78 research outputs found

    The Potential of the Learning Environment for the Development of Self-Educational Competence of the Would-be Teachers

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    При финансовой поддержке Российского гуманитарного научного фонда, проект № 08-06-14134

    Cation-exchange resins as heterogeneous catalysts for the synthesis of 1,3-butadiene from propylene and formaldehyde

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    Received: 23.12.2020. Revised: 13.04.2021. Accepted: 20.04.2021. Available online: 28.04.2021.The possibility of using the cation-exchange resin Lewatit K2420 as a catalyst for the synthesis of 1,3-butadiene from isopropyl alcohol and formaldehyde solution in one technological stage has been shown. The regularities of the process have been established and the influence of the formaldehyde form (a cyclic trimer 1,3,5-trioxane and a 37% solution in water) on the composition of the reaction mass and the yield of the main and by-products has been assessed. It has been shown that the Lewatit K2420 heterogeneous catalyst showed catalytic activity in all reactions occurring in the synthesis of 1,3-butadiene, including the decomposition of 1,3,5-trioxane, dehydration of isopropyl alcohol into propylene, condensation of propylene and formaldehyde, dehydration of 3-butene-1-ol, decomposition of 4-methyl-1,3-dioxane, etc

    β1-адренорецептор, солюбилизированный в форме нанодисков: скрининг различных амфипатических полимеров

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    The development of a reliable and easily used diagnostic test for measuring autoantibodies to β1-adrenergic receptor (β1ADR Ab) in patient blood is an unmet clinical need. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is considered as the most appropriate method for this task. In ELISA, the use of peptides corresponding to various fragments of amino acid sequence of β1ADR as antigens leads to inadequate results as β1ADR Ab appear to recognize conformationally dependent epitopes that are generated during the formation of unique tertiary structure of the receptor. Isolation of β1ADR preserving the native conformation and functional characteristics is a quite challenging task. A promising approach to address this task is the use of amphipatic polymers capable of forming nanodiscs, it permits to successfully solubilize membrane proteins. In order to obtain the preparations of solubilized β1ADR that can be used as antigens in ELISA we have tested 17 various amphipatic polymers. The best relative solubilization values (RSV) were obtained using UltrasoluteTM Amphipol 17 (87%) and 18 (62%), as well as by AASTY 11-45 (76%), 11-50 (77%) and 6-50 (78.5%).Создание надежного и удобного в использовании диагностического теста для определения в крови пациентов аутоантител к β1‑адренорецептору (АДРБ1 АТ) является насущной потребностью клинической практики. Формат иммуноферментного анализа (ИФА) представляется наиболее подходящим для решения этой задачи. Использование в ИФА в качестве антигена пептидов, воспроизводящих отдельные фрагменты аминокислотной последовательности АДРБ1, приводит к неадекватным результатам, поскольку, по-видимому, АДРБ1 АТ узнают конформационно-зависимые эпитопы, образующиеся при формировании уникальной третичной структуры рецептора. Выделение АДРБ1, сохраняющего нативную конформацию и функциональные свойства, является весьма сложной задачей. Перспективным способом ее решения является использование амфипатических полимеров, формирующих нанодиски, что позволяет успешно солюбилизировать мембранные белки. В настоящей работе описаны результаты тестирования 17 различных амфипатических полимеров с целью получения препаратов солюбилизированных АДРБ1, пригодных для использования в ИФА в качестве антигена. Наилучшие условные показатели солюбилизации (УПС) продемонстрировали UltrasoluteTM Amphipol 17 (87%) и 18 (62%), AASTY 11-45 (76%), 11-50 (77%), 6-50 (78.5%)

    Young researchers develop approaches of sustainable practice in Northern communities

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    Pairing scientific and traditional knowledge approaches is crucial to understanding the fate of environmental systems under ongoing climate change; however creating a bridge between non-local, non-indigenous research scientists and traditional knowledge holders in northern communities brings its own challenges. In an IASC cross-cutting initiative, Fellows of the Terrestrial, Cryosphere and Marine Working Groups organized a workshop on “Community-based Research: Do`s and Don`ts of Arctic Research” bringing together young researchers with resident Arctic representatives and experts to discuss best practices in the exchange of traditional and scientific knowledge and in conducting research in northern communities. The format and organization of the workshop allowed an interactive and fruitful discussion, generating a diverse list of Arctic Research considerations and sustainable practices. An extensive list of positive (Do`s) and few negative recommendations (Don`ts) was generated together with the young researchers and Arctic representatives, including considerations of (1) the research design and early planning, (2) the contribution of science to northern communities, (3) the relationship of researchers and indigenous people, (4) the communication and overall impression of visiting scientists and (5) ways to get involved with local people. This study is a good example of bottom-up strategy development to enhance knowledge transfer between scientists and indigenous communities

