57 research outputs found

    What are the risk factors for postoperative infections of third molar extraction surgery : a retrospective clinical study-?

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    This study aimed to identify (1) the predilection site of postoperative infection after third molar extraction surgery, (2) risk factors associated with postoperative infection, and (3) the cause of the difference between delayed- and early-onset infections. This retrospective study included 1010 patients (396 male, 614 female) who had ?1 third molars extracted (2407; 812 maxilla, 1595 mandible). The risk factors were classified as attributes, general health, anatomic, and operative. Outcome variables were delayed- and early-onset infections. Postoperative infection was completely absent in the maxilla, and all infections occurred in the mandible, with a probability of 1.94% (31/1595). Bivariate analysis for postoperative infection showed depth of inclusion and intraoperative hemostatic treatment to be significantly associated with the development of infections. Bivariate analysis for delayed- and early-onset infections showed simultaneous extraction of the left and right mandibular third molars to be prominent risk factors. Postoperative infection occurs mainly in the mandible, and that in the maxilla is very rare. The risk of postoperative infection in the mandible was found to be related to the depth of inclusion and intraoperative hemostatic treatment. Simultaneous extraction of the left and right mandibular third molars appear to increase the risk of delayed-onset postoperative infection

    Brain MRI with Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping: Relationship to CT Attenuation Values

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    [Background]: Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) is used to differentiate between calcification and iron deposits. Few studies have examined the relationship between CT attenuation values and magnetic susceptibility in such materials. Purpose: To assess the relationship among metal concentration, CT attenuation values, and magnetic susceptibility in paramagnetic and diamagnetic phantoms, and the relationship between CT attenuation values and susceptibility in brain structures that have paramagnetic or diamagnetic properties. [Materials and Methods]: In this retrospective study, CT and MRI with QSM were performed in gadolinium and calcium phantoms, patients, and healthy volunteers between June 2016 and September 2017. In the phantom study, we evaluated correlations among metal concentration, CT attenuation values, and susceptibility. In the human study, Pearson and Spearman correlations were performed to assess the relationship between CT attenuation values and susceptibility in regions of interest placed in the globus pallidus (GP), putamen, caudate nucleus, substantia nigra, red nucleus, dentate nucleus, choroid plexus, and hemorrhagic and calcified lesions. [Results]: Eighty-four patients (mean age, 64.8 years 6 19.6; 49 women) and 20 healthy volunteers (mean age, 72.0 years 6 7.6; 11 men) were evaluated. In the phantoms, strong linear correlations were identified between gadolinium concentration and CT and MRI QSM values (R2 = 0.95 and 0.99, respectively; P , .001 for both) and between calcium concentration and CT and MRI QSM values (R2 = 0.89 [P = .005] and R2 = 0.98 [P , .001], respectively). In human studies, positive correlations between CT attenuation values and susceptibility were observed in the GP (R2 = 0.52, P , .001) and in hemorrhagic lesions (R2 = 0.38, P , .001), and negative correlations were found in the choroid plexus (R2 = 0.53, P , .001) and in calcified lesions (R2 = 0.38, P = .009). [Conclusion]: CT attenuation values showed a positive correlation with susceptibility in the globus pallidus and hemorrhagic lesions and negative correlation in the choroid plexus and calcified lesions

    シコク レイジョウ ト シゼン シンボク シゼン ケイカン ジモン ニツイテ

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    In order to understand relations between the 88-temple pilgrimage in Shikoku Island and the nature around the pilgrimage route,we made comprehensive research on the temples from the 1st to 5th of the 88 temples and the Ooasahiko Shrine (the most respected shrine and is neighboring to the Ryozenji Temple). In this report,we describe about following three points; 1) history of sacred trees,2) history of landscape and 3) crests of the temples. As for the first point,there are big sacred trees in the shrine and the two temples,a camphor tree in the Ooasahiko Shrine,a cedar tree in the Gokurakuji Temple,that is called "long-life cedar" and a ginkgo tree in the Jizoji Temple that is called “mother's breast ginkgo". However,we could find a few records on them written in old literatures. A distinct tree in the picture written in Edo era may be identical to the ginkgo tree of the Jizoji Temple. As for the second point,pine forests were dominant in the mountains around the shrine and the temples in Edo era,however,they have almost completely disappeared due to pine wilt disease. Moreover,fields of indigo and sugar cane along with the route of the pilgrimage in Edo era have also disappeared,and now orchards are conspicuous in this area. As for the last point,all five temples use plants as their crest,the flower of paulownia tree in the Ryozenji Temple and the Gokurakuji Temple,the flower of chrysanthemum in the Konsenji Temple,the flower of Tachibana in the Dainichiji Temple and the pine tree in the Jizoji Temple. Since there is no detailed research on the crests of the 88 temples further investigation is expected

