17 research outputs found

    Müze, Kütüphane ve Arşiv Binalarında Proaktif Önlemler

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    Risk-reducing measures are necessary for the long term health of objects (museum collections, library and archival materials) which features all periods of history located in display, reading room and storage spaces of museum, library and archive buildings. To minimize risk related with employees, visitors, users, artifacts, archival materials in case of an emergency situation or disaster time, conservation should be provided with proactive measures (prior action) at the spaces where contain artifacts which have been cultural memory of society. Additionaly, deterioration caused by environmental risk factors that will be minimized through measures to be taken. When the artifacts and archival materials deterioration occurred by risk factors which are oriented interior building conditions, not reactive (immediate response), but proactive (preventive) approach should be predicted with continuous monitoring due to prevent this deterioration. Due to adverse climatic conditions in the interior environment that may occur stress or health problems on the staff level, proactive monitoring is essential. Implementation of proactive security management is also important in the case of unsafe act of the personel who is responsible of artifact protection. In Turkey, introduced by the Labour Act of Turkey Law No. 4857 which contains proactive approach, to take measures are compulsory in workplaces. In the study, it is emphasized that necessity of proactive measures which are contribute to minimizing risks of human and objects

    Kütüphanelerdeki El Yazması Eserlere Yönelik Bir Belgeleme Önerisi: İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Nadir Eserler Kitaplığı Örneği A Documentation Proposal for Manuscripts in Libraries A Case Study: İstanbul University Faculty of Letters Rare Books Library

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    Libraries are important institutions which transferred unique cultural heritage from past to present. The role of conservation works is essential in transmitting of the books, manuscripts and documents which reflect near past to the next generations in a healthy way. Bringing into the ideal levels of indoor comfort (climatic) conditions is one of the protection studies in the library environments. Temperature, relative humidity, light, radiation, dust, vibration; microbiological activity, biological factors: insects and rodents, intentional / unintentional acts of human-induced factors and disaster factors affect library buildings and collections. The collections which have their vulnerable chemical structure nature are faced with a very quick deterioration or extinction. Due to the all of these reasons, necessary precautions should be taken by measurement, assessment and continuous monitoring of the library materials for indoor environment before any kind of deterioration. In this study, proposal of solution based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Raman Spectroscopic Analysis, which provides fast data analysis for the diagnosis of deterioration occurring over time, has been proposed. It is aimed that deterioration in the manuscripts in the libraries depending on the ambient conditions, by using digital and optical imaging such as Raman Spectroscopy method, GIS and to collect a database of these records for the future studies. Using of data obtained from this study as base in the diagnosis and restoration works and as tool in development of conservation policies are emphasized. Spectroscopic analysis were performed by Raman spectroscopic techniques. According to the Raman spectroscopy results, it was determined that pigments were used for manuscripts. On the other hand, deterioration levels were defined by GIS with high precision

    Kütüphanelerdeki El Yazması Eserlere Yönelik Bir Belgeleme Önerisi: İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Nadir Eserler Kitaplığı Örneği A Documentation Proposal for Manuscripts in Libraries A Case Study: İstanbul University Faculty of Letters Rare Books Library

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    Libraries are important institutions which transferred unique cultural heritage from past to present. The role of conservation works is essential in transmitting of the books, manuscripts and documents which reflect near past to the next generations in a healthy way. Bringing into the ideal levels of indoor comfort (climatic) conditions is one of the protection studies in the library environments. Temperature, relative humidity, light, radiation, dust, vibration; microbiological activity, biological factors: insects and rodents, intentional / unintentional acts of human-induced factors and disaster factors affect library buildings and collections. The collections which have their vulnerable chemical structure nature are faced with a very quick deterioration or extinction. Due to the all of these reasons, necessary precautions should be taken by measurement, assessment and continuous monitoring of the library materials for indoor environment before any kind of deterioration. In this study, proposal of solution based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Raman Spectroscopic Analysis, which provides fast data analysis for the diagnosis of deterioration occurring over time, has been proposed. It is aimed that deterioration in the manuscripts in the libraries depending on the ambient conditions, by using digital and optical imaging such as Raman Spectroscopy method, GIS and to collect a database of these records for the future studies. Using of data obtained from this study as base in the diagnosis and restoration works and as tool in development of conservation policies are emphasized. Spectroscopic analysis were performed by Raman spectroscopic techniques. According to the Raman spectroscopy results, it was determined that pigments were used for manuscripts. On the other hand, deterioration levels were defined by GIS with high precision

    Kültürel Miras Sektöründe Risk Transferi

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    Natural disasters, man-made disasters and inappropriate environmental conditions cause loss of life and economic losses as well as destruction of cultural heritage. Disasters such as earthquakes occur suddenly without any warning and due to their uncontrolled characteristic great destruction become on historical monuments / artifacts by resulting serious damage or completely demolish. However, before a potential disaster or emergency situation occurs, potential dangers and likely risks can be reduce with proactive mitigation plans. To make a successful risk mitigation plan for the museum, library and archive buildings which contain cultural heritage collections, to make the determination of risks initially and subsequently resources are needed in the organization are essential. To reduce the risk effects due to buildings, objects (collections, library / archival materials), the staff, the beneficiaries (visitors, students, guests, etc.) could face likely risks, insurance activities (transferring or sharing the risk) needs to be addressed is an issue primarily. It is emphasized in this study that to provide resources against the risks on staff and cultural heritage by transferring the risk method and to minimize impacts of the potential damage in terms of the institution's budget

    Arşiv Binalarında Risklere Yönelik Koruma Çalışmaları: İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi Arşivleri Örneği

