493 research outputs found

    The QCD vacuum, confinement and strings in the Vacuum Correlator Method

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    In this review paper the QCD vacuum properties and the structure of color fields in hadrons are studied using the complete set of gauge-invariant correlators of gluon fields. Confinement in QCD is produced by the correlators of some certain Lorentz structure, which violate abelian Bianchi identities and therefore are absent in the case of QED. These correlators are used to define an effective colorless field, which satisfies Maxwell equation with nonzero effective magnetic current. With the help of the effective field and correlators it is shown that quarks are confined due to effective magnetic currents, squeezing gluonic fields into a string, in agreement with the ``dual Meissner effect''. Distribution of effective gluonic fields are plotted in mesons, baryons and glueballs with static sources.Comment: 36 pages, 19 figures, to appear in UFN, updated version. Few references added, minor difference

    The Review of Computer Science Curriculums for High School Pupils of General Educational Institution

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    Пріоритетним напрямом навчання в умовах інформатизації суспільства є навчання інформатики та інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій. У наукових дослідженнях та практиці роботи загальноосвітнього навчального закладу залишається проблема змісту вивчення інформатики для учнів старших класів в умовах стрімкого розвитку інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій. При визначенні змісту інформатики розрізняють два принципових типи спецкурсів – «фундаментальні» та «прикладні». Метою впровадження «фундаментальних» курсів є формування світогляду (наукового), а «прикладних» – підготовка до практичної діяльності. З аналізу змісту навчальних програм з інформатики 1985-го, 2000-го та 2016 років для старших класів загальноосвітнього навчального закладу можна зробити висновок, що кількість годин, що відводиться на вивчення алгоритмізації і програмування зменшується, а натомість вивчається робота в прикладних програмах. Відповідно до методичних рекомендацій у 2017- 2018 навчальному році у старших класах вивчення інформатики здійснюється відповідно до рівня стандарту, академічного рівня, рівня поглибленого вивчення та профільного рівня. Проте в чинних навчальних програмах з інформатики для учнів старшої школи не відводиться час на вивчення вебтехнологій, розробки веб-додатків, програмування мобільних пристроїв тощо. Проведений огляд навчальних програм з інформатики вказує на те, що сучасний стан змісту навчання інформатики все ж потребує вдосконалення і має перспективи розвитку. Основою можуть стати курси за вибором, тому виникає потреба у розширенні їх тематики.The priority of training in conditions of Informatization of the society is the training of Informatics and information and communication technologies. In research and the practice of secondary schools remains the problem of the maintenance of studying of Informatics for high school students in the conditions of rapid development of information and communication technologies. When determining the content of computer science there are two fundamental type of courses - "fundamental" and "applied". The purpose of introduction of "fundamental" courses is the formation of a worldview (science) and "applied" - preparation for practical activity. From the analysis of the content of educational programs in computer science in 1985, 2000 and 2016 for the senior classes of General educational institutions it can be concluded that the number of hours devoted to the study of algorithms and programming is reduced and, instead, studied the work in applications. Accordance with the guidelines in the 2017-2018 school year in high school exploring computer science is carried out in accordance with the standard level, academic level, level of higher learning and the relevant level. However, existing curricula on computer science for students of senior school are given the time to learn web technologies, developing web applications, programming mobile devices and the like. A review of the curricula on Informatics indicates that the contemporary state of Informatics training content still needs to be improved and has potential for development. The basis can be elective courses, therefore there is a need to expand their topics

    Temperature-induced pair correlations in clusters and nuclei

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    The pair correlations in mesoscopic systems such as nmnm-size superconducting clusters and nuclei are studied at finite temperature for the canonical ensemble of fermions in model spaces with a fixed particle number: i) a degenerate spherical shell (strong coupling limit), ii) an equidistantly spaced deformed shell (weak coupling limit). It is shown that after the destruction of the pair correlations at T=0 by a strong magnetic field or rapid rotation, heating can bring them back. This phenomenon is a consequence of the fixed number of fermions in the canonical ensemble

    A short distance quark-antiquark potential

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    Leading terms of the static quark-antiquark potential in the background perturbation theory are reviewed, including perturbative, nonperturbative and interference ones. The potential is shown to describe lattice data at short quark-antiquark separations with a good accuracy.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, talk at the NPD-2002 Conference, December 2-6, ITEP, Moscow, references update

    Kramers-Kronig constrained variational analysis of optical spectra

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    A universal method of extraction of the complex dielectric function ϵ(ω)=ϵ1(ω)+iϵ2(ω)\epsilon(\omega)=\epsilon_{1}(\omega)+i\epsilon_{2}(\omega) from experimentally accessible optical quantities is developed. The central idea is that ϵ2(ω)\epsilon_{2}(\omega) is parameterized independently at each node of a properly chosen anchor frequency mesh, while ϵ1(ω)\epsilon_{1}(\omega) is dynamically coupled to ϵ2(ω)\epsilon_{2}(\omega) by the Kramers-Kronig (KK) transformation. This approach can be regarded as a limiting case of the multi-oscillator fitting of spectra, when the number of oscillators is of the order of the number of experimental points. In the case of the normal-incidence reflectivity from a semi-infinite isotropic sample the new method gives essentially the same result as the conventional KK transformation of reflectivity. In contrast to the conventional approaches, the proposed technique is applicable, without readaptation, to virtually all types of linear-response optical measurements, or arbitrary combinations of measurements, such as reflectivity, transmission, ellipsometry {\it etc.}, done on different types of samples, including thin films and anisotropic crystals.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Kinetic Characteristics, Phase and Structural Changes in Electrical Materials and Devices

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    Electron-microscopic and X-ray studies have revealed that the ability of lead-acid storage batteries to adopt charge due to physico-chemical processes occurring in the lead paste and on the border of the “shunt-paste” depends dramatically on both the initial moisture content in the lead paste and keeping enhanced humidity in the exposure chamber for plates. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3365