    Suppression of osteoclastogenesis via α2-adrenergic receptors

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    The sympathetic nervous system is known to regulate osteoclast development. However, the involvement of α2-adrenergic receptors (α2-ARs) in osteoclastogenesis is not well understood. In the present study, their potential role in osteoclastogenesis was investigated. Guanabenz, clonidine and xylazine were used as agonists of α2-ARs, while yohimbine and idazoxan were employed as antagonists. Using RAW264.7 pre-osteoclast and primary bone marrow cells, the mRNA expression of the osteoclast-related genes nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic 1 (NFATc1), tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) and cathepsin K was evaluated following induction with receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand (RANKL). TRAP staining was also conducted to assess effects on osteoclastogenesis in mouse bone marrow cells in vitro. Administration of 5-20 µM guanabenz (P<0.01, for RANKL-only treatment), 20 µM clonidine (P<0.05, for RANKL-only treatment) and 20 µM xylazine (P<0.05, for RANKL-only treatment) attenuated RANKL-induced upregulation of NFATc1, TRAP and cathepsin K mRNA. Furthermore, the reductions in these mRNAs by 10 µM guanabenz and 20 µM clonidine in the presence of RANKL were attenuated by 20 µM yohimbine or idazoxan (P<0.05). The administration of 5-20 µM guanabenz (P<0.01, for RANKL-only treatment) and 10-20 µM clonidine (P<0.05, for RANKL-only treatment) also decreased the number of TRAP-positive multi-nucleated osteoclasts. Collectively, the present study demonstrates that α2-ARs may be involved in the regulation of osteoclastogenesis


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      Previous research has shown that high oleic sunflower oil (HOSO) that comes from sunflower seeds has high oxidative stability when heated. An article on the sensory characteristics of foods fried in HOSO suggested that they have a light, mild oil flavor. However, the sensory characteristics of HOSO used in foods that have not been fried have not been examined. We therefore investigated the sensory characteristics of HOSO when used in French dressing, mayonnaise, stir-fried foods, and deep-fried foods. For the testing, we used high oleic sunflower oil (89% oleic acid) and rapeseed oil from canola seeds for comparison. The results were as follows. French dressing and mayonnaise were not very greasy, each had a weak aftertaste, and sour and salty flavors were strong. Stir-fried eggplants were evaluated to have a mild oil odor and a light flavor. Stir-fried carrots were highly palatable. Deep-fried foods were highly evaluated as palatable, with a mild oil odor, weak aftertaste, mild greasiness, and a light flavor


