13 research outputs found

    X-ray Spectroscopy of a Rare-Earth Molecular System Measured at the Single Atom Limit in Room Temperature

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    We investigate the limit of X-ray detection at room temperature on rare-earth molecular films using lanthanum and a pyridine-based dicarboxamide organic linker as a model system. Synchrotron X-ray scanning tunneling microscopy is used to probe the molecules with different coverages on a HOPG substrate. X-ray-induced photocurrent intensities are measured as a function of molecular coverage on the sample allowing a correlation of the amount of La ions with the photocurrent signal strength. X-ray absorption spectroscopy shows cogent M4,5 absorption edges of the lanthanum ion originated by the transitions from the 3d3/2 and 3d5/2 to 4f orbitals. X-ray absorption spectra measured in the tunneling regime further reveal an X-ray excited tunneling current produced at the M4,5 absorption edge of La ion down to the ultimate atomic limit at room temperature.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Customized and Secure Image Steganography through Least Significant Bit Replacement

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    Steganography is the process of hiding a secret message within a larger one in such a way that someone can not know the presence or contents of hidden message. The purpose of Steganography is to maintain secret communication between two parties. The basic structure of Steganography is made up of three components: the “carrier”, the message, and the key. The carrier can be a painting, a digital image, an mp3 and even a TCP/IP packet among other things. It is the object that will „carry‟ hidden message. A key is used to decode/decipher/discover hidden message. This can be anything from a password, a pattern, a black-light, or even lemon juice. This system presents how Steganography is used in a modern context while a practical understanding of what Steganography is providing how to accomplish it. This paper describes the design of a data hiding structure using Steganography. In this paper, we focus on the use of Steganography within digital images using Least Significant Bit (LSB) substitution


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    The Schwaner Mountains area is located in the Southwest Kalimantan Islands, Indonesia. After the deposition of Permo-Carboniferous sediments on a basement complex of crystalline schists and the emplacement of gabbroic plutonic masses, the zone of the Schwaner Mountains had been invaded by large granitic to quartz-dioritic (tonalitic) batholiths. Iron ore mineralization is formed with these granitic intrusions within the Schwaner Mountains. The purpose of this research is to study of the style of each iron ore mineralization and their mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of different iron ore mineralizations associated with granitic intrusions as well as the geochemical characteristics of granitic rocks. During this research, four iron ore mineralizations are visited to study their nature, style, petrographic studies and significant geochemical characteristics of each iron ore. Ruwai iron ore mineralization is directly associated with dioritic intrusion and the iron ore mineralization occurs as the massive iron ore at the contact of intrusion and volcanic unit from the hanging wall. The iron ore mineralization style is characterized by skarn style mineralization and the principle ore minerals are magnetite and hematite that occur within the proximal garnet zone. The next iron ore mineralization Sejambuan iron ore occurs as a massive body at the contact zone between granite intrusion and volcanic andesite unit which is highly altered with kaolinite and illite mineral assemblages. The iron ore mineralization is associated with alteration envelopes and alterations are seemed to be products of hydrothermal event. The Ombangan iron ore mineralization is located near the Ruwai iron ore mineralization and the iron mineralization here occurs as massive magnetite associated with granite intrusions and volcanic-sedimentary units. The mineralization style is considered as skarn style mineralization associated with intrusion. The evidence of skarn mineral assemblages garnet occurs within the ore zone and those are replaced by magnetite. The last iron ore mineralization, the Bukit Besi iron ore mineralization, is different from the other three iron mineralizations in area. The principle iron ore minerals hematite occurs associated with the alternating band of microcrystalline quartz (chert). The geochemical signatures of each iron ore are entirely composed of Fe2O3 and slightly different variable concentration of other major element oxides. The encountered incompatible trace elements are generally low concentrations except the transition and chalcophile elements are variable for each iron deposit. The rare earth elements are generally depleted and most of their REE chondite-normalized patterns display fractionation LREE in respect to HREE and some are displayed with distinct positive Ce and Eu anomalies

    Cross-Cultural Communication Challenges between Swedish Managers and Burmese and Vietnamese Employees: How are those Communication Challenges related to GLOBE’s Cultural Dimensions?

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    This study investigates the cross-cultural communication challenges between the Swedish managers and their local employees from the perspectives of Swedish managers in Burmese and Vietnamese organisations. It adopts mixed models in which it embraces, both, the deductive and inductive approaches. The deductive study was conducted to derive the Swedish managers’ perceptions of the cultural dimensions of the local organisations using the GLOBE’s instrument. The inductive study was conducted to explore the challenges based on the cultural perceptions and to identify the relationship between the challenges and the cultural dimensions. This study also identifies the similarities and differences in the cultural dimensions between Myanmar and Vietnam. The countries for this research, Myanmar and Vietnam, have not yet been included in GLOBE’s current research. Therefore, it motivated us to conduct this study by using the GLOBE’s instrument on those two countries. The findings from this investigation are not only an effort to understand how the GLOBE’s nine cultural dimensions are related to the communication challenges of the Swedish managers in Myanmar and Vietnam; to a greater degree it is also to emphasise further on the challenges and their causes to improve on future cooperation between Sweden and the host nations, Myanmar and Vietnam. The findings showed that the majority of the interviewed Swedish managers in both regions face similar communication challenges such as reluctance of employees to raise issues, language barriers between the employees and the Swedish managers as well as the difficulties of understanding the indirect communication. They provided that the causes for the communication problems are, among others, at the schooling system, social values of losing face and language proficiency of the local employees. It is difficult to generalise the findings because the challenges are varied based on the work environment and the different perceptions of the local culture by the Swedish managers. However, there are patterns that emerged from the findings, which display the relationship between the challenges and the cultural dimensions. The discovery of that relationship is the main theoretical contribution of this study. Moreover, the cultural insights of the experienced Swedish managers from this study can help the future foreign or Swedish managers who are moving to the region to understand the local culture better and prepare accordingly to the challenges

    Estimation of Aerodynamic Parameters in Conditions of Measurement

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    The paper discusses the problem of aircraft parameter identification in conditions of measurement noises. It is assumed that all the signals involved into the process of identification are subjects to measurement noises, that is measurement random errors normally distributed. The results of simulation are presented which show the relation between the noises standard deviations and the accuracy of identification

    Estimation of Aerodynamic Parameters in Conditions of Measurement

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    The paper discusses the problem of aircraft parameter identification in conditions of measurement noises. It is assumed that all the signals involved into the process of identification are subjects to measurement noises, that is measurement random errors normally distributed. The results of simulation are presented which show the relation between the noises standard deviations and the accuracy of identification

    The Relationship Between Urinary Stone Disease and Nutrition Type in Infants

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    The relationship between urinary stone disease and nutrition in infants is not well known. This study investigates the relationship between breast milk, formula and supplementary foods, vitamin D usage, and family stone history with urinary system stones in children aged 3-24 months. The study included 100 infants aged 3-24 months of age with urinary tract stones and 40 healthy infants with similar age and gender as the control group. Sixty of the patients were boys, and 40 were girls; the control group consisted of 26 boys and 16 girls. There was no significant difference in only breastfeeding, breastfeeding plus formula, and formula feeding in the patients and controls. Positive family history of urolithiasis was significantly higher in the patients compared to the controls (p=0.04). While breastfeeding duration time was negatively correlated with spot urine calcium to creatinine ratio in children exclusively breastfed infants. No direct effect of nutrition type and vitamin D usage on stone formation was found in infants. It has been shown that stone formation in this age group is associated with a family history of stones. In this study, the duration of breastfeeding is negatively correlated with the spot urinary calcium to creatinine ratio