    The System of Neutrophil Elastase and the Plasma Level of MMP-7 in Children with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and Chronic Cor Pulmonale

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    A significant increase in the activity of neutrophil elastase (NE) and anti-NE-protection in the plasma were detected in children having bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) complicated by pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and chronic cor pulmonale (CCP). The changes revealed were more pronounced in patients with CCP. The plasma concentration of the NE was slightly reduced, which was probably associated with the activation of anti-NE and an increase in the α1-antitrypsin level. A gradual increase was noted in the plasma level of the matrix metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7) in patients with an increase in the severity of the condition. In patients with cystic fibrosis (with and without CCP), the pronounced increase in the MMP-7 level was observed. In patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), even without the additional complication with PAH and CCP, the MMP-7 level was significantly higher than in those with congenital broncho-pulmonary malformations (CBPM). The difference was increased in those patients with PAH and reached a maximum in those with CCP

    Features of treatment of pelvic fractures in adolescents

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    Aim. То reveal the features of peculiarities in treatment of pelvic fractures in adolescents using retrospective analysis. Materials and methods. In the Chaklin Scientific Research Urals Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics the analysis of 927 medical reports from 2000 to 2009 was carried out. Results. Patterns of different frequencies of the pelvis and acetabulum injuries in children, as well as a combination of injuries with trauma of other sites were identified, which is associated with morphological changes in pelvic fractures in adolescents. It is shown, that injuries of acetabulum in adults predominate in frequency over the pelvis trauma (52%), whereas in adolescents, they were noted only in the 13% of cases. The stable fractures composed 34% observations in adolescents, and 10% in adults. Multiple injuries were 59% among adolescents, almost half of them needed to have conservative treatment only. Extrafocal compression-distraction osteosynthesis was performed two times more frequently in adolescents than in comparison with adults.Цель исследования. Выявить особенности лечения переломов костей таза у подростков путем ретроспективного анализа. Материалы и методы. Проведен анализ 927 историй болезни по электронному архиву за период с 2000 по 2009 гг. в ФГУ «УНИИТО им. В.Д. Чаклина Росмедтехнологий». Результаты. Установлены закономерности различной частоты повреждений таза и вертлужной впадины в детском возрасте, а также сочетания повреждений с травмами других локализаций, что связано с морфологическими изменениями переломов таза у подростков. Показано, что повреждения вертлужной впадины у взрослых превалируют по частоте над травмой таза (52%), в то время как. у подростков они отмечены лишь в 13% случаев. Стабильные переломы у подростков отмечены в 34% наблюдений, у взрослых - только в 10% случаев. Множественная травма отмечена 59% подростков, практически половина из них нуждалась в проведении только консервативного лечения. Внеочаговый компрессионно-дистракционный остеосинтез у подростков выполняли в два раза чаще, чем у взрослых


