21 research outputs found

    Håndbok for prøvetaking av nordsjøsild (Clupea harengus)

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    Denne håndboken er ment som hjelp til nye prøvetakere på nordsjøsild. Håndboken henviser til hvor man finner nyttige dokumenter og aktuelle linker som en trenger som tekniker ved Pelagisk fisk, hvordan en nordsjøsildprøve skal opparbeides og leseregler for alderslesing av nordsjøsildotolitter. I tillegg er det laget en referansesamling av nordsjøsildotolitter. Referansesamlingen kan også brukes av erfarne lesere for å sjekke at man holder seg til lesereglene og ikke begynner å drifte.publishedVersio


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    Di Kota Bandung sebagai salah satu kota besar di Indonesia, Punk tumbuh dan berkembang dengan cukup cepat dalam masyarakat. Macam-macam pemaknaan negatif sering dicapkan kepada para punker. Seperti bersikap antisosialdan melakukan perilaku-perilaku menyimpang yang meresahkan dan merugikan anggota masyarakat lain. Beberapa perilaku antisosial dan penyimpangan tercermin dari sikap mereka yang introvert, asosial, cenderung agresif, seringnya melakukan perilaku menyimpang, dan acuh terhadap nilai dan norma sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana gambaran perilaku, faktor penyebab, serta implikasi keberadaan mereka terhadap kehidupan masyarakat.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Menggunakan wawancara dan observasi sebagai alat pengumpul data. Perilaku antisosial sejatinya ditunjukan oleh para punker, hal ini ditunjukan oleh sikap dan perilaku yang tampak seperti cara berpenampilan seorang punkeryang sangat berbeda dibanding dengan masyarakat pada umumnya, pola perilaku keseharian yang tidak sesuai dengan nilai dan norma yang berlaku seperti sikap yang cenderung agresif, seringnya mengkonsumsi minuman beralkohol, terlibat perkelahian, penyalahgunaan obat-obatan dan acuh terhadap nilai dan norma yang berlaku di masyarakat.Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi munculnya perilaku penyimpangan dan sikap antisosial ini dilatar belakangi oleh kondisi keluarga Broken Home, lingkungan sosial individu yang bisa dengan mudah menemui perilaku menyimpang, teman sepermainan dan pendidikan yang rendah. Selain itu juga ada faktor-faktor lain yang mendukung munculnya perilaku tersebut seperti pengaruh media massa, keinginan diri untuk dipuji, pelampiasan rasa kecewa, faktor dorongan kebutuhan ekonomi, serta adanya ketidaksanggupan individu untuk menyerap norma-norma konformis.Keberadaan dari para punker ini berdampak pada kehidupan masyarakat baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Dampak secara langsung tersebut diantaranya adalah adanya perasaan takut yang dirasakan oleh masyarakat akibat dari adanya beberapa perilaku mereka yang bisa dikategorikan mengancam, seperti seringnya bergerombol dalam jumlah banyak, mengamen dengan cara paksa, dan melakukan pemalakan. Implikasi lain yang muncul dari komunitas punk ini selain dirasakan secara langsung ada pula beberapa hal yang bersifat tidak langsung, diantaranya adalah dengan cara hidup mereka yang menjunjung tinggi kebebasan dan hidup seolah-olah tidak terikat oleh sistem norma yang berlaku dimasyarakat, para generasi tua memiliki semacam ketakutan bila hal tersebut akan berimplikasi terhadap ideologi pada generasi muda yang sejatinya masih dalam tahap pencarian jati diri kemudian terjerumus pada pola kehidupan yang mereka lihat dari komunitas Punk tersebut Kata Kunci : Punk, Antisosial, Perilaku Menyimpang Bandung as one of big cities in Indonesia . Punk has been growing and developing rapidly in society. punker often look as a bad behavior. Such as antisocial and do a deviate behavior that make another citizen feel uneasiness and suffer. Some antisocial and deviate behavior can reflected from their introvert, asocial, aggressive disposed, often do the deviate behavior, and ignoring about social value and norm. This research purposes are to knowing how the representation of behavior, causes factor, and their existence implication toward society. This research uses case study with qualitative approach. This research is using interview and observation as tools for collecting data. The antisocial behavior often represented by punkers. This thing represented by attitude and behavior that appear like clothing style which very different with another citizen. Behavior pattern in daily live that inappropriate with value and norm such as aggressive disposed, often consume alcohol, affray, drugs abuse and ignoring about social value and norm in society, the influence factors of deviate and antisocial behavior are caused by broken home family, social individual environment that could be easy faced deviate behavior, friends and lower education. Besides of that there are other factors which supporting deviate behavior such as mass media influence, feel to be praised, impingement of disappointed, economical needed factor, and individual disability to pervade conformist norm . The existence of punkers give directly and indirectly impact to society live. . Directly impact there are: society feel afraid to the punkers because some of their attitude are threat categorized such as they are often look in group in a large number . Busking forcedly, asking some money with threat. Another implication that arise from this punk community also felt indirectly there are with their lifestyle that hold in the high esteem of freedom and their live unbounded by norm in society, old generations feel afraid if that thing will implicating toward young generations’ ideology that they are still in stage where they are looking for who really they are then fall into live pattern that they see from punk community. Keywords: Punk, Antisocial, Deviatio

