165 research outputs found

    Nickel-free iron particles in sediments

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    © 2015, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. The results provided by the microprobe and thermomagnetic studies of native iron in sediments are generalized. It is found that the sediments are abundant in Ni-free iron particles. These particles are shown to have extraterrestrial origin and likely to be parts of cosmic dust. It is suggested that these particles were formed from the mantle and crustal rocks as a result of their fragmentation and melting of the silicates (such as olivine and pyroxene) contained in these rocks

    Organogels versus Hydrogels: Advantages, Challenges, and Applications

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    Organogels are an important class of gels, and are comparable to hydrogels owing to their properties as liquid-infused soft materials. Despite the extensive choice of liquid media and compatible networks that can provide a broader range of properties, relatively few studies are reported in this area. This review presents the applicability of organogels concerning their choice of components, unique properties, and applications. Their distinctive features compared to other gels are discussed, including multi-stimuli responses, affinity to a broad range of substances, thermal and environmental stability, electronic and ionic conductivity, and actuation. The active role of solvents is highlighted in the versatility of organogel properties. To differentiate between organogels and other gels, these are classified as gels filled with different organic liquids, including highly polar organic solvents and binary solvent systems. Most promising applications of organogels as sophisticated multifunctional materials are discussed in light of their unique features


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    The author proposes a mechanism to estimate the competitiveness of enterprises’ innovative projects. The focus is on the criteria affected the competitiveness of innovative projects. The mechanism of calculating the relative market attractiveness and the relative innovative potential of enterprise to implement innovative project is shown.В статье предложен механизм оценки конкурентоспособности инновационных проектов предприятия. Основное внимание уделяется критериям, влияющим на конкурентоспособность инновационных проектов. Показан механизм расчета относительной рыночной привлекательности и относительного инновационного потенциала предприятия для реализации инновационного проекта


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    В статье предложена технология выбора способа осуществления инновационного проекта на предприятии на основании ключевых принципов обеспечения конкурентоспособности инновационного проекта. Показаны механизм расчета основных критериев уровня конкурентоспособности и различные способы осуществления инновационного проекта в зависимости от уровней рассчитанных критериев

    The common nature of native iron in terrestrial rocks and meteorites: Microprobe and thermomagnetic data

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    © 2015, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. The microprobe and thermomagnetic data for native iron in terrestrial rocks (xenoliths from mantle hyperbasites, Siberian traps, and oceanic basalts) are generalized and compared to the data for native iron from sediments and meteorites. It is found that the native iron particles contained in the continental and oceanic hyperbasites and basites are similar in composition, shape, and grain size. These particles are predominantly nickel-free and similar to the extraterrestrial iron from sediments and meteorites. This similarity suggests the similar sources of origin of these particles. This means that the terrestrial conditions were close to the conditions that existed at the source planets of the meteorites, e.g., the bodies from the asteroid belt which have been subsequently disintegrated, and crushed into cosmic interplanetary dust, which has entered the terrestrial sediments. This similarity originates from the homogeneity of the gasdust cloud at the early stage of the Solar System. The predominance of extraterrestrial native iron in sediments is accounted for by the fact that the interplanetary dust is mainly contributed by the material from the upper mantle of the source planets of cosmic dust

    Extraterrestrial native iron in deep-water sediments of the NW Atlantic: Evidence from thermomagnetic analyses

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    © 2015, Pleiades Publishing, Inc. Thermomagnetic determination of the content and composition of native iron was accomplished in Miocene-Late Jurassic sediments and sedimentary rocks of the NW Atlantic recovered by DSDP holes 386, 387, 391A, and 391C. Native iron particles are ubiquitous therein. Presence of a zero group in the bar chart of native iron concentrations is a global feature of the cosmic particle distribution caused by small values of cosmic dust fluxes relative to sedimentation fluxes. Based on the Ni content, native iron is divided into two groups: (1) pure iron; (2) iron with Ni admixture from 3 to 17% (mode 4 to 5% Ni). The global pattern of Ni distribution in the native iron is emphasized by similarity of bar charts for the Atlantic and Eurasian sediments. Similarity of bar charts of the Ni distribution in the metallic portion of meteorites testifies to a common (extraterrestrial) origin of native iron in bottom sediments and meteorites. Concentrations of native iron lack any correlation with the rock composition and age, but high contents of native iron (up to 10−3%) are recorded in deposits related to pulsatory sedimentation (turbidites, laminites), where this element was likely accumulated intensely during slow (or zero) sedimentation intervals between the geologically instantaneous episodes of accumulation

    Change in Magnetic Properties of Reservoir Rocks During In-Situ Combustion of Crude

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    © 2015 Springer Science+Business Media New York The pattern of degree of change in rock magnetization on heating is shown, based on thermomagnetic and thermal analysis of rock samples from Permian asphalt deposits. When core samples are heated, the degree of magnetization may increase significantly due to conversion of iron-bearing minerals essentially to magnetite. In the kinetics of magnetite formation in rocks, the main players are oxidation of light and heavy hydrocarbons, which determine both temperature and redox conditions. The feasibility of using ground magnetic mapping for monitoring the state of the in-situ combustion front is assessed


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    We investigated the shelf-life of vacuum cooked foods through microbial experiments and sensory evaluation with the aim of effective mass cooking in practice of service management.The foods that were heated before and after of vacuum cooking could be kept for 7days in the refrigerator. The food that was heated after of vacuum cooking with raw food soaked in strong electrolyzed water could be kept for 3days. The foods that were no heated before and after of vacuum cooking with fresh food soaked in strong electrolyzed water could be kept for 3days.We examined effective methods of washing to decrease bacterial counts in fresh vegetable

    Micrometeorites in lake sediments of volga-ural region of Russia

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    © SGEM2017 All Rights Reserved. During summer field trips were collected several cores from Lake Rubskoe. Cores length is about 6 m and maximum age approximately 13 Ka according radiocarbon dating. For investigation chosen core №4 (56.72545° N, 40.60657° E), were sediment sequence not destructed. Core was divided into 2 cm samples. Thermomagnetic curves measured for every fifth sample. The rate of heating was 100°C/min. The measurements made in a constant magnetic field – 200 and 400 mT. We have got thermomagnetic curves of the first and second heating up to 800°C. According obtained data samples were chosen for magnetic separation. The selection criterion was the presence of Curie temperatures above 700°C, which corresponds to the presence of iron-nickel alloys in the sample and Curie temperature 570°C which corresponds to magnetite presence. Magnetic separate was studied using electron microscope Merlin (Carl Zeiss). In samples showed presence of detrital material, magnetite spherules of extraterrestrial origin and iron with impurities and also variability of material concentration in time

    Change in magnetic properties of reservoir rocks during in-situ combustion of crude

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    © 2015 Springer Science+Business Media New York. The pattern of degree of change in rock magnetization on heating is shown, based on thermomagnetic and thermal analysis of rock samples from Permian asphalt deposits. When core samples are heated, the degree of magnetization may increase significantly due to conversion of iron-bearing minerals essentially to magnetite. In the kinetics of magnetite formation in rocks, the main players are oxidation of light and heavy hydrocarbons, which determine both temperature and redox conditions. The feasibility of using ground magnetic mapping for monitoring the state of the in-situ combustion front is assessed