18 research outputs found

    A szabadalmak szerepe az innovatív startupok esetén

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    Innovation belongs to one of the main sources of competitive advantage but not all invention results in patent. Researches have proved the patents have effect on the valuation of companies. It is especially true in case of start-ups. Start-upsare innovative and they are characterised by extremely high growth potential as well as risk-taking ability. They are globally scalable and are continuously searching for the right business model. Start-ups can be successful on the market if they offer new advantages to their clients or totally renew their business offering. If they are able to utilise their innovative ideas in the right way it can lead to the enhancement of value creation. An effective way of protecting innovative ideas is patenting. Patent can be considered as an indicator of quality. One of the main advantages of patenting for start-ups is that it ensures security for investors and contributes to more value-added to the image of the company. All this suggest that patents can be used for information and reliability guarantee purposes. Patents are not prevailingly used by Hungarian start-ups nevertheless it implies significant advantages

    Az e-egészségügy koncepciója és fogyasztói elfogadottsága

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    Electronic health (e-health) is considered as the usage of information and communication technologies in a health framework to monitor and manage patients’ treatment but also serves health education purposes because it supports researches and also has a direct effect on the guidance of public health. Nowadays customer centred information and communication technologies have gained a considerable importance in the consumers’ attention. As a consequence of this a significant change in customers’ role can be observed. Health as value is unquestionable for today’s consumer. E-health system nurtures building closer relationship between health service providers, social security and patients. Patients are empowered to gather, analyse and evaluate health information. As a consequence of this the traditional doctor-patient as well as health service provider-patient relationship has undergone a significant change because they are connected via multisided network platforms. This concept comprises not only a vision of technological change and the usage of internet related technologies but it concerns also a transformation in the way of thinking with a commitment for networked global thinking. All these encouraged me to examine how Hungarian patients feel toward the usage of e-health technologies. A representative online quantitative research was carried out.1 Health is important for Hungarian people but they still hesitate to use innovative technologies for the diagnosis and treatment. Mobile phone is the most frequently used electronic device but still there is a lot of potential in e-health application and device innovations because an increasing interest and open-mindedness concerning new developments can be observed

    A startup vállalkozók személyiségjellemzőinek hatása az innovatív piaci jelenlétre - különös tekintettel az egészségügyi és orvosi biotechnológiai ágazatra

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    The concept of entrepreneurship includes the establishment of a goal oriented organization with specific resource needs. Start-ups are innovative companies that are characterized by significant growth potential. New innovative start-ups overthrow the traditional ways of operation of long time ago established corporations, and they approach the concepts in new ways while making traditional attitudes outdated. Innovation, the process of bringing new products and services to market, is one of the most important issue today. Innovation is responsible for raising the quality and lowering the prices of products and services that have dramatically improved consumers’ lives. Medical biotechnology and healthcare industry can be mentioned among the most innovative sectors in Hungary. Start-ups are the drivers of this branch. Start-up entrepreneurs are considered innovative people who try to maximize profit and minimize costs while always carrying out something new. Personality and skills of a start-up entrepreneur have a significant effect on the innovativeness of the firm and as a consequence of this on its competitive advantage. Human factor stands in the focal point of my paper. In the article I investigated how the personality traits of entrepreneurs influence the market appearance and the presence of the innovative start-ups. Among the analytic methods of the personality we can distinguish nomothetic and idiographic ones. In this paper, I combined these two approaches for the deeper understanding of the issue. By using personality test and in-depth interviews, I highlighted how personality traits and creativity influence the innovative behavior of startup entrepreneurs in the medical biotechnology and healthcare industry

    A fogyasztói információforrások megítélése az otc gyógyszerek piacán = Assessment of consumers’ information sources on the otc drug market

