64 research outputs found

    The Intermediate Zone: (immune, refractory, depigmented zone) A Preliminary Investigation

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    The dilect judeopiomontes

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    The long exile of the Jewish people, and its consequent geographical dispersion, had decisive influence in languages who they spoke, and another territorial linguistic aspect, which is the onomastic. The dialect we are dealing about has the particularity, responding, as others, that is the consecuence of linguistic fragmentation in Italy. The development of several dialectal languages ocurred because it was late when national unificaticon process adopted a single language. This is how there are dialects judeo-ferrarese, florentino, mantovano, modenese, livornese, etc. Accordingly, Jews living in the Piedmont spoke the local dialect. However, the difficulty to find the proper idiomatic expression and other needs, as Diena holds, made that some hebrew words were introduced, all these changed conformed a strange body from the linguistically point of view, unless,you hold the idea that the Semitic and Indo-European languages have a common trunk. In synthesis, it is a minor structure of meager heritage lexicon, fundamentally oral – in spite of the existence of literary texts-, without its own phonetic, morphological or syntactic system, with few lexemes, characterized by having voice-overs and Hebrew expressions embedded in the Piedmontese dialect. As a result, phonetic and syntactic treatment was preferably Piedmontese

    Margherita Sarfatti y el fascismo. La importancia de su origen judío y los costos de una identidad no deseada

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    Hablar de Margherita Sarfatti es hacerlo también del fascismo italiano que la tuvo como testigo privilegiada de su génesis y del encumbramiento de su líder, Benito Mussolini, y como autora de una muy difundida mundialmente biografía apologética del mismo. Al mismo tiempo, ella simboliza como nadie la errática trayectoria de ese movimiento político con respecto a Gli Ebrei d¨Italia, (Los hebreos de Italia) de los que descendía, algo que olvidó, lo que no impidió persecuciones, temores y exilios y hasta la muerte de una hermana deportada a Auschwitz, pese a que en algún momento alcanzó tal importancia como cuadro político intelectual del fascismo que fue oficialmente recibida, en su representación, por el presidente de los Estados Unidos, Roosevelt

    Up-regulation of the chemokine CCL21 in the skin of subjects exposed to irritants

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    BACKGROUND: Expression of murine CCL21 by dermal lymphatic endothelial cells (LEC) has been demonstrated to be one of the most important steps in Langerhans cell emigration from skin. Previously, our group and others have found that this chemokine is up-regulated in different human inflammatory skin diseases mediated by diverse specific immune responses. This study was carried out to investigate the involvement of CCL21 in human skin after challenge with irritant agents responsible for inducing Irritant Contact Dermatitis (ICD). RESULTS: Eleven normal individuals were challenged with different chemical or physical irritants. Two patients with Allergic Contact Dermatitis (ACD) were also challenged with the relevant antigen in order to have a positive control for CCL21 expression. Macroscopic as well as microscopic responses were evaluated. We observed typical ICD responses with mostly mononuclear cells in perivascular areas, but a predominance of polymorphonuclear cells away from the inflamed blood vessels and in the epidermis at 24 hours. Immunohistochemical studies showed up-regulation of CCL21 by lymphatic endothelial cells in all the biopsies taken from ICD and ACD lesions compared to normal skin. Kinetic study at 10, 48, 96 and 168 hours after contact with a classical irritant (sodium lauryl sulphate) showed that the expression of CCL21 was increased in lymphatic vessels at 10 hours, peaked at 48 hours, and then gradually declined. There was a strong correlation between CCL21 expression and the macroscopic response (r = 0.69; p = 0.0008), but not between CCL21 and the number of infiltrating cells in the lesions. CONCLUSIONS: These results provide new evidence for the role of CCL21 in inflammatory processes. Since the up-regulation of this chemokine was observed in ICD and ACD, it is tempting to speculate that this mechanism operates independently of the type of dermal insult, facilitating the emigration of CCR7+ cells

    La ciudadanía española y los sefardíes. Razones históricas

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    Recent decision of the Spanish Government to grant Spanish citizenship to the Sephardic dispersed the world was an act of historical reparation and this work seek to trace on the reasons for such that have informed it. We find two aspects that surely has been taken into account for its adoption. The first leads to rating the Jewish presence in that nation and so nothing more appropriate than analysis of the well known controversy that kept Claudio Sánchez Albornoz and Américo Castro and historiography in this theme. The other aspect to consider is the attitude of the Spaniards in the 19th and 20th centuries to those Sephardim, taking into account that for that then, a hispanist opined that Spain was not only a nation free of Jews, but that he had forgotten them, and the favorable reaction that produced its rediscovery, which was called sefardofilia.La reciente decisión del gobierno español de otorgar la ciudadanía española a los sefarditas dispersos por el mundo fue un acto de reparación histórica y en este trabajo procuramos rastrear en las razones de esa índole que la han fundamentado. Encontramos dos aspectos que seguramente se ha tenido en cuenta para su adopción. El primero lleva a valorar la presencia judaica en esa nación y para ello nada más indicado que el análisis de la muy conocida polémica que mantuvieron Claudio Sánchez Albornoz y Américo Castro y la historiografía en esa temática. El otro aspecto a considerar es la actitud de los españoles en los siglos XIX y XX hacia esos sefarditas, habida cuenta que para ese entonces, un hispanista opinó que España no solamente era una nación sin judíos sino que se había olvidado de ellos, y la reacción favorable que produjo su redescubrimiento, que se denominó Sefardofilia

    Dialecto judeo piemontés

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