28 research outputs found

    Population-based screening for celiac disease reveals that the majority of patients are undiagnosed and improve on a gluten-free diet

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    The impact of a gluten-free diet (GFD) on screen-detected celiac disease (CD) is currently ambiguous. We aimed to identify the population-based prevalence of undiagnosed adult CD and examine the impact of a GFD on screen-detected CD. In total, 12,981 adults participated in a population-based health study in Tromsø, Norway. Participants with increased levels of anti-tissue transglutaminase-2 IgA or anti-deamidated gliadin peptide IgG were invited to undergo gastroduodenoscopy with both histological and immunohistochemical examination of small-bowel biopsies. The prevalence of previously diagnosed CD was 0.37%. Additionally, the prevalence of previously undiagnosed CD was 1.10%. Thus, 1.47% of the population had CD, of whom 75% were previously undiagnosed. A GFD resulted in signifcant improvements in overall gastrointestinal symptoms, diarrhea, and healthrelated quality of life, with reduced abdominal discomfort (76%) and improved levels of energy (58%). The large majority of patients with adult CD were undiagnosed and benefted from a GFD with reduced gastrointestinal symptoms and improved health-related quality of life. In clinical practice, there should be a low threshold for CD testing even in the absence of abdominal complaints because most adult patients appear to consider their symptoms a part of their normal state and therefore remain untested and undiagnosed

    Guide for National Planning for Setting Up New Data Services

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    This guide aims to assist interested actors or country teams in developing plans for establishing national data services in the social sciences. The guide helps country teams to include in their plans a mission statement, a governance structure, a description of areas of competence and infrastructure that need to be strengthened, as well as a description of future needs and necessary resources for setting up and maintaining viable data services

    Husrom uten hjerterom. Kan bolig motvirke marginaliseringsprosesser?

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    Dette er en forskningsrapport som omhandler vanskeligstilte på boligmarke-det. Prosjektet er gjennomført på oppdrag fra Husbanken. Formålet med pro-sjektet er å identifisere hvilken betydning boligen har for vanskeligstilte på boligmarkedet, og hvordan en egnet bolig kan motvirke og være med på å bekjempe marginalisering for denne gruppen. Vanskeligstilte på boligmarkedet er en heterogen gruppe, men felles for mange er at de har vært og er i kontakt med ulike deler av det offentlige hjelpeapparatet. Størstedelen har en bakgrunn som er preget av sammensatt problematikk, og de er ofte marginalisert eller ekskludert fra flere sider ved samfunnslivet. Denne studien har tatt utgangspunkt i to undergrupper av vanskeligstilte på boligmarkedet: Unge voksne med barnevernsbakgrunn og voksne som har problemer med rus og/eller psykiske lidelser. Studien har et brukerperspek-tiv, og marginaliseringsprosessene er beskrevet ut i fra disse gruppenes egne perspektiver og vi har i analysen vektlagt de faktorer og mekanismer som de selv mener bidrar til ulike marginaliseringsprosesser. Studien har to hovedproblemstillinger: Hvordan opplever vanskeligstilte på boligmarkedet betydningen av bolig for sin livssituasjon? Hvordan kan bolig som virkemiddel motvirke marginaliseringsprosesser?publishedVersio

    Deliverable 3.4: National Development Plans for Data Services in Non-CESSDA Member Countries in the ERA

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    This deliverable contains the second output of task 3.3 – national development plans for establishing data services in the social sciences in non-CESSDA member countries in Europe. The goal of task 3.3 of CESSDA SaW was to draw up individual national development plans for aspiring CESSDA Service Providers. In total, NDPs have been developed in 13 countries. Nine NDPs are included in this deliverable, while four are still pending approval from national authorities and/or local potential host institutions

    Be Thou Exalted, Volume 3: With Firm Resolve I Held My Peace: Instrumental

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    Full conductor score including parts for organ, trumpets, flutes, oboes, clarinets, bass clarinet, contrabass clarinet, bassoon, alto saxophones, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, French horns, trombones, baritone, string bass, timpani and tuba

    Evaluation and Extension of an XNA Game Library used in Software Architecture Projects

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    For most young people growing up today, video games have been a part of their life on the same level as music, films, and other entertainment. They regard video games as a fun, exciting, and absorbing source of entertainment and stimulation. Transferring these properties into an educational context can prove to be very valuable and motivational. In this master thesis, the introduction of video game development with the XNA game development platform in software architecture projects at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is evaluated. This includes an evaluation of a 2D XNA game library used in the projects. In addition, we present an assessment of the effort and time spent required to grasp the necessary 3D concepts and techniques involved in producing 3D games with XNA. We also describe our improvements and extensions of the game library to support and include 3D features, based on the evaluation and assessment. The students of the course had the choice between the traditional project (a robot simulation) and the new XNA project. We find that the students who chose the XNA project were more motivated, struggled less, and thus required less assistance. On the other hand, the XNA students admitted to over focusing on the gameplay of their game, at the expense of the software architecture. This should even out when more learning material specific to the XNA project becomes available. 40% of the XNA students used the game library in their project. Overall, they were satisfied with the usefulness and usability of it, but did not think it helped them focus less on technical matters and more on the architecture