19 research outputs found

    Weighted Coefficient Model for Bank Investment Portfolio Optimization

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    The article investigates conceptual positions of providing financial flexibility of decision making in the bank’s investment activity. It emphasizes the use of the mechanism, which includes the choice of investment strategy on the basis of institutional flexibility of decision-making; optimization of bank investment portfolio taking into account market flexibility; evaluation and regulation of managerial flexibility of decision making

    Porównanie i ocena czynników wpływających na szczepienia przeciw COVID-19 w krajach europejskich

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    The Covid-19 spread has become a major challenge for humanity in the last decade. It was believed that the Covid-19 vaccine development would have to end the pandemic. On the contrary, society has faced a new challenge which is that there are both countries that cannot afford to purchase the Covid-19 vaccine and inhabitants who do not trust new vaccine. Without adequate Covid-19 vaccination level, the global pandemic is not going to end. The object of this study is factors affecting the vaccination Covid-19 in European countries. The subject of the study is the statistical analysis methods to compare and assess of factors affecting the vaccination Covid-19 in European countries. The aim of the study is to find out which concerns about vaccination are more important and have an impact on the Covid-19 vaccination level in European countries. It is examined six factors; three of them relate to the government vaccine administration, the other three are about a public opinion on Covid-19 vaccination. The analysis is carried out in 22 European countries. The result of the study allows to state that public opinions factors are more important in pandemic and have more impact on the vaccination rate.Rozprzestrzenianie się Covid-19 stało się głównym wyzwaniem dla ludzkości. Wydawało się, że opracowanie szczepionki przeciw Covid-19 zakończy pandemię. Tymczasem społeczeństwa stanęły przed nowym wyzwaniem polegającym na tym, że są zarówno kraje, których nie stać na zakup szczepionki Covid-19, jak i mieszkańcy krajów, które na nią stać, a którzy nie ufają nowym szczepionkom. Bez odpowiedniego poziomu szczepień przeciwko Covid-19 globalna pandemia szybko się nie skończy. Przedmiotem badań są czynniki wpływające na szczepienia Covid-19 w krajach europejskich. Wykorzystano metody analizy statystycznej w celu porównania i oceny czynników wpływających na szczepienie Covid-19 w krajach europejskich. Celem badania jest ustalenie, które obawy dotyczące szczepień są ważniejsze i mają wpływ na poziom szczepień Covid-19. Bada się sześć czynników; trzy z nich dotyczą rządowego systemu podawania szczepionek, pozostałe trzy dotyczą opinii publicznej na temat szczepień przeciwko Covid-19. Analiza prowadzona jest w 22 krajach europejskich. Wynik badania pozwala stwierdzić, że czynniki opinii publicznej w przypadku pandemii odgrywają największą rolę i mają większy wpływ na wskaźnik szczepień

    Regulatory framework of corporate control in Ukraine

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    Non-correspondence of current system of corporate control to modern corporate relation system's demand determines the study of its performing law and normative aspects. Current legislative background for corporate control system formation and means for smallholders' rights and interests protection in Ukraine are suggested. In particular, factors of minority stakeholders' rights brake by corporate management and major stakeholders are analysed, corporate control types are systemized by national corporate legislation. By the study of international experience on corporate control formation it is found that the efficiency of implementation and defence means for smallholders tightly depends on legislative warranties for their rights. Corporative legislation and court practice of corporative conflicts under European and American Corporate Model, under which all of the participants have the legislative liability, has particular interest for Ukraine. The nature of a stakeholder's interest implementation by implementation of his legal rights and interests as organization and legislative components is analyzed. It is determined that legislative element of stakeholder's rights' warranty is implemented inextricably to internal means for owner's rights. The notion of "stakeholder's rights warranty" is defined as a complex of legislative and organizational tools for implementation of owner's property and non-property rights, protection of broken rights. Principles for corporative control market formation in Ukraine and means for such subsystem of corporate relations are suggested. It is also suggested to introduce a responsibility for certain officers' actions leading to witting stakeholder's rights brake by The Civil Codex

    Корпоративний контроль інсайдерської ренти: теоретичні та методологічні аспекти

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    Тhe article reviews the need and nature of corporate control in a dynamic environment, provides the main directions of implementation of the national practice of corporate relations of civilized mechanisms for establishing corporate control.У статті визначено необхідність і сутність системи корпоративного контролю в умовах динамічного зовнішнього середовища, запропоновано основні напрямки впровадження в національну практику корпоративних відносин цивілізованих механізмів установлення корпоративного контролю

    Формування національної моделі корпоративної соціальної відповідальності

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    The article reviews a historic and transformational aspects of the national model of corporate social responsibility and the main trends of its development, provides the main approaches to the formation of a national model of CSR that will improve the level of corporate culture in societyУ статті розглянуто історичні й трансформаційні аспекти формування національної моделі корпоративної соціальної відповідальності (КСВ) та основні тенденції її розвитку. За¬пропоновано основні підходи до формування національної моделі КСВ, які дозволять підвищити рівень корпоративної культури в суспільстві, розробити рекомендації щодо формування національної моделі корпоративної соціальної відповідальност

