech, Department of Enterprise Management in cooperation with Széchenyi István University, Department of Logistics and Forwarding started a project on the establishment of new transporting companies in Bulgaria and Romania. We focused on the differences between the countries newly joined the European Union on January 1, 2007 and Hungary. The latest enlargement of the EU was a good chance to examine the new countries what advantages and disadvantages they have. EU member countries are in free competition with each other because of the free flow of goods, capital, services and labour. Countries with different tax environment and policies open up new opportunities for companies. Data, tax rates, contributions and any fees mentioned in this working paper refer to the year of the project mentioned above.Bulgaria, Romania, tax environment, transportation, wages, contributions

    Szuperferromágnesség nanoszerkezetekben = Superferromagnetism in nanostructures

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    Izolált, nem-kölcsönható mágneses részecskék szuperparamágneses viselkedést mutatnak akkor, amikor a termikus energia meghaladja a részecske mágneses anizotrópia energiáját, azaz az un. blocking hőmérséklet felett. A részecskék koncentrációjának, azaz kölcsönhatásának növelésével komplex mágneses állapotok jönnek létre, amelyek a spinüveg állapottól az un. ""szuperferromágneses"" állapotig terjednek. Utóbbi a részecskék közötti erős kölcsönhatás okozta mágneses momentum rendeződés. Külső mágneses tér jelentősen megváltoztatja a minta mágneses állapotát és kutatásaink célja a mágnesesen korrelált állapotok tanulmányozása a mágneses szemcsék méretének és pakolási sűrűségének függvényében. Igen vékony (1 nm körüli illetve vékonyabb) Fe/Al és Fe/Ag multirétegeket, nem-stöichimetrikus Fe0.5+xAl0.5-x (x=0-0.1) ötvözetek mechanikai őrlésével előállított porokat és részben kristályosított, különböző elemekkel (Cr, Co, stb.) hígitott FeZrCuB amorf ötvözetek Fe-Co szemcséinek mágneses viselkedését tanulmányoztuk. Mössbauer méréseket végeztünk a szobahőmérsékletű 6 kG elektromágneses mérések mellett 4.2 - 300 K között 7 T külső mágneses térig, a mágneses mérésekre pedig egy 5 T-ás SQUID magnetométert használtunk. | The superparamagnetic behaviour of isolated (non-interacting) magnetic particles is well known in the case when the thermal energy exceeds the magnetic anisotropy energy (i.e. when the temperature is higher than the so-called blocking temperature). As the volume fraction of the particles increases the interaction among the particles is enhanced which results in complex magnetic structures spanning from the spin glass behaviour to superferromagnetism. The latter is the ordering of the particle magnetic moments caused by the strong interaction of the particles. The aim of the present research is to study the correlated magnetic states as a function of the size and packing fraction of the magnetic particles. Ultra-thin Fe/Al and Fe/Ag multilayers, ball-milled off-stoichiometric Fe0.5+xAl0.5-x (x=0-0.1) alloys and partially crystallized amorphous FeZrBCu alloys diluted by Cr, Co, etc. were the investigated systems. Mössbauer measurements between 4.2 and 300 K and up to 7 T external magnetic fields, further measurements in a 6 kG electromagnet at 300 K and SQUID magnetic measurement were performed

    Multiréteg struktúrák mágneses tulajdonságai = Magnetic properties of multilayer structures

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    A nanométeres skálájú szerkezet, a határfelületi keveredés és a mágneses tulajdonságok kapcsolatát tanulmányoztuk Fe-Al és Fe-Ag multirétegekben és nano-kompozitokban. Az ultravékony rétegvastagságú Fe-Al multirétegekben tapasztalt szokatlanul nagy mágneses anizotrópiát a két monoréteg vastagságú Fe tartományoknak tulajdonítottuk, miután ezek megjelenését az alacsony hőmérsékleten mért Fe hiperfinom terek alapján kimutattuk. A szuperparamágneses tulajdonságok alapján meghatároztuk a nem-folytonos Fe rétegű Fe-Ag multirétegekben található Fe szemcsék méretét. A tömbi mágnesség mérések és a lokális jellegű Mössbauer spektroszkópia hasonló eredményeket adott és ezekből arra következtettünk, hogy a Fe szemcsemérete csökken az Ag elválasztó réteg vastagságának növekedésével. Bizonyos szemcseméret alatt egy közel merőleges mágneses anizotrópiát tapasztaltunk, amiről megmutattuk, hogy független az olyan mechanikai feszültségektől, amely a hőtágulásból vagy fedőréteg alkalmazásából származik. A komponensek együttes párologtatásával készített Fe-Ag granuláris ötvözetek esetén azt találtuk, hogy a Fe szemcsék mérete ugyancsak a nanométeres tartományba esik, de merőleges mágneses anizotrópiát nem tapasztaltunk. Több mint két komponensű multirétegek esetén bevezettük a szekvencia permutált multirétegek gondolatát és alkalmaztuk arra, hogy a Fe réteg felső (Fe/B) és alsó (B/Fe) határrétegét vizsgáljuk Ag/Fe/B és Ag/B/Fe szekvencia permutált multiréteg párokban. | The connection between the nanoscale structure, the interface mixing and the magnetic properties were studied in Fe-Al and Fe-Ag multilayers and nanoscale composites. The unusually large magnetic anisotropy of ultrathin Fe-Al multilayers has been related to two monolayer thick Fe regions deduced from the low temperature Fe hyperfine fields. The size of Fe grains in Fe-Ag multilayers with discontinuous Fe layers could be determined from the superparamagnetic properties. Bulk magnetization and local Mössbauer spectroscopy measurements gave similar results and the decrease of the grain size with increasing Ag spacer thickness was deduced. Below certain grain-size a close to perpendicular magnetic anisotropy was observed, which was shown to be independent of mechanical stresses arising from heat dilatation or application of cover layer. Fe-Ag granular alloys prepared by co-evaporation of the components were found to contain Fe grains also in the nano-size range, but no perpendicular magnetic anisotropy could be observed. The notion of sequence permutated multilayers with more than two components was introduced and applied to investigate the top (Fe/B) and bottom (B/Fe) interfaces of Fe with B in Ag/Fe/B- and Ag/B/Fe sequence permutated multilayer pairs. The results show that both interfaces are amorphous, but B concentration of the top interface is higher

