21 research outputs found

    Role of AChE in Colorado Potato Beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say) Resistance to Carbamates and Organophosphates

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    Colorado potato beetle is one of the most important pests of potatoes and one of the most difficult insects to control. Over the years, none of the control techniques developed against this pest has provided long-term protection for potato crops. Worldwide, CPB is resistant to all major groups of insecticides, including organophosphates and carbamates. The target site of organophosphate (OP) and carbamate insecticides is the same; they inhibit the activity of AChE. The function of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is degradation of acetylcholine (ACh - neurotransmitter) in the insect cholinergic synapses. Mutations in the AChE-encoding locus have been shown to confer target site insensitivity to organophosphate and carbamate insecticides, leading to modification of AChE (MACE). A range of other amino acid substitutions in AChE confer insecticide resistance, and these mutations typically reside near to or within the active site of the enzyme. Such AChE mutations, associated with insecticide resistance, mostly known as Ace in Drosophila, have also been observed in other species, including L. decemlineata. Based on bioassays and literature, modified/insensitive AChE confers two major patterns of resistance to OPs/carbamates. Pattern I resistance is characterized by significantly higher resistance ratios (RR) (much greater reduction in the sensitivity of AChE at the biochemical level) to carbamates than to organophosphate insecticides. Pattern II resistance is characterized by resistance ratios (and/or reductions in the sensitivity of AChE) that are approximately equivalent for both carbamates and OPs. There are also a few species for which an insensitive AChE has been reported and for which molecular data have been collected, but for which the resistance profiles for both OPs and carbamates have not been reported. For CPB, both patterns were registered

    Ekonomski efekti proizvodnje ozime pŔenice na poljoprivrednim gazdinstvima u Republici Srbiji za 2006. i 2011. godinu

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    Based on the comparative analysis of gross margins in 2006 and 2011, the economic impact of winter wheat production on farms in the Republic of Serbia was estimated. The subject of the analysis was variable costs for purchased seed, fertilizers, pesticides, and contract harvesting services. Based on the analysis of the gross margin for winter wheat, it was noted that the value of production (VP), total variable costs (TVC) and gross margin (GM) were significantly higher in 2011 than in 2006. In 2011, VP was higher due to a significantly higher yield and the higher price of winter wheat grain. In addition to higher prices of all inputs, the increase in variable costs was mostly influenced by the higher price of fertilizer. Comparing the two time periods in winter wheat production, it was concluded that the value of GM in 2011 increased by 30%.Na osnovu uporedne analize vrednosti bruto marži u 2006. i 2011. godini procenjen je ekonomski efekat proizvodnje ozime pÅ”enice na poljoprivrednim gazdinstvima u Srbiji. Analizirani su varijabilni troÅ”kovi, koji su se odnosili na utroÅ”ak novčanih sredstava za nabavku semena, đubriva, pesticida i ugovorene usluge za žetvu. Na osnovu analize kalkulacija bruto marži za ozimu pÅ”enicu konstatovano je da su u odnosu na 2006. vrednost proizvodnje (VP), ukupni varijabilni troÅ”kovi (UVT) i bruto marža (BM) bili značajno veći u 2011. godini. U 2011. godini veća VP uslovljena je značajno većim prinosom i viÅ”om cenom zrna ozime pÅ”enice. Na povećanje varijabilnih troÅ”kova, pored viÅ”ih cena svih inputa, u najvećoj meri uticala je cena đubriva. Poređenjem ova dva vremenska perioda u proizvodnji ozime pÅ”enice, vrednost BM u 2011. godini bila je veća za 30%

