12 research outputs found

    Proteomic Profiling of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Responses to Mechanical Strain and TGF-β1

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are a potential source of smooth muscle cells (SMCs) for constructing tissue-engineered vascular grafts. However, the details of how specific combinations of vascular microenvironmental factors regulate MSCs are not well understood. Previous studies have suggested that both mechanical stimulation with uniaxial cyclic strain and chemical stimulation with transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) can induce smooth muscle markers in MSCs. In this study, we investigated the combined effects of uniaxial cyclic strain and TGF-β1 stimulation on MSCs. By using a proteomic analysis, we found differential regulation of several proteins and genes, such as the up-regulation of TGF-β1-induced protein ig-h3 (BGH3) protein levels by TGF-β1 and up-regulation of calponin 3 protein level by cyclic strain. At the gene expression level, BGH3 was induced by TGF-β1, but calponin 3 was not significantly regulated by mechanical strain or TGF-β1, which was in contrast to the synergistic up-regulation of calponin 1 gene expression by cyclic strain and TGF-β1. Further experiments with cycloheximide treatment suggested that the up-regulation of calponin 3 by cyclic strain was at post-transcriptional level. The results in this study suggest that both mechanical stimulation and TGF-β1 signaling play unique and important roles in the regulation of MSCs at both transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels, and that a precise combination of microenvironmental cues may promote MSC differentiation

    Mechanical Stimulation of Stem Cells Using Cyclic Uniaxial Strain

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    The role of mechanical forces in the development and maintenance of biological tissues is well documented, including several mechanically regulated phenomena such as bone remodeling, muscular hypertrophy, and smooth muscle cell plasticity. However, the forces involved are often extremely complex and difficult to monitor and control in vivo. To better investigate the effects of mechanical forces on cells, we have developed an in vitro method for applying uniaxial cyclic tensile strain to adherent cells cultured on elastic membranes. This method utilizes a custom-designed bioreactor with a motorized cam-rotor system to apply the desired force. Here we present a step-by-step video protocol demonstrating how to assemble the various components of each "stretch chamber", including, in this case, a silicone membrane with micropatterned topography to orient the cells with the direction of the strain. We also describe procedures for sterilizing the chambers, seeding cells onto the membrane, latching the chamber into the bioreactor, and adjusting the mechanical parameters (i.e. magnitude and rate of strain). The procedures outlined in this particular protocol are specific for seeding human mesenchymal stem cells onto silicone membranes with 10 µm wide channels oriented parallel to the direction of strain. However, the methods and materials presented in this system are flexible enough to accommodate a number of variations on this theme: strain rate, magnitude, duration, cell type, membrane topography, membrane coating, etc. can all be tailored to the desired application or outcome. This is a robust method for investigating the effects of uniaxial tensile strain applied to cells in vitro

    Biophysical Regulation of Histone Acetylation in Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    Histone deacetylation and acetylation are catalyzed by histone deacetylase (HDAC) and histone acetyltransferase, respectively, which play important roles in the regulation of chromatin remodeling, gene expression, and cell functions. However, whether and how biophysical cues modulate HDAC activity and histone acetylation is not well understood. Here, we tested the hypothesis that microtopographic patterning and mechanical strain on the substrate regulate nuclear shape, HDAC activity, and histone acetylation. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were cultured on elastic membranes patterned with parallel microgrooves 10 μm wide that kept MSCs aligned along the axis of the grooves. Compared with MSCs on an unpatterned substrate, MSCs on microgrooves had elongated nuclear shape, a decrease in HDAC activity, and an increase of histone acetylation. To investigate anisotropic mechanical sensing by MSCs, cells on the elastic micropatterned membranes were subjected to static uniaxial mechanical compression or stretch in the direction parallel or perpendicular to the microgrooves. Among the four types of loads, compression or stretch perpendicular to the microgrooves caused a decrease in HDAC activity, accompanied by the increase in histone acetylation and slight changes of nuclear shape. Knocking down nuclear matrix protein lamin A/C abolished mechanical strain-induced changes in HDAC activity. These results demonstrate that micropattern and mechanical strain on the substrate can modulate nuclear shape, HDAC activity, and histone acetylation in an anisotropic manner and that nuclear matrix mediates mechanotransduction. These findings reveal a new mechanism, to our knowledge, by which extracellular biophysical signals are translated into biochemical signaling events in the nucleus, and they will have significant impact in the area of mechanobiology and mechanotransduction

    Engineering Bi-Layer Nanofibrous Conduits for Peripheral Nerve Regeneration

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    Trauma injuries often cause peripheral nerve damage and disability. A goal in neural tissue engineering is to develop synthetic nerve conduits for peripheral nerve regeneration having therapeutic efficacy comparable to that of autografts. Nanofibrous conduits with aligned nanofibers have been shown to promote nerve regeneration, but current fabrication methods rely on rolling a fibrous sheet into the shape of a conduit, which results in a graft with inconsistent size and a discontinuous joint or seam. In addition, the long-term effects of nanofibrous nerve conduits, in comparison with autografts, are still unknown. Here we developed a novel one-step electrospinning process and, for the first time, fabricated a seamless bi-layer nanofibrous nerve conduit: the luminal layer having longitudinally aligned nanofibers to promote nerve regeneration, and the outer layer having randomly organized nanofibers for mechanical support. Long-term in vivo studies demonstrated that bi-layer aligned nanofibrous nerve conduits were superior to random nanofibrous conduits and had comparable therapeutic effects to autografts for nerve regeneration. In summary, we showed that the engineered nanostructure had a significant impact on neural tissue regeneration in situ. The results from this study will also lead to the scalable fabrication of engineered nanofibrous nerve conduits with designed nanostructure. This technology platform can be combined with drug delivery and cell therapies for tissue engineering