18 research outputs found

    Surface adsorbed templates for directing the crystal growth of entacapone as monitored using process analytical techniques

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    Crystallization of entacapone (E-2-cyano-N,N-diethyl-3-(3,4-dihydroxy-5- nitrophenyl) propenamide) in acetone solution at the 500 mL scale using a self-assembled layer of the host material on Au(111) as a seeding template was studied and monitored using attenuated total reflectance (ATR)-UV-vis spectroscopy and focused beam reflectance measurement (FBRM). The data reveal that the template promotes crystal growth at lower supersaturations and at an increased rate when compared to experiments carried out without the template. Crystals prepared using the template are also found to have superior properties compared to crystals produced without the template. Notably, use of the template produces crystals with a much narrower size distribution, greatly increased perfection and a more equant crystal morphology. These observations are consistent with the template providing a sympathetic surface for the promotion of crystallization through an analogous mechanism to that associated with conventional seeding, but with the added advantage of conferring a well-ordered, easily reproducible and more robust process

    Role of Molecular, Crystal, and Surface Chemistry in Directing the Crystallization of Entacapone Polymorphs on the Au(111) Template Surface

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    The pharmaceutical compound entacapone ((E)-2-cyano-3-(3,4-dihydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)-N,N-diethylprop-2-enamide) is important in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, exhibiting interesting polymorphic behavior upon crystallization from solution. It consistently produces its stable form A with a uniform crystal size distribution on the surface of an Au(111) template while concomitantly forming its metastable form D within the same bulk solution. Molecular modeling using empirical atomistic force-fields reveals more complex molecular and intermolecular structures for form D compared to form A, with the crystal chemistry of both polymorphs being dominated by van der Waals and π–π stacking interactions with lower contributions (ca. 20%) from hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interactions. Comparative lattice energies and convergence for the polymorphs are consistent with the observed concomitant polymorphic behavior. Synthon characterization reveals an elongated needle-like morphology for form D crystals in contrast to the more equant form A crystals with the surface chemistry of the latter exposing the molecules’ cyano groups on its {010} and {011} habit faces. Density functional theory modeling of surface adsorption reveals preferential interactions between Au and the synthon GA interactions of form A on the Au surface. Molecular dynamics modeling of the entacapone/gold interface reveals the entacapone molecular structure within the first adsorbed layer to show nearly identical interaction distances, for both the molecules within form A or D with respect to the Au surface, while in the second and third layers when entacapone molecule–molecule interactions overtake the interactions between those of molecule–Au, the intermolecular structures are found to be closer to the form A structure than form D. In these layers, synthon GA (form A) could be reproduced with just two small azimuthal rotations (5° and 15°) whereas the closest alignment to a form D synthon requires larger azimuthal rotations (15° and 40°). The cyano functional group interactions with the Au template dominate interfacial interactions with these groups being aligned parallel to the Au surface and with nearest neighbor distances to Au atoms more closely matching those in form A than form D. The overall polymorph direction pathway thus encompasses consideration of molecular, crystal, and surface chemistry factors

    Effect of Excipients on Salt Disproportionation during Dissolution: A Novel Application of In Situ Raman Imaging

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    We have employed a bespoke setup combining confocal Raman microscopy and an ultraviolet–visible (UV–Vis) spectroscopy flow cell to investigate the effect of excipients on the disproportionation kinetics of Pioglitazone HCl (PioHCl) in tablets during dissolution. Three binary formulations of PioHCl, containing citric acid monohydrate (CA), lactose monohydrate (LM), or magnesium stearate (MgSt), respectively, were used as models to study the influence of excipients’ physicochemical properties on the rate of salt disproportionation kinetics and dissolution performance in different aqueous pH environments. It was found that formulation excipients can induce or prevent salt disproportionation by modulating the microenvironmental pH regardless of the pH of the dissolution media. Incorporating CA in PioHCl tablets preserves the salt form and enhances the dissolution performance of the salt in the acidic medium (pH = 1.2). In contrast, LM and MgSt had a detrimental effect on in vitro drug performance by inducing salt disproportionation in the tablet during dissolution in the same acidic medium. Dissolution in the neutral medium (pH = 6.8) showed rapid formation of the free base upon contact with the dissolution medium. The Raman maps of the cross-sectioned tablets revealed the formation of a shell consisting of the free base around the edge of the tablet. This shell decreased the rate of penetration of the dissolution medium into the tablet, which had significant implications on the release of the API into the surrounding solution, as shown by the UV–vis absorption spectroscopy drug release data. Our findings highlight the utility of the Raman/UV–vis flow cell analytical platform as an advanced analytical technique to investigate the effect of excipients and dissolution media on salt disproportionation in real time. This methodology will be used to enhance our understanding of salt stability studies that may pave the way for more stable multicomponent formulations

    Trace metal detection in Sibenik Bay, Croatia: Cadmium, lead and copper with anodic stripping voltammetry and manganese via sonoelectrochemistry. A case study

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    The vertical profiles of the concentration of reactive Mn and total concentrations of Cd, Pb, and Cu ions in the water column of the Šibenik Bay (Krka river estuary) were determined. The measured ranges of concentrations are: 60-1300 ng 1-1 for Mn, 5-13 ng 1-1 for Cd, 70-230 ng 1-1 for Pb, and 375-840 ng 1-1 for Cu. These values are comparable with the concentrations found in the unpolluted estuaries. The Krka river estuary is highly stratified, with the measured salinity gradient of 20% within a half meter of the freshwater-seawater interface (FSI). The main changes in the vertical profiles of the measured parameters occur in the FSI: the temperature increases for 1°C and the pH decreases for 0.1 unit, whereas the metal concentrations show different behaviour. Generally, Mn, Pb, and Cd ions show the increase of concentrations in the FSI, while copper concentration profile indicates anthropogenic pollution in the brackish layer caused by agriculture activities and by the paint with copper basis used as an antifoulant biocide for the ships. UV-digested samples show an increase in manganese concentrations for at least 3.5 times comparing to non UV-digested. This suggests that in natural water manganese exists mainly in the form of inert complexes and as associated to particulate matter (about 70-80%). UV irradiation has no influence on the concentration of cadmium, while for lead an increase of 50% in the seawater layer is observed. The twofold increase of the copper concentration in the upper freshwater layer and at least the fourfold one in the seawater layer were measured in the UV-digested samples. These results show that copper is strongly bound to inert complexes, and that UV-digestion is necessary step in determination of the total metal concentrations in natural water samples. No significant increase of the metal concentrations in the deeper seawater layer was observed, indicating the absence of the processes of remobilization or dissolution of metals from the sediment. Presented results confirm that the new method for the determination of manganese by CSV on boron-doped diamond electrode with ultrasound enhanced accumulation can be successfully applied to natural waters