    AgroekoloŔki uslovi i morfoloŔko-produktivna svojstva krupnika

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    Experiments were conducted during 2011-2012, at three localities in Serbia (Valjevo, Nova VaroÅ” and Nova Pazova). The seed of spelt wheat cultivar Nirvana was used, having been selected at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. The objective of the research was to assess the effect of agro-ecological conditions on morphological and productive properties of spelt wheat grown on different types of soils. The effect of the locality was significantly expressed in all tested morphological properties of spelt wheat (plant height, number of spikelets, number of grains per spikelet), while meteorological conditions (year) affected spike length and grain mass per spike significantly. The average grain yield from all three localities was 3.20 t ha-1. A considerably higher yield was achieved on chernozem, locality Nova Pazova (3.89 t ha-1). The comparison of the grain yields from Valjevo (eutric cambisol) and Nova VaroÅ” (grey forest soil) did not show any significant differences.Ispitivanja su sprovedena tokom 2011-2012 godine, na tri lokaliteta u Srbiji (Valjevo, Nova VaroÅ” i Nova Pazova). KoriŔćeno je seme krupnika sorte Nirvana, selekcionisana u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se oceni uticaj agroekoloÅ”kih uslova na morfoloÅ”ke i produktivne osobine pod različitim tipovima plodnosti zemljiÅ”ta. Uticaj lokaliteta značajno se ispoljio kod svih ispitivanih morfoloÅ”kih osobina krupnika (visina biljke, broj klasića, broj zrna u klasiću), a meteoroloÅ”ki uslovi (godina) su značajno uticali na dužinu klasa i masu zrna u klasu. Prosečan prinos zrna krupnika na sva tri lokaliteta iznosio je 3,20 t ha-1. Značajno veći prinos ostvaren je na černozemu, lokalitet Nova Pazova (3,89 t ha-1). Poređenjem prinosa zrna na lokalitetima Valjevo (gajnjača) i Nova VaroÅ” (sivo Å”umsko zemljiÅ”te) nisu utvrđene značajne razlike

    Productivity traits of rye (secale cereale), khorasan wheat (triticum turgidum, ssp taranicum mckey) and quinoa (chenopodium quinoa willd) grown on degraded soil

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    The productivity traits of rye, khorasan wheat and quinoa on degraded soil were investigated in a three-year research (2010-2012). The research was carried out in two localities: Stanari (ST) (Bosnia-Herzegovina) and at "TENT 2" in Obrenovac (OB) (Serbia). A significant interdependence between grain yield and aboveground biomass yield was observed in the investigated genotypes and localities. The resulting average grain yields in these localities ranged between 1,166-1,702 kg ha-1 (rye), 1,826-1,943 kg ha-1 (khorasan wheat) and 520-966 kg ha-1 (quinoa). Fluctuations in grain yields were due to different soil conditions different nutrient contents and the distribution of precipitation at initial stages of crop development. This research confirmed that rye is a crop with minimum soil requirements and it can be successfully grown in poor soil. The second best biomass yield was obtained by khorasan wheat, while the lowest biomass yield was obtained by quinoa

    AgroekoloŔki uslovi gajenja i morfoloŔko-produktivna svojstva heljde

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    The effect of different agro-ecological conditions on morphoproductive properties of buckwheat cultivar Novosadska was investigated during 2011-2012 at three different localities. The types of soil on which the experiments were conducted were as follows: the eutric cambisol - in Valjevo, the chernozem - in Nova Pazova and the grey forest soil in Nova VaroÅ”. Agro-ecological conditions affected the growth and productivity of the buckwheat crops at all three localities. The highest yields per unit area were obtained on the chernozem-type soil (1.65 t ha-1), while the average yields on the less fertile soils in the hilly and mountainous regions of Serbia were 1.31 t ha-1 on the grey forest soil and 0.80 t ha-1 on the eutric cambisol. The results showed that buckwheat can be successfully grown on different soil types, since the experiments on all locations were carried out without fertilization, i.e. using the natural fertility of the soil.Ispitivan je uticaj različitih agroekoloÅ”kih uslova na morfoloÅ”koproduktivne osobine heljde sorte Novosadska u periodu od 2011-2012. na tri različita lokaliteta. Tipovi zemljiÅ”ta na kome su postavljeni ogledi su: gajnjača - lokalitet Valjevo, černozem - lokalitet Nova Pazova i sivo Å”umsko zemljiÅ”te na lokalitetu u Novoj VaroÅ”i. AgroekoloÅ”ki uslovi na sva tri posmatrana lokaliteta uticali su na rast i produktivnost heljde. Najveći prinosi zrna heljde po jedinici povrÅ”ine dobijeni su na zemljiÅ”tu tipa černozem (1,65 t ha-1), dok na zemljiÅ”tima manje prirodne plodnosti brdsko-planinskog područja Srbije, prosečan prinos bio je 1,31 t ha-1 na sivom Å”umskom zemljiÅ”tu, a na gajnjači 0,80 t ha-1. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da se heljda može uspeÅ”no gajiti na naÅ”im zemljiÅ”tima, budući da su ogledi na svim ispitivanim lokalitetima izvedeni bez prihrane tj. na prirodnoj plodnosti zemljiÅ”ta

