15 research outputs found

    Scanning X-ray nanodiffraction from ferroelectric domains in strained K0.75Na0.25NbO3 epitaxial films grown on (110) TbScO3

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    Scanning X-ray nanodiffraction on a highly periodic ferroelectric domain pattern of a strained K0.75Na0.25NbO3 epitaxial layer has been performed by using a focused X-ray beam of about 100 14;nm probe size. A 90°-rotated domain variant which is aligned along [1 2]TSO has been found in addition to the predominant domain variant where the domains are aligned along the [12]TSO direction of the underlying (110) TbScO3 (TSO) orthorhombic substrate. Owing to the larger elastic strain energy density, the 90°-rotated domains appear with significantly reduced probability. Furthermore, the 90°-rotated variant shows a larger vertical lattice spacing than the 0°-rotated domain variant. Calculations based on linear elasticity theory substantiate that this difference is caused by the elastic anisotropy of the K0.75Na0.25NbO3 epitaxial layer

    X-ray scattering study of GaN nanowires grown on Ti/Al2_{2}O3_{3} by molecular beam epitaxy

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    GaN nanowires (NWs) grown by molecular beam epitaxy on Ti films sputtered on Al2_{2}O3_{3} are studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS). XRD, performed both in symmetric Bragg reflection and at grazing incidence, reveals Ti, Ti3_{3}O, Ti3_{3}Al, and TiOx_xNy_y crystallites with in-plane and out-of-plane lattice parameters intermediate between those of Al2_{2}O3_{3} and GaN. These topotaxial crystallites in Ti film, formed due to interfacial reactions and N exposure, possess fairly little misorientation with respect to Al2_{2}O3_{3}. As a result, GaN NWs grow on the top TiN layer possessing a high degree of epitaxial orientation with respect to the substrate. The measured GISAXS intensity distributions are modeled by the Monte Carlo method taking into account the orientational distributions of NWs, a variety of their cross-sectional shapes and sizes, and roughness of their side facets. The cross-sectional size distributions of the NWs and the relative fractions of (11ˉ00)(1\bar{1}00) and (112ˉ0)(11\bar{2}0) side facets are determined

    Selective Growth of GaP Crystals on CMOS-Compatible Si Nanotip Wafers by Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy

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    Gallium phosphide (GaP) is a III–V semiconductor with remarkable optoelectronic properties, and it has almost the same lattice constant as silicon (Si). However, to date, the monolithic and large-scale integration of GaP devices with silicon remains challenging. In this study, we present a nanoheteroepitaxy approach using gas-source molecular-beam epitaxy for selective growth of GaP islands on Si nanotips, which were fabricated using complementary metal–oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology on a 200 mm n-type Si(001) wafer. Our results show that GaP islands with sizes on the order of hundreds of nanometers can be successfully grown on CMOS-compatible wafers. These islands exhibit a zinc-blende phase and possess optoelectronic properties similar to those of a high-quality epitaxial GaP layer. This result marks a notable advancement in the seamless integration of GaP-based devices with high scalability into Si nanotechnology and integrated optoelectronics.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft 10.13039/501100001659European Commission 10.13039/501100008530Peer Reviewe

    Selective Growth of GaP Crystals on CMOS-Compatible Si Nanotip Wafers by Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy

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    Gallium phosphide (GaP) is a III–V semiconductor with remarkable optoelectronic properties, and it has almost the same lattice constant as silicon (Si). However, to date, the monolithic and large-scale integration of GaP devices with silicon remains challenging. In this study, we present a nanoheteroepitaxy approach using gas-source molecular-beam epitaxy for selective growth of GaP islands on Si nanotips, which were fabricated using complementary metal–oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology on a 200 mm n-type Si(001) wafer. Our results show that GaP islands with sizes on the order of hundreds of nanometers can be successfully grown on CMOS-compatible wafers. These islands exhibit a zinc-blende phase and possess optoelectronic properties similar to those of a high-quality epitaxial GaP layer. This result marks a notable advancement in the seamless integration of GaP-based devices with high scalability into Si nanotechnology and integrated optoelectronics

    Ultra-wide bandgap, conductive, high mobility, and high quality melt-grown bulk ZnGa2O4 single crystals

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    Truly bulk ZnGa2O4 single crystals were obtained directly from the melt. High melting point of 1900 ± 20 °C and highly incongruent evaporation of the Zn- and Ga-containing species impose restrictions on growth conditions. The obtained crystals are characterized by a stoichiometric or near-stoichiometric composition with a normal spinel structure at room temperature and by a narrow full width at half maximum of the rocking curve of the 400 peak of (100)-oriented samples of 23 arcsec. ZnGa2O4 is a single crystalline spinel phase with the Ga/Zn atomic ratio up to about 2.17. Melt-grown ZnGa2O4 single crystals are thermally stable up to 1100 and 700 °C when subjected to annealing for 10 h in oxidizing and reducing atmospheres, respectively. The obtained ZnGa2O4 single crystals were either electrical insulators or n-type semiconductors/degenerate semiconductors depending on growth conditions and starting material composition. The as-grown semiconducting crystals had the resistivity, free electron concentration, and maximum Hall mobility of 0.002–0.1 Ωcm, 3 × 1018–9 × 1019 cm−3, and 107 cm2 V−1 s−1, respectively. The semiconducting crystals could be switched into the electrically insulating state by annealing in the presence of oxygen at temperatures ≥700 °C for at least several hours. The optical absorption edge is steep and originates at 275 nm, followed by full transparency in the visible and near infrared spectral regions. The optical bandgap gathered from the absorption coefficient is direct with a value of about 4.6 eV, close to that of β-Ga2O3. Additionally, with a lattice constant of a = 8.3336 Å, ZnGa2O4 may serve as a good lattice-matched substrate for magnetic Fe-based spinel films