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     本研究は,胃切除術後患者の食の変化の影響について主観的な生活満足感の視点から明らかにすることを目的とした.大学病院と一般総合病院の2 施設で胃がんの手術を受け術後1ケ月以内の患者25名を対象に,退院後初回の外来受診日に自記式の質問紙による調査を行った.調査には,古谷野らが作成した生活満足度尺度Kを使用した.分析では,対象者を生活満足度尺度のスケール中央値で2群に分け5.0点以上を高群,5.0 点未満を低群とし群間比較を行った.統計解析ソフトPASW Ver.18 for Win. を用いて,χ2 検定,Mann‐Whitney U検定を行った.その結果,対象者の性別は男性21名(84.0%),女性4名(16.0%),平均年齢は62.2 ± 10.3歳(SD)で対象者全員に同居者があり,16名が職業をもっていた.術式は,13名が胃全摘出術であった.生活満足度尺度は9項目で構成され「人生全体についての満足感」4項目,「心理的安定」3項目,「老いについての評価」2項目の3因子構造である.対象の「人生全体についての満足感」は平均1.9 ± 0.9点,「心理的安定」は平均1.8± 0.9点,「老いについての評価」は平均0.8 ± 0.7点で,生活満足度総得点は平均4.4 ± 1.6点であった.生活満足度得点の高群は14名で生活満足度総得点平均5.8 ± 0.8点,低群は11 名で3.0 ± 1.0点であった.高群・低群の2群間比較では,因子「人生全体についての満足感」,「心理的安定」は高群の方が低群に比べ有意に得点が高く,「老いについての評価」では有意差は認められなかった.生活満足度総得点では,高群の方が低群に比べ有意に高かった.以上のことから,胃切除術後患者の生活満足度は,健康に生活している人々と比較しても得点に大きな違いはなく,術後1ヶ月の人々では食の変化のおよぼす主観的な生活満足度への影響は少ないことが明らかになった. The aim of the present study was to clarify subjective life satisfaction in patients aftergastrectomy with respect to the effects of changes in patients’ diets. The subjects were 25 patients who had undergone operation for stomach cancer within the preceding month at 2 hospitals, a university hospital and a general hospital. A survey was conducted by self-administered questionnaire on patients’ first outpatient visit since leaving the hospital following the operation. The Life Satisfaction Index K developed by Koyano et al. was used in the investigation. The subjects were divided into 2 groups using the median value for life satisfaction as the cutoff point. The groups were a high group with a score of ≥ 5 and a low group with a score of <5. The groups were then compared using the χ 2 test and Mann-Whitney U test with statistical analysis software PASW Ver. 18 for Windows. The subjects were 21 men (84.0%) and 4 woman (16.0%), with a mean age of 62.2 ± 10.3 years(SD). All subjects lived with family members. There were none who lived alone. Sixteen were employed and 9 were not. The surgical procedure was distal gastrectomy in 12 patients and total gastric resection in 13 patients. There were 3 factors for life satisfaction,“ satisfaction with entire life,”“ psychological stability,” and “assessment on aging,” for which the mean scores were 1.9 ± 0.9, 1.8 ± 0.9, and 0.8 ± 0.7, respectively. The mean total score for life satisfaction was 4.4 ± 1.6. The 14 patients of the high life satisfaction score group had a mean total score for life satisfaction of 5.8±0.8. The mean total score for the 11 patients of the low group was 3.0 ± 1.0. A comparison of the 2 groups revealed that the life satisfaction score was significantly higher in the high group than in the low group. There was not a large difference in a comparison between the life satisfaction of patients following gastrectomy and that of healthy people. This demonstrates that changes in diet do not have a large effect on subjective life satisfaction of patients 1 month after gastrectomy

    OAZ-t/OAZ3 Is Essential for Rigid Connection of Sperm Tails to Heads in Mouse

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    Polyamines are known to play important roles in the proliferation and differentiation of many types of cells. Although considerable amounts of polyamines are synthesized and stored in the testes, their roles remain unknown. Ornithine decarboxylase antizymes (OAZs) control the intracellular concentration of polyamines in a feedback manner. OAZ1 and OAZ2 are expressed ubiquitously, whereas OAZ-t/OAZ3 is expressed specifically in germline cells during spermiogenesis. OAZ-t reportedly binds to ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) and inactivates ODC activity. In a prior study, polyamines were capable of inducing a frameshift at the frameshift sequence of OAZ-t mRNA, resulting in the translation of OAZ-t. To investigate the physiological role of OAZ-t, we generated OAZ-t–disrupted mutant mice. Homozygous OAZ-t mutant males were infertile, although the polyamine concentrations of epididymides and testes were normal in these mice, and females were fertile. Sperm were successfully recovered from the epididymides of the mutant mice, but the heads and tails of the sperm cells were easily separated in culture medium during incubation. Results indicated that OAZ-t is essential for the formation of a rigid junction between the head and tail during spermatogenesis. The detached tails and heads were alive, and most of the headless tails showed straight forward movement. Although the tailless sperm failed to acrosome-react, the heads were capable of fertilizing eggs via intracytoplasmic sperm injection. OAZ-t likely plays a key role in haploid germ cell differentiation via the local concentration of polyamines

    Recurrent rhabdomyolysis in a patient with a history of rhabdomyolysis due to severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome

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    Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) is a hemorrhagic fever syndrome that is endemic to East Asia. Here, we describe a case of rhabdomyolysis, thought to have been caused by pemafibrate (which was prescribed for hyperlipidemia) or bacterial infection, in a patient who had experienced SFTS-induced rhabdomyolysis 4 years ago. This case suggests that SFTS causes muscle degeneration and can lead to recurrent rhabdomyolysis as a long-term complication