    Parametri rodnosti sorti Å”ećerne repe u uslovima suvog ratarenja

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    Trail with sugar beet was set up during three years. Yield parameters were analyzed on five different origins of sugar beet varieties. Variety had a statistically significant affect on the yield sugar beet. The average yield for all tested varieties was 54.25 t ha-1. The highest average yield was achieved by varieties Chiara, 72.58 t ha-1, and Otis, 64.55 t ha-1 the variety Severina the lowest, 36.76 t ha-1. The variety Severina had the highest average crystal sugar content, 16.65%. Crystalline sugar yield, as the most important indicator of sugar beet yield, statistically significantly depended on the variety. Quality, namely technological root value largely depends of variety. Coarseness of the root was in inverse proportion to the content of sugar.Ogledi sa Å”ećernom repom izvođeni su tokom tri godine. Analizirani su parametri rodnosti pet sorti Å”ećerne repe različitog porekla. Sorta je imala statistički značajan uticaj na prinosa korena Å”ećerne repe. Prosečan prinos korena za sve testirane sorte iznosio je 54,25 t ha-1. NajviÅ”i prinos imale su sorte Chiara, 72,58 tha-1 i Otis, 64,55 t ha- 1, a sorta Severina najniži, 36,76 tha-1. Sorta Severina imala je najveći sadržaj kristalnog Å”ećera, 16,65%. Prinos kristalnog Å”ećera, kao najvažniji pokazatelj rodnosti Å”ećerne repe, statistički je značajno zavisio od sorte. TehnoloÅ”ka vrednost korena u velikoj meri zavisila je od sorte. Krupnoća korena bila je u obrnutoj proporciji sa sadržajem kristalnog Å”ećera

    Uticaj rekombinacija na genotipsku i fenotipsku varijabilnost prinosa kukuruza egzotične populacije

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    The investigations included mean values, genetic variability and phenotypic variability, heritability and genetic and phenotypic coefficients variability of yield in basic maize with 25% of the exotic germplasm incorporated and also, in the population after three and five cycles of gene recombining. To investigate influence of different cycles of gene recombinations, the trial was established after Nested Design method in two replications, on two locations. On the basis of the results obtained, it was concluded that the mean values had increased more significantly to the third than from the third to the fifth cycle of free hybridization. The additional gene recombinations influenced on the nonsignificant decrease of the genetic and phenotypic variability of grain yield. Estimated values of heritability were high and significant for yield, which indicates that they are mostly determined by the additive variance. The additional cycles of gene recombinations caused the decrease of heritability and coefficient of genetic and phenotypic variability. Bigger grain yield after three and fife gene recombination cycles, relating to the basic population, indicates to the positive effect of the additional recombination cycles to the increase of gene frequency in case of desirable traits, and the frequency of the more yielding genotypes.Proučavanjem je obuhvaćena populacija kukuruza koja u sebi ima 25% egzotične germ-plazme (1601/5 x ZPL913)F2R0 i populacija nastalih posle tri (1601/5xZPL913)F2R3 odnosno pet (1601/5 x ZPL913)F2R5 godina rekombinovanja. Ogled je postavljen po metodu Nested dizajna u dva ponavljanja na dve lokacije u toku dve godine (1993. i 1994). Prosečan prinos se povećao, a genetička i fenotipska varijansa za prinos se nisu značajno smanjile pod uticajem broja ciklusa rekombinacija i dovoljno su visoke da omoguće uspeÅ”no oplemenjivanje. Ovu populaciju treba u daljem procesu selekcije podvrgnuti delovanju metoda rekurentne selekcije

