3,054 research outputs found
Quantification of the normal patellofemoral shape and its clinical applications
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The shape of the knee’s trochlear groove is a very important factor in the overall stability of the knee. However, a quantitative description of the normal three-dimensional geometry of the trochlea is not available in the literature. This is also reflected in the poor outcomes of patellofemoral arthroplasty (PFA). In this study, a standardised method for femoral parameter measurements on three-dimensional femur models was established. Using software tools, virtual femur models were aligned with the mechanical and the posterior condylar planes and this framework was used to measure the femoral parameters in a repeatable way. An artificial neural network (ANN), incorporating the femoral parameter measurements and classifications done by experienced surgeons, was used to classify knees into normal and abnormal categories. As a result, 15 knees in the database were classified by the ANN as being normal. Furthermore, the geometry of the normal knees was analysed by fitting B-spline curves and circular arcs on their sagittal surface curves to prove and reconfirm that the groove has a circular shape on a sagittal plane. Self-organising maps (SOM), which is a type of ANN, was trained with the acquired data of the normal knees and in this way the normal trochlear geometry could be predicted. The prediction of the anterior-posterior (AP) distance and the trochlear heights showed an average agreement of 97 % between the actual and the predicted normal geometries. A case study was conducted on four types of trochlear dysplasia to determine a normal geometry for these knees, and a virtual surface reconstruction was performed on them. The study showed that the trochlea was deepened after the surface reconstruction, having an average trochlea depth of 5.5 mm compared to the original average value of 2.9 mm. In summary, this research proposed a quantitative method for describing and predicting the normal geometry of a knee by making use of ANN and the femoral parameters that are unaffected by trochlear dysplasia.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die vorm van die trogleêre keep is ’n belangrike faktor in patella-stabiliteit. Tog is ’n kwantitatiewe beskrywing van die normale driedimensionele geometrie van die troglea nog nie beskikbaar nie, wat duidelik blyk uit die swak uitkomste van patellofemorale artroplastie (PFA). In hierdie studie is ’n gestandaardiseerde metode vir die meting van femorale parameters op grond van driedimensionele femurmodelle ontwikkel. Die femurmodel is in lyn gebring met die meganiese en posterior kondilêre vlak, welke raamwerk gebruik is om die femorale parameters op ’n herhaalbare wyse te meet. Die normale knieë is geklassifiseer met ’n kunsmatige neurale netwerk (ANN), wat die femorale parameter-mate sowel as die chirurgiese klassifikasie ingesluit het, en 15 knieë is gevolglik as normaal aangewys. Die normaleknie-geometrie is ontleed deur B-latkrommes en sirkelboë op die sagittale oppervlak-kurwes aan te bring om te bewys en te herbevestig dat die keep uit ’n sirkelvorm op ’n sagittale vlak bestaan. Die ingesamelde data van die normale knieë is ingevoer by selfreëlende kaarte (SOM), synde ’n soort ANN, wat die navorser in staat gestel het om die normale trogleêre geometrie te voorspel. Die voorspelling van die anterior-posterior (AP) afstand en die trogleêre hoogtes toon ’n gemiddelde ooreenkoms van meer as 97 % tussen die werklike en voorspelde normale geometrie. ’n Gevallestudie is op vier soorte trogleêre displasie uitgevoer om die normale geometrie te voorspel en ’n oppervlakrekonstruksie daarop uit te voer. Hierdie studie het getoon dat die troglea ná oppervlakrekonstruksie verdiep was, met ’n gemiddelde trogleadiepte van 5.5 mm in vergelyking met die aanvanklike gemiddelde waarde van 2.9 mm. Hierdie navorsing het dus ’n metode aan die hand gedoen vir die kwantitatiewe beskrywing en voorspelling van normale geometrie met behulp van ANN sowel as met die femorale parameters wat nie deur die trogleêre displasie geraak word nie
A study of the English non-textbook reading of fourth graders in Korea revealed that about 80% had done at least some reading, confirming that there is enthusiasm for English reading. About half, however, had read only five books or fewer. Non-readers said that the reason they did not read in English was the difficulty of English texts. Those who read more did better on a test of English spelling and vocabulary. Keywords: English non-textbook reading; Enthusiasm for English reading; English texts; English spelling and vocabulary
Technological Progress in Generation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells for Clinical Applications
Reprogramming of somatic cells into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) is achieved by viral-mediated transduction of defined transcription factors. Generation of iPSCs is of great medical interest as they have the potential to be a source of patient-specific cells. For the eventual goal of clinical application, it is necessary to overcome the limitations of low reprogramming efficiency and chromosomal abnormalities due to viral DNA integration. In this paper, we summarize the current state of reprogramming technology for generation of iPSCs and also discuss potential approaches to the development of safe iPSCs for personalized cell-based replacement therapy
Understanding the strategic competition of foreign powers in Myanmar and its impact on Myanmar's future
published_or_final_versionInternational and Public AffairsMasterMaster of International and Public Affair
Simultaneous VLBI Astrometry of H2O and SiO Masers toward the Semiregular Variable R Crateris
We obtained, for the first time, astrometrically registered maps of the 22.2
GHz H2O and 42.8, 43.1, and 86.2 GHz SiO maser emission toward the semiregular
b-type variable (SRb) R Crateris, at three epochs (2015 May 21, and 2016
January 7 and 26) using the Korean Very-long-baseline Interferometry Network.
The SiO masers show a ring-like spatial structure, while the H2O maser shows a
very asymmetric one-side outflow structure, which is located at the southern
part of the ring-like SiO maser feature. We also found that the 86.2 GHz SiO
maser spots are distributed in an inner region, compared to those of the 43.1
GHz SiO maser, which is different from all previously known distributions of
the 86.2 GHz SiO masers in variable stars. The different distribution of the
86.2 GHz SiO maser seems to be related to the complex dynamics caused by the
overtone pulsation mode of the SRb R Crateris. Furthermore, we estimated the
position of the central star based on the ring fitting of the SiO masers, which
is essential for interpreting the morphology and kinematics of a circumstellar
envelope. The estimated stellar coordinate corresponds well to the position
measured by Gaia
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