98 research outputs found

    Chemical Eustress Elicits Tailored Responses and Enhances the Functional Quality of Novel Food Perilla frutescens

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    Consumer demand for fresh and functional horticultural products is on the rise. Perilla frutescens, L. Britt (Lamiaceae) is a potential specialty/niche crop for consumption and therapeutic uses with high contents of phenolic and volatile compounds. Plant growth, mineral composition, polyphenol proïŹle and aroma volatile components of two perilla genotypes in response to salinity (non-salt control, 10, 20 or 30 mM NaCl) applied as chemical eustressor were assessed. Salinity suppressed growth and yield of both genotypes, although the red-pigmented genotype was less sensitive than the green-pigmented one. Mild (10 mM NaCl) and moderate (20 and 30 mM NaCl) salinity suppressed foliar potassium, magnesium, nitrate and chlorophyll a concentrations of both genotypes and increased the levels of rosmarinic acid, total polyphenols and target aroma volatilecomponents. Greenperillashowedhigheryieldandbiomassproductionandhighercontentof protein,drymatter,calcium,magnesium,perillaketoneandcis-jasmone,whereasredperillaexhibited higher content of potassium, chlorophyll a, rosmarinic acid, total polyphenols, perilla aldehyde and benzaldehyde. OurïŹndingssupportthatchemicaleustressorssuchasmildtomoderatesalinityoffer valuable means to manipulate phytochemical and aroma proïŹles

    Phenology, Morphology and Physiology Responses of Deficit Irrigated ‘Koroneiki’ Olive Trees as Affected by Environmental Conditions and Alternate Bearing

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    Climate change is affecting water resources in the Mediterranean region. In olive orchards, irrigation water use efficiency could be increased by accounting for trees’ alternate bearing behaviour and growth-stage sensitivity to drought. The main objective of this study is to examine olive tree phenology, morphology and physiology in “on” and “off” productive years for the improvement of irrigation scheduling. A regulated (RDI) and a sustained (SDI) deficit irrigation treatment were applied in a ‘Koroneiki’ olive orchard in Cyprus. Flowering occurred on 11 May 2019 and on 27 April 2021, which was caused by the lower temperatures in 2019. The Kc for the irrigation season, computed from daily water balance observations, was 0.37 in 2019 (38% canopy cover) and 0.41 in 2021 (62% canopy cover). Irrigation treatments did not significantly affect plant morphology and stem water potentials. In “on” years, shoot elongation ceased early in the season and stem water potential towards the end of September (−4.0 MPa) was lower than in the “off” year. Stem water potential recovery in the September of the “off” year indicated that irrigation could be less than 35% ETc in early fall. Water savings in RDI were 24–32% in “on” and 48% in “off” years relative to SDI, with no statistically significant effects on olive yield

    Biostimulatory Action of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Enhances Productivity, Functional and Sensory Quality in ‘Piennolo del Vesuvio’ Cherry Tomato Landraces

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    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are a promising tool to improve plant nutrient use efficiency (NUE) and tolerance against abiotic stresses. Moreover, AMF can potentially increase plant productivity and reduce the negative externalities of the agricultural sector. Our study aimed to elucidate whether AMF (containing Rhizoglomus irregulare and Funneliformis mosseae) could positively affect not only tomato growth and productivity but also the nutritional and nutraceutical quality of yellow-pigmented type (‘GiagiĂč’) and red-pigmented type (‘Lucariello’) tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.). These cherry tomatoes are landraces of the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) ‘Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio’ (PPV), one of the most typical agricultural products of the Campania region (Southern Italy). AMF rose fruit yield by increasing the number of fruits per plant (+49% and +29% in ‘GiagiĂč’ and ‘Lucariello’, respectively) but not of the fruit mean mass. AMF increased lycopene (+40%), total ascorbic acid (TAA; +41%), alanine (+162%), gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA; +101%) and branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs; +53%) in ‘Lucariello’. In ‘GiagiĂč’, AMF increased calcium (+63%), zinc (+45%), ASP (+70%), GABA (+53%) and the essential amino acids arginine (+58%) and lysine (+45%), also indicating a genotype-specific response. In both landraces, AMF improved nutrient uptake and biosynthesis of important molecules involved in the control the oxidative stress and cellular pH. In addition to the beneficial effects of human health, the molecules influenced by the AMF treatment are expected to extend the shelf life of tomato fruits, thus further promoting the useful agronomic application of AMF for premium tomatoes marketed fresh or in pendulums (‘piennoli’)