    Prinos zrna ispitivanih hibrida kukuruza na futoŔkom lokalitetu

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    The aim of the investigation was to examine the productive characteristics of the most successful and widely used maize hybrids. The paper shows the grain yield of two mid-early maize hybrids: ZP 544 and NS 444 ultra, as well as the yield of six late maturing hybrids: NS640, Zenit, ZP 684, ZP 704, ZP 677 and ZP 735. Both of the mid - early hybrids had a high grain yield. The ZP 544 hybrid achieved the yield of 9,411 t/ha wheareas the NS444 ultra hybrid achieved 9,1 t/ha. Concerning the late maturing hybrids, the highest yield was observed in NS640, Zenit and ZP684 (11,450 t/ ha, 11,196 t/ha and 10,346 t/ha). ZP 704 and ZP 677 had a signitificantly lower yield than the previous three hybrids (9,667 t/ha and 9,488 t/ha). The ZP 735 hybrid gave a yield of 8,190 t/ha which was the lowest yield of all the examined late maturity hybrids. According to the results of the experiment, the best hybrids to be used in the locality of Futog are NS640, Zenit and ZP 684.Cilj rada je da se sagledaju produktivne mogućnosti hibrida iz ogleda na određenom lokalitetu, do sada već dobro poznatih i zapaženih hibrida kukuruza iz Å”ire proizvodnje. Prikazani su rezultati prinosa zrna dva srednje rana hibrida kukuruza: ZP 544, NS 444 ultra, i Å”est kasnostasnih: NS 640, Zenit, ZP 684, ZP 704, ZP 677, ZP 73. Visoku rodnost u svojstvu prinosa zrna iskazala su oba posmatrana srednje rana hibrida kukuruza. Hibrid ZP 544 ostvario je prosečan prinos suvog zrna 9,411 t/ha, NS 444 ultra 9,100 t/ha. Od kasnostasnih hibrida kukuruza najveću produktivnost u svojstvu prinosa zrna za posmatrani period iskazali su hibridi: NS 640, Zenit i ZP 684. NS 640 je relizovao prosečan prinos od 11,450 t/ha, Zenit 11,19t/ha6, a ZP 684 10,346 t/ha. Hibridi ZP 704 i ZP 677 sa ostvarenim prinosom zrna od 9,667t/ha i 9,488 t/ha, statistički su sa značajno nižom produktivnoŔću u posmatranom svojstvu od prethodna tri, a hibrid ZP 735 sa prosečnim prinosom zrna od 8,190 t/ha iskazao je visokoznačajno nižu produktvnost od svih kasnostasnih hibrida u ogledu. Prema rezultatima iz ogleda, po visini ostvarenog prinosa zrna stabilna i visoka proizvodnja kukuruza na futoÅ”kom ataru bila bi, ako se u sortimentu gajenja nađu hibridi: NS 640, Zenit i ZP 684

