22 research outputs found

    Ротаційно–ударна обробка спіралей шнеків

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    Forskningsinriktningen vid den historiska avdelningen vid Linköpings universitet har sedan länge en stark socialhistorisk profil. kollektivens vardag studeras på en rad områden, på olika nivåer och över sinsemellan skilda tidsperioder. Det gäller inom såväl agrara som industriella miljöer, på samhällelig liksom på grupp-, familje- och individnivå samt över tid som omspänner senantiken till det sena 1900-talets historia. Hur identiteter skapas, tillägnas och förändras är en alltmer växande inriktning, liksom anknytningen till socialpolitiska ideer, normsystem, attityder, värderingar och mentaliteter. Även den  rättshistoriska och ekonomiskhistoriska forskningen ryms inom detta fält. Den historiska demografin utgör också traditionellt en stark del av det socialhistoriska fältet. Studier av arbeta och ohälsa, sjuklighet, dödlighet och hälsopolitik ligger långt framme. Bredden i den socialhistoriska profilen morsvaras av en mångfald melodologiska inslag. Skriftserien Socialhistoria i Linköping uppmärksammar denna profil och vilka uttryck den tar sig i grundutbildningen. I serien publiceras i första hand uppsatser skrivna på C- och D- nivå, men även bidrag från lärare och doktorander vid avdelningen förekommer. Detta nummer av Socialhistoria i Linköping är en specialutgåva till Svenska historikermötet i Linköping 23-25 april 199

    Is the Swedish wastewater sector ready for a transition to source separation?

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    Source separation of urine for recycling has been applied in small-scale and decentralized wastewater systems in Sweden for the past 25 years and for blackwater for pollution control even longer. The Swedish experience with source separating nutrient recycling systems is relatively well documented; however, few reports have specifically studied the potential for expansion of this practice. The aim of this study is to fill this knowledge gap by assessing the status of source-separating technologies in Sweden based on transition theory. This study uses a multi-level perspective to determine how ready the Swedish wastewater sector is for transitioning to alternative systems. Given the stability of the existing sewage wastewater regime, it seems unlikely that changes within the regime will lead to a quick and large-scale transition to source separation. Instead, the initiative must come from the niche itself, exploiting institutional cracks in the regime and opportunities from shifting trends in the landscape. If source separation is to be mainstreamed in Sweden, it will need to break into markets within the wastewater jurisdictions. In order to do so, further knowledge needs to be developed that will overcome glitches with immature technologies, uncertain legal conditions/status, investigate potential risks, and clearly define complementary system advantages. This may require the use of new perspectives that focus on holistic sustainable use of resources, including other nutrients than phosphorous, and taking into account global issues such as planetary boundaries and effects from climate change, such as water scarcity. This knowledge can then be used to establish guidelines, norms, and standards, as well as clarify the legislative structures that can support such a transition. There is also a strong need to improve knowledge dissemination regarding best-practices for implementing source-separation technologies and supporting organizational structures. Similarly, support for entrepreneurial activities within the niche needs to increase, not least through strengthening social networks and communication platforms

    Heterogeneous kinetics of AKT signaling in individual cells are accounted for by variable protein concentration

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    In most solid cancers, cells harboring oncogenic mutations represent only a sub-fraction of the entire population. Within this sub-fraction the expression level of mutated proteins can vary significantly due to cellular variability limiting the efficiency of targeted therapy. To address the causes of the heterogeneity, we performed a systematic analysis of one of the most frequently mutated pathways in cancer cells, the phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase (PI3K) signaling pathway. Among others PI3K signaling is activated by the hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) that regulates proliferation of hepatocytes during liver regeneration but also fosters tumor cell proliferation. HGF mediated responses of PI3K signaling were monitored both at the single cell and cell population level in primary mouse hepatocytes and in the hepatoma cell line Hepa1_6. Interestingly, we observed that the HGF mediated AKT responses at the level of individual cells is rather heterogeneous. However, the overall average behavior of the single cells strongly resembled the dynamics of AKT activation determined at the cell population level. To gain insights into the molecular cause for the observed heterogeneous behavior of individual cells, we employed dynamic mathematical modeling in a stochastic framework. Our analysis demonstrated that intrinsic noise was not sufficient to explain the observed kinetic behavior, but rather the importance of extrinsic noise has to be considered. Thus, distinct from gene expression in the examined signaling pathway fluctuations of the reaction rates has only a minor impact whereas variability in the concentration of the various signaling components even in a clonal cell population is a key determinant for the kinetic behavior

    Estimation of the Diffusion Coefficient in a Mixture Model with Diffusing and Fixed Particles

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    Particle positions have been observed and estimated in a series of images. The particles are assumed to perform a Brownian motion, however some of them seem to be fixed. A model is introduced with two kinds of particles, diffusing and fixed. To each particle position estimate we assume an additive normal measurement error. The parameter of the model consists of the diffusion variance, the measurement error variance, and the proportion of diffusing particles. The problem can be considered as an incomplete data problem since we do not know a priori which particles are really diffusing. The complete data is of curved exponential type and the observed data is a mixture of two normal components. The maximum likelihood estimator is computed via the EM algorithm. The estimator is shown to be strongly consistent and asymptotically normal, as the number of particles approaches infinity, under a reasonable restriction on the parameter space

    Estimating Diffusion Coefficients in Colloidal Particle Systems

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    this paper and in order not to repeat to much from it here, we recommend that it is read in close conjunctio

    Estimating diffusion coefficients in collodial particle systems

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    Reusing Phosphorus : Engineering Possibilities and Economic Realities

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    Recycling is becoming increasingly important in rich societies both in a physical sense and in the perceptions about desirable changes of economic activity and behavior. In both respects, the significance of recycling is greatest for the raw materials of agricultural, forest, and mineral origins. Recycling of phosphorus, secondary phosphorus originating from wastewater is discussed in this paper. The recycling of phosphorus from wastewater currently involves the reuse of sewage sludge in agriculture. In Sweden, 84 percent of the population is connected to wastewater treatment plants where phosphorus is removed from the wastewater, hence producing sludge containing high levels of phosphorus. The phosphorus content is 6,000 metric tons per year in Swedish wastewater treatment plant sludge. This represents approximately 30 percent of the commercial phosphorus fertilizer used yearly in Sweden. The use of sewage sludge in agriculture has been discussed widely in Sweden during the 1990s. Far from resolving several important issues, such as the content of pollutants in the sludge and whether the content of phosphorus in sludge can be used by plants, the debate is still raging.Godkänd; 1999; 20070203 (ysko)</p

    Image analysis algorithms for cell contour recognition in budding yeast

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    Quantification of protein abundance and subcellular localization dynamics from fluorescence microscopy images is of high contemporary interest in cell and molecular biology. For large-scale studies of cell populations and for time-lapse studies, such quantitative analysis can not be performed effectively without some kind of automated image analysis tool. Here, we present fast algorithms for automatic cell contour recognition in bright field images, optimized to the model organism budding yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). The cell contours can be used to effectively quantify cell morphology parameters as well as protein abundance and subcellular localization from overlaid fluorescence data