    Morpho-Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Hydroponically Grown Basil Cultivars to Salt Stress

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    Depending on duration and magnitude, abiotic stresses interfere with plant metabolic processes and may severely impact developmental and qualitative attributes. In this study, in addition to characterizing three different cultivars of basil (‘Anise’, ‘Cinnamon’, and ‘Lemon’) grown under hydroponics, we appraised the impact of NaCl salt stress (60 mM) on morphophysiological and nutraceutical properties of the basil crop. Salt stress significantly reduced fresh yield (51.54%, on average) and photosynthetic parameters (ACO2, E, and gs) in all cultivars by raising tissue concentrations of Na+ and Cl−. In addition to reducing the concentration of nitrate (77.21%), NaCl salt stress increased the concentrations of key bioactive molecules, notably carotenoids (lutein and ÎČ-carotene), phenolic acids, and flavonoid derivatives, thus resulting in a higher antioxidant activity of salt-treated basil plants compared to the untreated ones. Analysis by UHPLC revealed that cichoric acid was the most abundant polyphenolic compound in all basil cultivars, with the highest values recorded in ‘Cinnamon’

    Genotype and Successive Harvests Interaction Affects Phenolic Acids and Aroma Profile of Genovese Basil for Pesto Sauce Production

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    Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) is an essential ingredient of the Mediterranean cuisine due to its distinctive aroma. Genovese basil leaves are used to prepare "pesto", a condiment that has always caught the interest of consumers and producers. Usually, basil for industrial processing is harvested more than once to extract a higher yield. However, successive cuts can affect quality traits that play a crucial role in defining the product's final sensory profile. This research was aimed to evaluate the impact of cut on the quantitative and qualitative properties of three Genovese basil cultivars (Aroma 2, Eleonora and Italiano Classico) grown in an open field. Nitrate content, phenolic acids and aromatic profile were determined by ion chromatography (IC), high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and gas chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer (GC/MS) analysis, respectively. The second harvest increased fresh biomass and total phenolic acids content by 172% and 413%, respectively, with Italiano Classico recording the highest values. The combination of second-cut Aroma 2 yielded the lowest nitrate (473.8 mg kg-1 of fresh weight) and Eugenol (2.4%) levels. In the second harvest, Eleonora showed an increase in eugenol and trans-α-bergamotene of 75.3% and 48.2%, respectively; whereas, eucalyptol and ÎČ-cis-ocimene decreased by 34.4% and 51.6%, respectively. Although successive harvests may increase basil yield and quality overall, the cultivar-dependent response to successive cuts needs to be accounted for in order to accomplish standardization of industrial "pesto" sauce

    Protein Hydrolysate Combined with Hydroponics Divergently Modifies Growth and Shuffles Pigments and Free Amino Acids of Carrot and Dill Microgreens

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    Microgreens are the new sophisticated commodity in horticulture that boost the human diet with bioactive metabolites and garnish it with colors and tastes. Microgreens thrive well when cultivated in soilless systems, of which closed-loop soilless systems combined with biostimulant application can provide a sustainable, innovative method of growing microgreens. Daucus carota L. and Anethum graveolens L. microgreens were grown in greenhouse conditions implementing a floating raft system combined with a protein hydrolysate of leguminous origin as root application (0.3 mL L−1 nutrient solution). Growth, colorimetric parameters, macronutrients, chlorophylls, carotenoids, carbohydrates, free amino acids, and soluble proteins were assessed. The use of a protein hydrolysate in the nutrient solution engendered an increase in anthocyanins (+461.7%) and total phenols (+12.4%) in carrot, while in dill, the fresh yield (+13.5%) and ascorbic acid (+17.2%) increased. In both species, soluble proteins and total free amino acids increased by 20.6% and 18.5%, respectively. The floating raft system proved to be promising for microgreens and can ease the application of biostimulants through root application. Future research should also investigate the yield and nutritional parameter responses of other species of microgreens with the aim of large-scale sustainable production

    Regulated Salinity Eustress in a Floating Hydroponic Module of Sequentially Harvested Lettuce Modulates Phytochemical Constitution, Plant Resilience, and Post-Harvest Nutraceutical Quality