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    The article deals with the organization features of architectural education in Russia, in comparison with Western European countries, the USA and Canada; and reveals the differences in organization and plan content. Russian architectural education has passed the same way in its development, as the architectural education in other countries: from craft-labor approach in training (X-XVII centuries) to the academic knowledge. Before the October revolution in 1917, the architectural education in Russia and all over the world was artistic and engineering. But after the October revolution, this division of higher school of architecture, existing in Western countries, has been lost; architectural education has become universal: combining artistic and technical, and independent, getting in specialized institutions. The universality of the Russian architectural education complicates its comparison with the architectural education abroad in terms of content. Modern Russian model of architectural education, as the continuation of the Soviet education, stands against the Anglo-American model, with full liberalization of the education sector, free from the state; the French model, with a fully government-regulated educational standard, and the German model, with strong research component. Besides the superficial differences in the training of architects in Russia and abroad, there are deep differences with social conditionality. These differences are determined by the roles of architects in Western society, which are wider than the functions of Russian architects; and other social order, other requirements, that Western society has for the erected buildings and structures.В статье рассматриваются особенности организации архитектурного образования в России по сравнению со странами Западной Европы, США и Канады, выявляются отличия организационного и содержательного плана. Российское архитектурное образование прошло в своем развитии тот же путь, что и архитектурное образование в других странах: от ремесленно-трудового подхода в подготовке специалистов (X-XVII вв.) до знаниево-академического. До Октябрьской революции 1917 г. архитектурное образование в России было представлено, как и во всем мире, художественным и инженерно-техническим. Но после Октябрьской революции такое разделение высшей архитектурной школы, существующее в западных странах и сейчас, было утрачено: архитектурное образование стало универсальным, объединяющим художественное и техническое, и автономным, получаемым в специализированных вузах. Универсальность российского архитектурного образования затрудняет его сравнение с архитектурным образованием за рубежом в содержательном плане. Современная российская модель архитектурного образования как продолжение советской противостоит англо-американской модели с полной либерализацией образовательной сферы и уходом из нее государства; французской модели с максимально государственно регламентированным образовательным стандартом и немецкой модели с ярко выраженным исследовательским компонентом. Содержательные отличия в подготовке архитекторов в России и за рубежом имеют социальную обусловленность. Эти различия определяются теми функциями, которые выполняют архитекторы в западном обществе и которые шире функций российских архитекторов, а также иным социальным заказом, иными требованиями, которые западное общество предъявляет к возводимым зданиям и сооружениям


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    Aim. To compare effects of 12-month monotherapy with nebivolol, enalapril and indapamide on blood pressure (BP), left ventricular hypertrophy and quality of life in the locomotive engineers and their assistants with stress-associated hypertension at the work place (HTwp).Material and methods. 96 locomotive engineers (20- 53 y.o) and their assistants with HTwp were observed. The patients were randomized to receive nebivolol (1 group), enalapril (2 group) or indapamide (3 group). 24-hour BP monitoring, echocardiography and quality of life interview with SF–36 questionnaire were performed at the start and after 12 months of the treatment.Results. Long-term therapy lead to achievement of target BP level, improved quality of life and reduced in left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with HTwp. Nebivolol reduced systolic “BP load” more significantly than indapamide did, exerted favorable influence on circadian BP rhythm and reduced heart rate. Monotherapy with nebivolol showed benefits in effect on quality of life.Conclusion. Nebivolol has some advantages in comparison with indapamide and enalapril in antihypertensive therapy of patients with stress-associated HT

    Determination of reference values for TREC and KREC in circulating blood of the persons over 18 years

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    Increasing attention is being paid to methods for detecting primary and secondary T and/or B cell immunodeficiencies. Their implementation into laboratory diagnostics would contribute to the early diagnostics of immunodeficiencies. Currently, the number of identified adult patients with immunodeficiencies of various origins is steadily increasing. Age, gender and ethnicity of patients may be significant factors of immunity. Hence, determination of the population reference intervals for TREC and KREC DNA excision rings in peripheral blood of adult persons is an urgent laboratory task for in-depth examination of both congenital and acquired immunodeficiency conditions. Our purpose was to determine the reference intervals for the quantitative assay of TREC and KREC fragments in peripheral blood among the adult population of St. Petersburg. We studied whole blood samples obtained from 717 apparently healthy volunteers aged 18 to 108 years within the program of population immunity assessment among residents of St. Petersburg. The exclusion criterion included immunodeficiency of any origin, viral hepatitis A, B, C, HIV infection. Quantitation of the target TREC and KREC DNA fragments was carried out using a set of reagents for the quantitative determination of excisional rings TREC and KREC by Real-time PCR (TREC/KREC-AMP PS). The reference intervals were determined by the direct method according to the recommendations of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and the Russian State Standard (GOST) R 53022.3-2008. The volunteers were divided into six age groups: 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69 years old, and the persons over 70. The amounts of TREC and KREC in each blood sample were determined for all age groups. Upon correlation analysis, we have revealed a negative relationship between the concentration of TREC molecules in blood samples, and the age of study participants (Spearman correlation coefficient r = -0.80 (p-value < 0.0001)). Significant differences in TREC levels between different age groups were revealed. No correlations were detected between KREC contents in blood samples and age as well as any differences between age groups. Reference intervals of the TREC level were determined for each mentioned age group. A unified reference range was established for the KREC levels. The established reference intervals for TREC and KREC molecules in adults are significantly lower than in newborns. The obtained results enable determination of reference intervals for TREC and KREC levels among adults, thus contributing to effective personalized laboratory diagnosis of immunodeficiency states of various origins