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    The complex usage of marketing activity in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry began to flourish after the 1990s. Since than a dynamic expansion can be observed and it improves parallel to the technology development and to the continuously changing expectations of clients. Pharmaceutical products differ significantly in many aspects from other consumer goods. They satisfy special needs and consumers cannot be considered experts, so besides the rational reasons several emotional and confidential factors influence the buying process and the consumption. Drug promotion denotes to all information and persuasive actions by manufacturers and distributors that result in the evocation of sale and purchase as well as the usage of medication. Consumers’ behaviour in the pharmaceutical market changed notably in the last decade. Today’s consumer feels himself/herself more informed and independent, moreover he or she is hesitant to adapt the traditional model of prescription and monitored medication. In this paper Hungarian non-prescriptive drug industry is analysed from the perspective how customers gain information about OTC drugs

    A fogyasztói információforrások megítélése az otc gyógyszerek piacán = Assessment of consumers’ information sources on the otc drug market

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    The complex usage of marketing activity in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry began to flourish after the 1990s. Since than a dynamic expansion can be observed and it improves parallel to the technology development and to the continuously changing expectations of clients. Pharmaceutical products differ significantly in many aspects from other consumer goods. They satisfy special needs and consumers cannot be considered experts, so besides the rational reasons several emotional and confidential factors influence the buying process and the consumption. Drug promotion denotes to all information and persuasive actions by manufacturers and distributors that result in the evocation of sale and purchase as well as the usage of medication. Consumers’ behaviour in the pharmaceutical market changed notably in the last decade. Today’s consumer feels himself/herself more informed and independent, moreover he or she is hesitant to adapt the traditional model of prescription and monitored medication. In this paper Hungarian non-prescriptive drug industry is analysed from the perspective how customers gain information about OTC drugs

    Az e-egészségügyi megoldások fogyasztói fogadtatása Magyarországon

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    Az egészségügyi szolgáltatások interneten és mobil technológiákon keresztüli igénybevétele rohamos ütemben terjed világszerte. Az e-egészségügyi technológiák felgyorsítják az egészségügyi folyamatokat, javítják azok hatékonyságát és növelik a fogyasztók egészség iránti elkötelezettségét. Az információs és kommunikációs technológiák fejlődésével a fogyasztók körében is megjelent az az igény, hogy egészségügyi állapotuk vizsgálatát fizikai korlátok nélkül, saját maguk kontrollálhassák. Így az e-egészségügyi technológiák teljesen új utakat nyitnak a fogyasztók számára egészségmagatartásuk vizsgálatára és fejlesztésére. A szerzők tanulmányukban egy 1085 fős, felnőtt lakosságra reprezentatív online megkérdezés eredményeire alapozva feltárják, hogy miként viszonyul a magyar lakosság az egészséginnovációs vívmányokhoz. Az egészségi állapot nyomon követését szolgáló új eszközök, valamint az okoseszközökre telepíthető applikációk vizsgálata esetén azt tapasztalták, hogy használatuk még nem nagymértékben elterjedt, de a fogyasztók nyitottságot mutattak irántuk. Természetesen az elfogadottság mértéke különböző fogyasztói csoportok létét feltételezi. Vizsgálat alávonták az egészségügyi monitorozásra használt alkalmazások és innovatív eszközök elterjedtségét is. Kutatásuk kiindulópontként szolgálhat a pandémia miatti változásokat nyomon követésére is

    Minőségszemlélet a felsőoktatásban

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    The ESG 2015 quality management principles have a great influence on the quality policy of the higher education institutions in various countries in Europe. The analysis of the quality policies of Hungarian and foreign universities is crucial for determining the level of the Hungarian higher education. We carried out a content analysis of 120 higher education institutions from four countries (Great-Britain, Germany, Austria, Hungary). Our research is based on QS World University Rankings 2018 (QS Top Universities 2018). The content of the quality policies were compared with each other. The comparison is based on previously determined criteria and we integrated it into a uniform structure. The main aim of the research was finding best practices based on the international quality approach. With content analysis we specified the best practices that are based on the quality management methodologies. We defined seven basic pillars that are essential for the high quality services in the higher education sector