    Mikroorganizmi kao indikatori plodnosti i zdravlja zemljiÅ”ta pod povrćem

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    Microorganisms are an important element in the system soil - plant. They are indicators of fertility and/or degradation processes taking place in the soil. Dominance of beneficial groups of microorganisms controls the processes of synthesis and decomposition and determines soil quality for production of safe food. Reduced diversity of microorganisms in an indication of soil degradation and its low usefulness as habitat for fauna, microbes and plants. Microbiological analyses of soil under peas, string beans, tomato, pepper and cabbage in different locations (Bečej, Đala, Futog) have shown the number and biodiversity of microorganisms may be used to assess soil applicability for production of safe food. Biological activity of the soil was assessed on the basis of the following parameters: total number of microorganisms, numbers of diazotrophs (Azotobacter and free N-fixing bacteria), ammonifiers actinomycetes, fungi and the activity of dehydrogenase enzymes. Dehydrogenases (oxidoreductases) are fundamental in the enzymatic systems of all microorganisms. Dehydrogenase activity is an indicator of microbiological redox system in the soil and they may serve as a measure of microbial oxidative activity. The microbiological properties of the analysed soils (average results) showed their high biological value. The parameters of soil biological activity (Rumenka) displayed high values (particularly in the layer 0-50cm), which shows that the tested soils are fertile. Presence of coliform bacteria is an indicator of soil sanitary quality or a general indicator of sanitary conditions in the environment.Na osnovu zastupljenosti pojedinih grupa mikroorganizama, enzimatske aktivnosti i biodiverziteta kao pokazatelja biogenosti, može se proceniti plodnost i kvalitet/zdravstveno stanje zemljiÅ”ta. Dominantnost pojedinih grupa mikrorganizama usmerava procese sinteze, razgradnje i određuje kvalitet zemljiÅ”ta za proizvodnju zdravstveno ispravne hrane. Termin zdravo zemljiÅ”te je ekoloÅ”ka oznaka sa kojom se naglaÅ”ava i kvalitet, a ne samo količina prinosa u proizvodnji ratarskih i povrtarskih biljaka. Na osnovu obavljenih ispitivanja ustanovljeno je da analizirani uzorci zemljiÅ”ta pod povrćem na različitim lokalitetima imaju visoku bioloÅ”ku aktivnost, Å”to ukazuje na njihovu veliku plodnost. Međutim, na lokalitetu Rumenka, iako je baÅ”tensko zemljiÅ”te veoma plodno postoji i visoka kontaminacija koliformnim bakterijama, Å”to ukazuje na veoma značajan sanitarni problem po humanu populaciju. Sve ovo ukazuje na značaj ispitivanja ne samo plodnosti zemljiÅ”ta već i njegovog zdravstvenog stanja kao i sanitarne ispravnosti

    Promena hemijskog sastava korena kao rani indikator rizomanije Å”ećerne repe

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    The aim of investigation was monitoring of change of chemical composition of sugar beet root juice in dependence of presence, that is the absence of rhizomania, as well as the intensity of the occurrence this disease in tolerant and susceptible sugar beet hybrids because of establishing of early indicators of this disease occurrence in fields of Agriculture Corporation 'Belgrade'. Considering to the specificity of production area of PKB and to the different claims about some changes of root components in plants with rhizomania, and what is connected as well as with the soil and climatic conditions in which the investigations were done, it is necessary a permanent monitoring of chemical composition of root juice because of the confirmation and monitoring of the spread of this severe sugar beet disease. On the basis of chemical analysis of sugar beet root we can conclude that increased content of sodium followed by the decrease of sugar content in sugar beet root can serve as an early indicator of occurrence of this disease. Only sodium content increase, that is decrease of sugar content in sugar beet root are not reliable indicators the occurrence or the intensity of rhizomania onset regarding the great influence of sugar beet genotype and agro-ecologic conditions in which beet is growing. .Cilj istraživanja bio je praćenje izmena hemijskog sastava soka korena Å”ećerne repe u zavisnosti od prisustva odnosno odsustva rizomanije, kao i intenziteta pojave ove bolesti kod tolerantnih i osetljivih hibrida Å”ećerne repe radi utvrđivanja ranih pokazatelja pojave ove bolesti na poljima Poljoprivredne korporacije 'Beograd'. S obzirom na specifičnost proizvodnog područja PKB i ne podudaranja tvrdnji o pojedinim promenama sastojaka korena kod obolelih biljaka od rizomanije, a Å”to je povezano kako sa ispitivanim genotipovima Å”ećerne repe i patogena, tako i sa zemljiÅ”nim i klimatskim uslovima u kojima su ispitivanja izvrÅ”ena, neophodno je stalno praćenje hemijskog sastava soka korena radi potvrđivanja i praćenja Å”irenja ove opake bolesti Å”ećerne repe. Na osnovu hemijskih analiza soka korena Å”ećerne repe možemo zaključiti da povećan sadržaj natrijuma praćen smanjenjem sadržaja Å”ećera u korenu Å”ećerne repe može poslužiti kao rani indikator pojave ove bolesti. Samo povećanje sadržaja natrijuma, odnosno smanjenje sadržaja Å”ećera u korenu Å”ećerne repe nisu sigurni pokazatelji pojave ili intenziteta napada rizomanije s obzirom na veliki uticaj genotipa Å”ećerne repe i agroekoloÅ”kih prilika u kojima repa raste