    Evaluation of the frost tolerance of Hungarian-bred walnut cultivars

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    At present very few walnut cultivars can be said to be cosmopolitan cultivars, grown widely in the walnut-producing countries of the world. Walnut (Juglans regia L.) has poor ecological adaptability, as its cultivation is greatly influenced by low temperatures during the winter dormancy period and in early spring. The breeding activities conducted in various countries are therefore of great significance. Choosing suitable locations for cultivation is of key importance if optimum yield stability is to be achieved. The introduction of foreign walnut cultivars regularly runs into problems if, despite their high yielding ability, they are unable to adapt to the Hungarian climate. In Hungary the most critical weather events for walnuts are the frequent frosts in early spring. Buds therefore need to burst late to avoid damage to the flowers. Many papers have dealt with the frost tolerance of stone fruit, but only limited information has been published on the frost tolerance of walnut. For the first time in Hungary, artificial freezing tests were performed in the present work to determine the frost tolerance of the cultivars available in Hungary. The results could be of service to Hungarian growers in choosing the most suitable cultivar

    Oenotourism and conservation: a holistic approach to special interest tourism from a cultural heritage perspective - the Azienda Agricola Model

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    In wine producing countries viticultural and oenological practices and traditions, trades and crafts, the built and written heritage, the history, social structures, economy, a number of intangible values and the viticultural landscape constitute the cultural heritage of a wine region. Thus, the touristic products of oenotourism are complex attractions with a substantial number of educational elements, such as on-site wine appreciation courses, organized wine excursions on well known wine routes, wine festivals, international sommelier days or agro-tourism in wine estates where tourists may have the opportunity to participate in the harvest and learn more about the wine making process. The main target groups of wine-tourism consist of educated, mostly middle aged people with reasonably good economy and a clear intention to learn more about the culture and history of the country and its viticultural areas in an informal, entertaining way. An increasing number of vintners expand their agribusiness with a complete product structure such as grape seed oil, grappa, fruit juice, cheese, olive oil, food supplements produced from grapes, accommodation facilities from bed and breakfast to hotels and restaurants, creating herewith ideal conditions for tourism, often utilizing the network of completing, additional tourist attractions in the neighbourhood. Special attention shall be paid to the organic viticulture and wine production based on the maintenance of ecological cycles in the vineyard, because it can be the basis of eco-wine tourism, and even wine-heritage tourism due to the revival of certain traditional cultivation methods, trades and crafts linked to the historical routes of the wine industry. In this study we analyze the main aspects of wine-heritage and the terroir as source for touristic product development and propose a model for micro-region based sustainable oenoturism and eco-oenotourism with increasing economical viability

    Heavy metal contamination in recorded and unrecorded spirits. Should we worry?

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    Heavy metals can be released into all alcoholic beverages during production and storage. However, there is at least a theoretical risk that they could be present in higher, and potentially toxic, concentrations in those produced in the household and small-scale stills common in Central and Eastern Europe, which lack quality control and whose products are unrecorded by authorities. Yet, so far, few studies comparing concentrations of heavy metals in recorded and unrecorded spirits have been published. In this study we ask whether there is any difference between heavy metal concentrations in recorded and unrecorded spirits and, thus, the related health risk. The levels of heavy metals were determined in recorded (n = 97) and unrecorded (n = 100) spirits using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometric analysis and applied to population-based risk assessments, considering average, regular and chronic heavy drinkers. Concentrations of Cu, Zn, and Sn were significantly higher in unrecorded spirits than those in their recorded counterparts and recorded spirits contained significantly higher levels of Fe, Mn, and Ni than unrecorded spirits. Combined exposure to heavy metals posed a potential health risk in chronic heavy drinkers consuming recorded spirits. However, when compared to the health risk arising from drinking large volumes of ethanol, the risk is negligible. Consequently, there are no grounds to worry about the adverse effects of heavy metals from spirits