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    Archives are institutions which embodies the historical development of society building ideas, ideals, events, official records / evidence. These resources are being used today and being a basement for the benefit of future generations. However, archives which are unique knowledge must be protected against threats and all types of risks. If adequate measures are not taken for the short, medium and long-term, these hazards grew further and bring result of severe damage for archives. Archive documents which has not taken their digital copies, when face the likely disaster it cause irreplaceable losses. The data (important source of information) protection responsibility should be addressed as a priority, not only archive experts , but also administrative charge, academicians should work together on a platform for devoloping preventive conservation strategies of possible deterioration and damage. In this study is emphasized Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Directorate of Archives efforts to protect archives and importance of these studies

    Arşiv ve Kütüphanelerdeki Risklere Yönelik Pasif Korumanın Önemi

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    The cultural heritage is under threat in the world and in our country due to the potential hazards and other dangers. These factors are caused by human, technological or natural-induced reasons. Some historical buildings which are used as library and archive buildings have the possibility of damage due to structural problems in case of disaster (Proactive). Precautions must be taken well before any kind of emergency situation or disaster due to protect both these structures as historical monuments, and books, manuscripts and other library and archive materials in historical and modern buildings. These measures may include passive/preventive and/or active conservation methods. This study aimed to examine risk factors by qualitative research method which affect to the library and archive staff, buildings and materials in accordance with the principles IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) and disaster management. Passive / preventive conservation method proposals are extended for risk reduction

    Kütüphanelerde Yapısal Olmayan Malzeme Kaynaklı Riskler

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    The rare books, manuscripts and other library materials which are located in the libraries get serious damage or completely destroyed due to their vulnerable structures against disasters. After earthquake, fire, flood, hurricane disasters that occur world scale, both library buildings and their contents priceless library materials are affected as irreversibly that is a significant problem in terms of the cultural heritage protection concept. The staff who work at this field and people who use these places also face with result of injury and loss of life by the risks of disaster and emergency situations. The library buildings in Turkey having a history with hundreds of years of experience and consist of humanity's common heritage are occasionally damaged by the effects of disasters. To reduce the likely risks of libraries is an issue that should not be ignored. In recent years, extensive measures are undertaken at the library structures to reduce the risk with modern technologies for potential disaster and to enable rapid respond immediately during disaster time. Besides the structural risks in libraries nonstructural risks should be eliminated for safeguarding cultural heritage and actuated of facilities for this purpose as a priority responsibility. After a possible disaster / emergency situation, libraries should start recovery phase of disaster management with disaster - resistant capacity, and should be provided to return operational activities as soon as possible. Reconstruction and risk reduction activities at the existing libraries and the libraries that under construction should be planned disaster - oriented analysis (earthquake, fire, flood , etc.) for staff, users, buildings and library materials. In this study, it is aimed that to assess non-structural material / component risks which have been non-load bearing characteristic of the library buildings, to evaluate within the scope of No. 6331 Occupational Health and Safety Law and to examine by protective measures suggestions

    Bilgi ve Belge Yönetiminde Patent Korumasının Önemi

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    In history of mankind, new findings knowledgehas been transfer to present. Documentationstudies of this knowledge is essential for a missionof both information owner rights protection and andto be transferred to the future. These studies end withpatent document which consists information aboutright owner and all details of the invention. But priorto that result, documentation is an ongoing issue inapplication and admission proces. In Turkey, nationalauthorising office is Turkish Patent Institute (TPE)and the international patent offices carry out theirwork of this certification. Intellectual property rightsthat are the basis of patent is secured by national andinternational laws. This warranty is the basis of thescientific and technological development. In the study,it is empasized that Concept of patent, description ofthe procedures required to obtain the patent, role ofthe Information and Records Management science inthis process. Information and Records Managementscience’s joint efforts with interdisciplinary work forObtaining the patent document and establishing documentmanagement system will provide a significantcontribution to this field

    Risk Analysis for the Faculty of Theology Libraries in Terms of Protection Due to Risk and Archive Dimension

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    Libraries are important institutions which contribute to the development of science, art, technology by their library materials. Library materials which exist in the reading room and storage areas face various threats oriented by environmental, disasters and human risks. Without precautionary measures, these hazards can turn into risks and these risks cause material damage. Therefore, the factors giving rise to deterioration of library materials should be identified as a priority and library employees and beneficiaries should be protected from any kind of damage. Libraries of the Faculty of Theology that represent major educational institutions around the globe contain significant number of books, manuscripts and microfilms. Collection management, protection from adverse climatic conditions and disaster risks need to be addressed principally. The aim of this study is to offer protective measures for Faculty of Theology Libraries and develop a preventive model

    Risk Management in Libraries, Archives and Museums

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    Libraries, archives and museums around the globe are exposed to risks stemming from environmental conditions and human-driven potential hazards. Since an emergency/disaster immediately breaks out, the four key principles of disaster management, namely preparedness, damage reduction, intervention and improvement, should strictly be defined proactively, planned and necessary measures should be taken beforehand. In a well set-up Library, Archive ( information and documentation centers) and Museum Risk Management, it is important to define the hazards and prioritize them after the assessment of the risks that may be posed by such hazards. Again based on this management system, continuous improvement through Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycles should be aimed. Risk analyses should be performed in consideration of the incidence frequency, severity and duration of emergency/ disasters; number of collection, library and archive items; number of workers; number of users; building characteristics (structural quality, quality of non-structural elements, geological condition of soil, etc.) as well as the properties of hazardous facilities surrounding the building. Separate strategies to control each risk originating from hazards (aimed at controlling the risks in the short, medium and long term) should be defined. In this study, the importance of risk analysis and risk assessment for Libraries, Archives and Museums under the Occupational Health and Safety Law no 6331 has been emphasized, and a sample risk analysis based on the 5x5 risk matrix method is presented