3 research outputs found

    Characterization of sorption processes of organic cations onto oxidic surfaces

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    Since a large number of polar and often ionizable anthropogenic organic trace compounds, such as pharmaceutical residues, can be detected in various stages of the water cycle, there is a need to elucidate the effects and behavior of such substances in the aquatic environment. Despite the fact that numerous studies on the sorption behavior of ionizable organic trace compounds have already been carried out, reliable sorption models, which allow a sufficiently accurate prediction of the sorption of organic cations, are not yet available. For this reason, the general objective of this thesis was to improve the fundamental process understanding of the interactions between dissolved cationic organic substances and solid surfaces including relevant influence parameters. The investigations were based on a differentiated process consideration in order to ultimately provide the essential prerequisites for a future reliable prediction of the sorption behavior of cationic organic compounds. Due to the complex superposition of several mechanisms, the basic relationships cannot be clearly elucidated with heterogeneous sorbents. Therefore, it was consciously worked with largely homogeneous, synthetic sorbents. The use of well-defined sorbents with different properties as well as the variation of background electrolyte concentration and the targeted use of different sorbates were the 'tools' that were used to identify and to separate the underlying sorption processes.Da eine Vielzahl polarer und oftmals ionisierbarer anthropogener organischer Spurenstoffe, wie z. B. PharmakarĂŒckstĂ€nde, in verschiedenen Bereichen des Wasserkreislaufes nachweisbar ist, besteht die Notwendigkeit die Wirkung und das Verhalten solcher Spurenstoffe in der Umwelt nĂ€her aufzuklĂ€ren. Trotz der Tatsache, dass bereits zahlreiche Untersuchungen zum Sorptionsverhalten ionisierbarer organischer Spurenstoffe bestehen, sind zuverlĂ€ssige prognosefĂ€hige Sorptionsmodelle, welche eine ausreichend genaue Vorhersage der Sorption von organischen Kationen ermöglichen, zurzeit noch nicht verfĂŒgbar. Das generelle Ziel dieser Arbeit bestand daher darin, das grundlegende ProzessverstĂ€ndnis der Wechselwirkungen zwischen gelösten kationischen organischen Substanzen und festen OberflĂ€chen einschließlich relevanter EinflussgrĂ¶ĂŸen zu verbessern. Die Untersuchungen basierten auf einer differenzierten Prozessbetrachtung, um letztlich die wesentlichen Voraussetzungen fĂŒr eine zukĂŒnftig zuverlĂ€ssige Prognose des Sorptionsverhaltens kationischer organischer Verbindungen zu liefern. Aufgrund der komplexen Überlagerung mehrerer Mechanismen können die grundlegenden ZusammenhĂ€nge mit heterogen zusammengesetzten natĂŒrlichen Sorbentien nicht eindeutig aufgeklĂ€rt werden. Daher wurde bewusst mit weitgehend homogenen, synthetischen Sorbentien gearbeitet. Die Verwendung wohldefinierter Sorbentien mit unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften sowie die Variation der Elektrolytkonzentration und der gezielte Einsatz verschiedener Sorptive waren die 'Werkzeuge', die verwendet wurden, um die zugrunde liegenden Sorptionsprozesse zu identifizieren und zu separieren

    Sorption of the organic cation metoprolol on silica gel from its aqueous solution considering the competition of inorganic cations

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    Systematic batch experiments with the organic monovalent cation metoprolol as sorbate and the synthetic material silica gel as sorbent were conducted with the aim of characterizing the sorption of organic cations onto charged surfaces. Sorption isotherms for metoprolol (>99% protonated in the tested pH of around 6) in competition with mono- and divalent inorganic cations (Na+, NH4+, Ca2+, and Mg2+) were determined in order to assess their influence on cation exchange processes and to identify the role of further sorptive interactions. The obtained sorption isotherms could be described well by an exponential function (Freundlich isotherm model) with consistent exponents (about 0.8). In general, a decreasing sorption of metoprolol with increasing concentrations in inorganic cations was observed. Competing ions of the same valence showed similar effects. A significant sorption affinity of metoprolol with ion type dependent Freundlich coefficients K-F,K-0.77 between 234.42 and 426.58 (L/kg)(0.77) could still be observed even at very high concentrations of competing inorganic cations. Additional column experiments confirm this behavior, which suggests the existence of further relevant interactions beside cation exchange. In subsequent batch experiments, the influence of mixtures with more than one competing ion and the effect of a reduced negative surface charge at a pH below the point of zero charge (pH(PZC) approximate to 2.5) were also investigated. Finally, the study demonstrates that cation exchange is the most relevant but not the sole mechanism for the sorption of metoprolol on silica gel. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved