1,778 research outputs found


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    Percutaneous placement of self-expandable metallic stents in patients with obstructive jaundice secondary to metastatic gastric cancer after gastrectomy

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the outcomes of patients undergoing percutaneous placements of a biliary stent for obstructive jaundice secondary to metastatic gastric cancer after gastrectomy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty patients (mean age, 62.4 years; range, 27-86 years) who underwent percutaneous placements of a biliary stent for obstructive jaundice secondary to metastatic gastric cancer after gastrectomy were included. The technical success rate, clinical success rate, complication rate, stent patency, patient survival and factors associated with stent patency were being evaluated. RESULTS: The median interval between the gastrectomy and stent placement was 23.1 months (range, 3.9-94.6 months). The 50 patients received a total of 65 stents without any major procedure-related complications. Technical success was achieved in all patients. The mean total serum bilirubin level, which had been 7.19 mg/dL ± 6.8 before stent insertion, decreased to 4.58 mg/dL ± 5.4 during the first week of follow-up (p < 0.001). Clinical success was achieved in 42 patients (84%). Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage catheters were removed from 45 patients (90%). Infectious complications were noted in two patients (4%), and stent malfunction occurred in seven patients (14%). The median stent patency was 233 ± 99 days, and the median patient survival was 179 ± 83 days. Total serum bilirubin level after stenting was an independent factor for stent patency (p = 0.009). CONCLUSION: Percutaneous transhepatic placement of a biliary stent for obstructive jaundice secondary to metastatic gastric cancer after gastrectomy is a technically feasible and clinically effective palliative procedure

    Resting-state EEG activity related to impulsivity in gambling disorder

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    Background and aims Impulsivity is a core feature of gambling disorder (GD) and is related to the treatment response. Thus, it is of interest to determine objective neurobiological markers associated with impulsivity in GD. We explored resting-state electroencephalographic (EEG) activity in patients with GD according to the degree of impulsivity. Methods In total, 109 GD subjects were divided into three groups according to Barratt impulsiveness scale-11 (BIS-11) scores: high (HI; 25th percentile of BIS-11 scores, n = 29), middle (MI; 26th–74th percentile, n = 57), and low-impulsivity (LI) groups (75th percentile, n = 23). We used generalized estimating equations to analyze differences in EEG absolute power considering group (HI, MI, and LI), brain region (frontal, central, and posterior), and hemisphere (left, midline, and right) for each frequency band (delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma). Results The results indicated that GD patients in the HI group showed decreased theta absolute power, and decreased alpha and beta absolute power in the left, right, particularly midline frontocentral regions. Discussion and conclusions This study is a novel attempt to reveal impulsive features in GD by neurophysiological methods. The results suggest different EEG patterns among GD patients according to the degree of impulsivity, raising the possibility of neurophysiological objective features in GD and helping clinicians in treating GD patients with impulsive features

    Dokaz protutijela protiv velikog metilja Fasciola hepatica u goveda na otoku Ulleung, Koreja.

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    We performed a cross-sectional study to estimate the seroprevalence of Fasciola hepatica in herds of cattle on Ulleung island, Korea. Blood samples were collected from randomly selected cattle and the sera were separated and analysed with an ELISA to detect antibodies against F. hepatica. The positive samples were classified as mildly, moderately or strongly positive. Out of 405 cattle sera assessed, 38 (9.4%) were seropositive for antibodies against F. hepatica. From these, 2.5% each were moderately or strongly positive and 4.4% were mildly positive. A significantly higher seroprevalence (P<0.05) was observed in young animals (<2 y old, 15.3%) compared to adults (≥2 y old, 5.4%), while no significant difference in seropositivity was found between male and female animals. This is the the first report of F. hepatica seroprevalence in cattle herds in Korea. These findings may be used to establish a base-line of information for future investigations focused on the significance of F. hepatica in Korea.Provedeno je presječno istraživanje radi procjene seroprevalencije invadiranosti velikim metiljem Fasciola hepatica u stadima goveda na otoku Ulleung u Koreji. Uzorci krvi bili su uzeti od nasumce odabranih goveda, a odvojeni uzorci seruma bili su pretraženi imunoenzimnim testom na prisutnost protutijela specifičnih za velikog metilja. Pozitivni uzorci bili su svrstani u skupine: slabo, umjereno i jako pozitivni. Od 405 pretraženih uzoraka seruma, 38 (9,4%) je bilo pozitivnih na protutijela specifična za metilj F. hepatica. Od toga je 2,5% uzoraka bilo umjereno ili jako pozitivno, a 4,4% slabo pozitivno. Značajno veća seroprevalencija (P<0,05) ustanovljena je u mladih životinja (u dobi manjoj od dvije godine, 15,3%) u usporedbi s odraslima (≥2 godine, 5,4%), dok nije ustanovljena značajna razlika u seropozitivnosti između mužjaka i ženki. Ovo je prvo izvješće o seroprevalenciji velikog metilja u stadima goveda u Koreji. Nalazi mogu biti od koristi za buduća istraživanja o značenju velikog metilja F. hepatica u Koreji

    Dokaz protutijela protiv velikog metilja Fasciola hepatica u goveda na otoku Ulleung, Koreja.

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    We performed a cross-sectional study to estimate the seroprevalence of Fasciola hepatica in herds of cattle on Ulleung island, Korea. Blood samples were collected from randomly selected cattle and the sera were separated and analysed with an ELISA to detect antibodies against F. hepatica. The positive samples were classified as mildly, moderately or strongly positive. Out of 405 cattle sera assessed, 38 (9.4%) were seropositive for antibodies against F. hepatica. From these, 2.5% each were moderately or strongly positive and 4.4% were mildly positive. A significantly higher seroprevalence (P<0.05) was observed in young animals (<2 y old, 15.3%) compared to adults (≥2 y old, 5.4%), while no significant difference in seropositivity was found between male and female animals. This is the the first report of F. hepatica seroprevalence in cattle herds in Korea. These findings may be used to establish a base-line of information for future investigations focused on the significance of F. hepatica in Korea.Provedeno je presječno istraživanje radi procjene seroprevalencije invadiranosti velikim metiljem Fasciola hepatica u stadima goveda na otoku Ulleung u Koreji. Uzorci krvi bili su uzeti od nasumce odabranih goveda, a odvojeni uzorci seruma bili su pretraženi imunoenzimnim testom na prisutnost protutijela specifičnih za velikog metilja. Pozitivni uzorci bili su svrstani u skupine: slabo, umjereno i jako pozitivni. Od 405 pretraženih uzoraka seruma, 38 (9,4%) je bilo pozitivnih na protutijela specifična za metilj F. hepatica. Od toga je 2,5% uzoraka bilo umjereno ili jako pozitivno, a 4,4% slabo pozitivno. Značajno veća seroprevalencija (P<0,05) ustanovljena je u mladih životinja (u dobi manjoj od dvije godine, 15,3%) u usporedbi s odraslima (≥2 godine, 5,4%), dok nije ustanovljena značajna razlika u seropozitivnosti između mužjaka i ženki. Ovo je prvo izvješće o seroprevalenciji velikog metilja u stadima goveda u Koreji. Nalazi mogu biti od koristi za buduća istraživanja o značenju velikog metilja F. hepatica u Koreji

    Embryoid body size-mediated differential endodermal and mesodermal differentiation using polyethylene glycol (PEG) microwell array

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    Embryoid bodies have a number of similarities with cells in gastrulation, which provides useful biological information about embryonic stem cell differentiation. Extensive research has been done to study the control of embryoid body-mediated embryonic stem cell differentiation in various research fields. Recently, microengineering technology has been used to control the size of embryoid bodies and to direct lineage specific differentiation of embryonic stem cells. However, the underlying biology of developmental events in the embryoid bodies of different sizes has not been well elucidated. In this study, embryoid bodies with different sizes were generated within microfabricated PEG microwell arrays, and a series of gene and molecular expressions related to early developmental events was investigated to further elucidate the size-mediated differentiation. The gene and molecular expression profile suggested preferential visceral endoderm formation in 450 μm embryoid bodies and preferential lateral plate mesoderm formation in 150 μm embryoid bodies. These aggregates resulted in higher cardiac differentiation in 450 μm embryoid bodies and higher endothelial differentiation in 150 μm embryoid bodies, respectively. Our findings may provide further insight for understanding embryoid body size-mediated developmental progress.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CAREER Award DMR0847287)United States. Office of Naval Research (Naval Research Young National Investigator Award)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (HL092836, EB02597, AR057837

    New Treatment for Band Keratopathy: Superficial Lamellar Keratectomy, EDTA Chelation and Amniotic Membrane Transplantation

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    We report two cases of band keratopathy who were treated with thick amniotic membrane that contained a basement membrane structure as a graft, after ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid chelation with trephination and blunt superficial lamellar keratectomy in the anterior stroma. In each case, basement membrane was destroyed and calcium plaque invaded into anterior stroma beneath Bowman's membrane. The calcified lesions were removed surgically, resulting in a smooth ocular surface, and the fine structures of band keratopathy were confirmed by pathologic findings. After that, amniotic membrane transplantation was performed to replace the excised epithelium and stroma. Wound healing was completed within 10 days. Stable ocular surface was restored without pain or inflammation. During the mean follow-up period of 13.5 months, no recurrence of band keratopathy was observed. This combined treatment is a safe and effective method for the removal of deep-situated calcium plaque and allowing the recovery of a stable ocular surface