    Corporation's financial safety tools formation

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    At the moment of corporate relation development it is very crucial to study the problem of Ukraine's economic interests' protection and national financial safety system formation. Financial safety is a key subsystem of all-level economic safety. At the same time, formation of financial safety's system at all levels (state, region, corporate structure, person) had no attention from domestic researchers. And carried studies are non-systemic and not consistent. In present article conceptual approaches to the formation of financial safety's securing tools for corporation under dynamic environment conditions are suggested. In particular, existing approaches to the definition of the category "financial safety" are analyzed and the author's approach to the definition is presented. Also destructive factors defining the state of financial safety at any level are identified; the conclusion that it is necessary to identify sources of existing and potential financial threats and determine the resources to neutralize them has been made. It is suggested to consider the financial threat as a dynamic system of causal relationships with many feedback loops allowing identification of vector influencing the object. All stated above determines the necessity for concept of financial safety's system creation at base level of the economic system - the corporation. The developed concept involves defining the principles of the proposed system, formulation of managing goals and tasks, systematization of potential safety threats, the determination of control object and most importantly - the development of financial safety securing tool for corporation under dynamic environment conditions. The proposed concept is aimed to achieving and maintaining of certain level of corporation's financial condition, providing long term sustainability

    Forming of national model of corporate social responsibility

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    The article reviews a historic and transformational aspects of the national model of corporate social responsibility and the main trends of its development, provides the main approaches to the formation of a national model of CSR that will improve the level of corporate culture in societ

    Формування механізму забезпечення фінансової безпеки корпорації

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    At the moment of corporate relation development it is very crucial to study the problem of Ukraine's economic interests' protection and national financial safety system formation. Financial safety is a key subsystem of all-level economic safety. At the same time, formation of financial safety's system at all levels (state, region, corporate structure, person) had no attention from domestic researchers. And carried studies are non-systemic and not consistent. In present article conceptual approaches to the formation of financial safety's securing tools for corporation under dynamic environment conditions are suggested. In particular, existing approaches to the definition of the category "financial safety" are analyzed and the author's approach to the definition is presented. Also destructive factors defining the state of financial safety at any level are identified; the conclusion that it is necessary to identify sources of existing and potential financial threats and determine the resources to neutralize them has been made. It is suggested to consider the financial threat as a dynamic system of causal relationships with many feedback loops allowing identification of vector influencing the object. All stated above determines the necessity for concept of financial safety's system creation at base level of the economic system - the corporation.The developed concept involves defining the principles of the proposed system, formulation of managing goals and tasks, systematization of potential safety threats, the determination of control object and most importantly - the development of financial safety securing tool for corporation under dynamic environment conditions. The proposed concept is aimed to achieving and maintaining of certain level of corporation's financial condition, providing long term sustainability.В статье рассмотрены концептуальные подходы к формированию механизма обеспечения финансовой безопасности корпорации в современных условиях; предложен авторский подход к определению категории "финансовая безопасность корпорации" и разработаны методы обеспечения финансовой безопасности корпоративной структуры.У статті розглянуто концептуальні підходи до формування механізму забезпечення фінансової безпеки корпорації в сучасних умовах. Запропоновано авторський підхід до визначення категорії "фінансова безпека корпорації" та методи забезпечення фінансової безпеки корпоративної структури

    Нормативно-правове забезпечення системи корпоративного контролю в Україні

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    Non-correspondence of current system of corporate control to modern corporate relation system's demand determines the study of its performing law and normative aspects. Current legislative background for corporate control system formation and means for smallholders' rights and interests protection in Ukraine are suggested. In particular, factors of minority stakeholders' rights brake by corporate management and major stakeholders are analysed, corporate control types are systemized by national corporate legislation. By the study of international experience on corporate control formation it is found that the efficiency of implementation and defence means for smallholders tightly depends on legislative warranties for their rights. Corporative legislation and court practice of corporative conflicts under European and American Corporate Model, under which all of the participants have the legislative liability, has particular interest for Ukraine. The nature of a stakeholder's interest implementation by implementation of his legal rights and interests as organization and legislative components is analyzed. It is determined that legislative element of stakeholder's rights' warranty is implemented inextricably to internal means for owner's rights. The notion of "stakeholder's rights warranty" is defined as a complex of legislative and organizational tools for implementation of owner's property and non-property rights, protection of broken rights. Principles for corporative control market formation in Ukraine and means for such subsystem of corporate relations are suggested. It is also suggested to introduce a responsibility for certain officers' actions leading to witting stakeholder's rights brake by The Civil Codex.Несоответствие существующей системы корпоративного контроля запросам современной системы корпоративных отношений обусловила проведение исследования нормативно-правовых аспектов его осуществления. Рассмотрено сформированное в Украине правовое обеспечение формирования системы корпоративного контроля и предложены основные направления его совершенствования.Невідповідність існуючої системи корпоративного контролю запитам сучасної системи корпоративних відносин обумовила проведення дослідження нормативно-правових аспектів його здійснення. У статті розглянуто існуюче правове забезпечення формування системи корпоративного контролю та запропоновано напрямки його вдосконалення

    State financial policy of environmental protection: foreign and national dimensions

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    The subject of the work – applied aspects of foreign experience implementing state financial policy of environmental protection in Ukraine. Purpose – studying the experience of implementation of the state financial policy of environmental protection in different countries and possibilities of its implementation in Ukraine. Method and methodology of work – the study used a set of scientific methods, such as comparison of abstraction, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis. Results – based on international experience proved the main targets of improving public financial policy of environmental protection in Ukraine, namely the integration of environmental policy in all areas of industrial activity, the implementation and development of alternative sources of funding for environmental activities, improve financial planning Fund for Environmental Protection and the calculation of fines for violations of environmental laws. Scope of the results – State financial policy and corporate governance in the field of environmental protection. Conclusions – implementation of successful international experience implementing state financial policy of environmental protection in Ukraine will not only increase the volume of financing and significantly improve management in this area, but also significantly improve the state of the environment