1,058 research outputs found

    Education in Russia: The evolution of theory and practice

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    This article investigates the relationships between the evolution of Russian social psychology and the transformations of the modes of education in Russia. Social psychology is a science born the last century and also a status of the social conscience of people, forged historically on the basis of proper cultural artifacts. In Russia education is mainly the process of human development and, like wherever, it is the institution of knowledge transmission. We show on the case of Russian history that the scientifically proven educational practice can contribute enriching development of social conscience after ideological and economic shocks.analysis of education ; cultural economics ; Russia

    Investigation of semiconductor nanostructures using optical two-dimensional Fourier-transform spectroscopy.

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    The aim of this work is the exploration of the recently developed optical two-dimensional Fourier-transform spectroscopy (2D-FTS) method and its application in the field of semiconductor physics. The main idea of 2D-FTS is to gain information about the excited system and disentangle different contributions to couplings within the excited many-body system. The power of the 2D-FTS method is demonstrated for an example of a semiconductor nanostructure such as quantum wells. It has been shown that by applying 2D-FTS we are able to describe the action of disorder and of the Coulomb correlations in detail

    "Demons" on the screen

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    Dostoevsky’s Demons is arguably his most difficult novel to transpose to the cinema. Yet, in the last thirty years this novel has been adapted for the screen more frequently than any other of Dostoevsky’s works. This paper juxtaposes two most prominent Russian transformations of this novel: TV-series Demons (2014) by Vladimir’s Khotinenko and Demons: Nikolai Stavrogin (1992) by Igor and Dmitry Talankin. These films offer distinctive conceptions on adapting the novel and illustrate the major differences in approaches to adaptation of classical literary texts at the beginning of the post-Soviet period and during the so called “restoration turn” of 2000s. For example, whereas the Talankins’ film targets a limited audience and engages freely and creatively with the source novel, Khotinenko’s Demons, addresses the mass audience and adheres closely not only to the “hypotext,” but also to Dostoevsky’s letters and notebooks, bringing to the forefront the issues, associated with the “fidelity criticism”. Both films, however, underscore the ongoing relevance of Dostoevsky’s text. But whereas the Talankins’ Demons engages with Russia’s past, affecting its transitional present, Khotinenko draws on Dostoevsky in order to shape a picture of the future. In the end, both films reflect back on the periods of their making, unraveling these periods’ social, political and artistic anxieties

    Education in Russia: The evolution of theory and practice

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    This article investigates the relationships between the evolution of Russian social psychology and the transformations of the modes of education in Russia. Social psychology is a science born the last century and also a status of the social conscience of people, forged historically on the basis of proper cultural artifacts. In Russia education is mainly the process of human development and, like wherever, it is the institution of knowledge transmission. We show on the case of Russian history that the scientifically proven educational practice can contribute enriching development of social conscience after ideological and economic shocks.Cet article a été rédigé pour la conférence internationale intitulée "Russie en Europe". Il est le deuxième volet de nos analyses de l'éducation en Russie. Le premier volet a été réservé à l'examen de co-évolution de l'éducation et de l'économie et à l'information sur les changements dans le système éducatif depuis la libéralisation de l'économie. Ici nous nous intéressons aux relations entre l'évolution de la psychologie sociale russe et les transformations des modes d'éduquer en Russie. La psychologie sociale est une science née au siècle dernier et aussi un état de la conscience sociale d'un peuple, forgée historiquement sur la base les artefacts culturels propres. Nous montrons que les ruptures dans la consciences sociale, liées aux chocs idéologiques et économiques, concernent l'éducation et rehaussent son rôle dans les périodes historiques de sortie de crises


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    The paper deals with psychophysiological features of biological and medical second-year students. Parameters of physical development and cardiovascular system were measured in 88 medical students (52 men and 36 women) and 89 biological students (36 men and 53 women). Peculiarities of psychoemotional status of the women, studying both in biological and medical universities, have been examined with the help of the standard methods. Underweight was detected in 1/3 men studying in medical university and in 1/4 men studying in biological university, in 1/5 women studying in both universities. In more than a half of cases, reduction of lung capacity and muscle strength of the hand was found in biological and medical students of both sexes. Cardiohemodinamic markers in all participants met the normative standards. Balanced state of intro-extroversive attitude, medium level of neuroticism and personal anxiety, hyperthymic type of character accentuation were revealed in most cases in women. At the same time, elevated levels of reactive anxiety and high risk of coronary-prone behavior was higher in women studying in medical university as compared to biological students. The paper discusses possible causes of mentioned specific differences and degree of physiological adequateness of the psychoemotional pattern in women studying in medical university


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    The article deals with the aspect of the language acquisition through the use of socioculturally contextualized educational materials and applying particular strategies and techniques to improve communicative skills of the students. We have defined a motivation-stimulating sociocultural principle, and presented both theoretical and practical items in terms of socioculturally contextualized educational materials based on the mentioned above principle. The social demand for a linguistically competent personality faces the problem of the lack of the proper effective educational methods in the classroom. The aim of the research is to study the theory and practice of developing the communicative competence via the innovative approaches in language education. The article also introduces the concept of multiculturalism and global citizenship, national values and beliefs in language education as  innovative principles of education, interest to a human being and to another culture as a life skill, we study the definitions of multiculturalism and the phenomenon of interest to a personality, we, identify various types and components within the complex structure of multiculturalism; describe the ways of applications of  the principles of multiculturalism into the classroom. We also suggest a model of developing the communicative competence through innovative approaches (with stages, particular algorithms for a teacher, indicators in students’ behavior)