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    A mild salinity stress (eustress) may modulate the induction of the plant defense system in horticultural crops and the synthesis of phytochemical components able to enhance plant resilience, post-harvest performance, and the nutraceutical quality of produce. However, the choice of the correct eustress type and dose to induce the synthesis of these protective phytochemicals is pivotal to avoid potential interference with plant growth and productivity. In order to study how green and red lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) plants equilibrate the nutritional and nutraceutical components of quality with yield components, we applied iso-osmotic concentrations of three different salts (20 mM NaCl, 20 mM KCl, and 13.3 mM CaCl2, with a final total ionic concentration of 40 mM) in combination with two successive harvests in a floating raft system. The biometric parameters, mineral composition, bioactive compounds, and antioxidant activity of both cultivars were analyzed. The green cultivar had a superior response concerning biometric traits and productivity compared to the red one during the first cut but lower phytochemical content (e.g., ascorbic acid). The effect of cut order, independently of cultivar and salinity treatments, demonstrated that at the first harvest plants could redirect metabolism by increasing the lipophilic antioxidant content (LAA) at the expense of plant yield, therefore increasing plant resilience and post-harvest nutraceutical quality; whereas, at the second harvest, plants reverted principally to tissue expansion. The treatments with iso-osmotic salt concentrations did not affect K and Mg ion contents but further increased LAA and resulted only in a moderate decrease of fresh yield. The lettuce nitrate content was reduced during the second cut only when lettuce plants were treated with NaCl and especially CaCl

    Plant-Derived Biostimulants Differentially Modulate Primary and Secondary Metabolites and Improve the Yield Potential of Red and Green Lettuce Cultivars

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    The use of biostimulants in modern agriculture has rapidly expanded in recent years, owing to their beneficial effects on crop yield and product quality, which have come under the scope of intensive research. Accordingly, in the present study we appraised the efficacy of two plantderived biostimulants, the legume-derived protein hydrolysates Trainer¼¼ (PH), and the tropical plant extract Auxym¼¼ (TPE) on two lettuce cultivars (green and red salanova¼¼) in terms of morpho-physiological and biochemical traits (primary and secondary metabolites). The two cultivars differed in their acquisition capacity for nitrate and other beneficial ions, their photosynthetic and transpiration rates, and their ability to synthetize and accumulate organic acids and protective metabolites. The biostimulant effect was significant for almost all the parameters examined but it was subjected to significant cultivar × biostimulant interactions, denoting a cultivardependent response to biostimulant type. Notwithstanding this interaction, biostimulant application could potentially improve the yield and quality of lettuce by stimulating plant physiological processes, as indicated by the SPAD index (leaf chlorophyll index), ACO2 (assimilation rate), E (transpiration), and WUEi (intrinsic water use efficiency), and by increasing concurrently the plant mineral content (total N, K, Ca, Mg) and the biosynthesis of organic acids (malate, citrate), phenols (caffeic acid, coumaroyl quinic acid isomer 1, dicaffeoylquinic acid isomer 1), and flavonoids (quercetin-3-O-glucuronide, quercetin-3-O-glucoside). Biostimulant action may facilitate the bio-enhancement of certain lettuce cultivars that are otherwise limited by their genetic potential, for the accumulation of specific compounds beneficial to human health

    Morpho-Metric and Specialized Metabolites Modulation of Parsley Microgreens through Selective LED Wavebands

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    Plant factories and high-tech greenhouses offer the opportunity to modulate plant growth, morphology and qualitative content through the management of artificial light (intensity, photoperiod and spectrum). In this study, three Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting systems, with blue (B, 460 nm), red (R, 650 nm) and mixed red + green-yellow + blue (RGB) light were used to grow parsley microgreens to understand how light quality could change the phenotype and the profile of secondary metabolites. Plants showed altered morphological characteristics and higher amounts of secondary metabolites under RGB LEDs treatment. The results demonstrated that microgreens under red light showed the highest fresh yield, petiole length, coumaric acid content but also the highest nitrate content. Plants under RGB light showed the highest dry matter percentage and highest content of total and single polyphenols content, while blue light showed the highest ascorbic acid and ABTS antioxidant activity. Moreover, microgreens under red light showed more compact leaves with less intercellular spaces, while under blue and RGB light, the leaves displayed ticker spongy mesophyll with higher percentage of intercellular spaces. Therefore, the specific spectral band was able to modify not only the metabolic profile, but also it could modulate the differentiation of mesophyll cells. Light quality as a preharvest factor helps to shape the final parsley microgreens product as a whole, not only in terms of yield and quality, but also from a morpho-anatomical point of vie
