Az e-egészségügy koncepciója és fogyasztói elfogadottsága


Electronic health (e-health) is considered as the usage of information and communication technologies in a health framework to monitor and manage patients’ treatment but also serves health education purposes because it supports researches and also has a direct effect on the guidance of public health. Nowadays customer centred information and communication technologies have gained a considerable importance in the consumers’ attention. As a consequence of this a significant change in customers’ role can be observed. Health as value is unquestionable for today’s consumer. E-health system nurtures building closer relationship between health service providers, social security and patients. Patients are empowered to gather, analyse and evaluate health information. As a consequence of this the traditional doctor-patient as well as health service provider-patient relationship has undergone a significant change because they are connected via multisided network platforms. This concept comprises not only a vision of technological change and the usage of internet related technologies but it concerns also a transformation in the way of thinking with a commitment for networked global thinking. All these encouraged me to examine how Hungarian patients feel toward the usage of e-health technologies. A representative online quantitative research was carried out.1 Health is important for Hungarian people but they still hesitate to use innovative technologies for the diagnosis and treatment. Mobile phone is the most frequently used electronic device but still there is a lot of potential in e-health application and device innovations because an increasing interest and open-mindedness concerning new developments can be observed

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