    Spatial structuring in early life stage fish diversity in the Scotia Sea region of the Southern Ocean

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    The fish community of the Scotia Sea is diverse and plays key roles in Antarctic food webs and biogeochemical cycling. However, knowledge of the spatial and community structure of their early life stages is limited, particularly in the region surrounding the South Orkney Islands. Here we examine the structure of the early life stage fish community in the epipelagic using data from a basin-scale survey conducted in early 2019, which sampled the top 200 m of the water column. 347 early life stage fish from 19 genera were caught in 58 hauls. A third of all specimens belonged to the genus Notolepis and the nine most common genera comprised over 90% of specimens. Cluster analysis revealed five distinct groupings, the most common were a group dominated by pelagic and shelf slope genera (Notolepis, Muraenolepis and Electrona) found mainly in oceanic waters (depth ≥ 1000 m), and a group dominated by species with demersal or benthopelagic adults (Chionodraco, Chaenocephalus and Nototheniops) found mainly in shelf waters. Bottom depth was the main environmental determinant of community structure, separating the diverse on-shelf assemblage at the South Orkneys from the less species-rich community of widespread oceanic taxa. Our results indicate the highest diversities of early life stages of endemic fish occur on the shelf and near-shelf areas. Dedicated monitoring is recommended to understand the seasonal differences in larval community assemblages and the implications of early life stages fish bycatch within the krill fishery

    Report from a krill focused survey with RV Kronprins Haakon and land-based predator work in Antarctica during 2018/2019

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    The primary objective for this krill research activity was twofold 1) to conduct a survey that provides updated estimates of the biomass and distribution of krill which are used in models to estimate sustainable yield in CCAMLR Area 48 and 2) to develop knowledge on the marine environment essential for the implementation of a Feed-Back Management (FBM) system. The survey follows a similar design as a survey initiated by CCAMLR in year 2000 for comparative purposes, but in addition focuses on high krill-density areas, contains state-of-the art methods and employs modern technology for the research topics currently in focus. In terms of FBM, Marine Protected Area (MPA) development in CCAMLR Planning Domain 1 encompasses the major krill fishing grounds. Thus, data supporting FBM are critical if the fishery is to be managed by an empirical understanding of krill density, distribution, availability and predator needs as opposed to purely conservation-based measures. A future developed FBM system, requires acoustic data to be collected, processed and reported continuously during the fishing season as a measure of the available prey field. This information can be integrated with finer-scale knowledge of krill predator feeding strategies and updated through specific scientific studies at regular (multiyear) intervals. The survey and coupled FBM process studies took place during the Austral summer 2018-2019. The work was coordinated by Norway and involved collaborative international efforts as well as vessels from Norway, Association of Responsible Krill fishing companies (ARK) and the Norwegian fishing company Aker BioMarine AS, China, Korea, Ukraine and United Kingdom. This report presents preliminary results from the survey performed with the Norwegian RV Kronprins Haakon during 08th January – 24th February 2019 and the land-based predator research carried out between 21st November 2018 and 20th February 2019.publishedVersio

    Condition and size composition effects on the simulated relationship between spawner biomass and total egg production for Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua L.)

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    Spawner biomass (SB) is often assumed to be proportional to total egg production (TEP) by fish stocks. Recent studies suggest that this assumption may not be valid, particularly when the physiological condition of fish varies. This study used Monte Carlo techniques to simulate the relationship between SB and TEP for Northcast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua). In the first simulation exercise, reproductive traits reflecting condition (length-specific maturity, weight and fecundity) were varied according to food abundance (capelin biomass) while the size composition (numbers at length) was held constant. In the second exercise, the size composition, as described by the modal length of spawners, was varied and condition was held constant. In the final exercise, condition and size composition were varied simultaneously. The first exercise indicated that variation in TEP was not constant but increased as the SB increased. The second exercise showed that, for a given SB, TEP increased with increasing modallength of spawners. Comparing the results of the first and second exercise showed that food-dependent variation in condition introduced greater variability into the relationship between SB and TEP than did shifting the size composition. When condition and size composition were varied simultaneously, as would be expected in wild stocks, TEP exhibited approximately 4-fold level of variation at any given SB

    Utbredelse av blåkveite langs Eggakanten, februar - mars 2005

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    Utbredelse av blåkveite i Barentshavet, august - september 2006

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