189 research outputs found

    Correlated sampling in quantum Monte Carlo: a route to forces

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    In order to find the equilibrium geometries of molecules and solids and to perform ab initio molecular dynamics, it is necessary to calculate the forces on the nuclei. We present a correlated sampling method to efficiently calculate numerical forces and potential energy surfaces in diffusion Monte Carlo. It employs a novel coordinate transformation, earlier used in variational Monte Carlo, to greatly reduce the statistical error. Results are presented for first-row diatomic molecules.Comment: 5 pages, 2 postscript figure

    A critical assessment of the Self-Interaction Corrected Local Density Functional method and its algorithmic implementation

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    We calculate the electronic structure of several atoms and small molecules by direct minimization of the Self-Interaction Corrected Local Density Approximation (SIC-LDA) functional. To do this we first derive an expression for the gradient of this functional under the constraint that the orbitals be orthogonal and show that previously given expressions do not correctly incorporate this constraint. In our atomic calculations the SIC-LDA yields total energies, ionization energies and charge densities that are superior to results obtained with the Local Density Approximation (LDA). However, for molecules SIC-LDA gives bond lengths and reaction energies that are inferior to those obtained from LDA. The nonlocal BLYP functional, which we include as a representative GGA functional, outperforms both LDA and SIC-LDA for all ground state properties we considered.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Use of the Generalized Gradient Approximation in Pseudopotential Calculations of Solids

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    We present a study of the equilibrium properties of spsp-bonded solids within the pseudopotential approach, employing recently proposed generalized gradient approximation (GGA) exchange correlation functionals. We analyze the effects of the gradient corrections on the behavior of the pseudopotentials and discuss possible approaches for constructing pseudopotentials self-consistently in the context of gradient corrected functionals. The calculated equilibrium properties of solids using the GGA functionals are compared to the ones obtained through the local density approximation (LDA) and to experimental data. A significant improvement over the LDA results is achieved with the use of the GGA functionals for cohesive energies. For the lattice constant, the same accuracy as in LDA can be obtained when the nonlinear coupling between core and valence electrons introduced by the exchange correlation functionals is properly taken into account. However, GGA functionals give bulk moduli that are too small compared to experiment.Comment: 15 pages, latex, no figure

    Density-functional Study of Small Molecules within the Krieger-Li-Iafrate Approximation

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    We report density-functional studies of several small molecules (H2,N2,CO,H2OH_{2}, N_{2}, CO, H_{2}O, and CH4CH_{4}) within the Krieger-Li-Iafrate (KLI) approximation to the exact Kohn-Sham local exchange potential, using a three-dimensional real-space finite-difference pseudopotential method. It is found that exchange-only KLI leads to markedly improved eigenvalue spectra compared to those obtained within the standard local-density approximation (LDA), the generalized gradient approximation (GGA), and the Hartree-Fock (HF) method. For structural properties, exchange-only KLI results are close to the corresponding HF values. We find that the addition of LDA or GGA correlation energy functionals to the KLI exact exchange energy functional does not lead to systematic improvements.Comment: 16 pages including 1 fugure, to be published in Phys. Rev. A Nov. 1 '9

    Pseudopotential study of binding properties of solids within generalized gradient approximations: The role of core-valence exchange-correlation

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    In ab initio pseudopotential calculations within density-functional theory the nonlinear exchange-correlation interaction between valence and core electrons is often treated linearly through the pseudopotential. We discuss the accuracy and limitations of this approximation regarding a comparison of the local density approximation (LDA) and generalized gradient approximations (GGA), which we find to describe core-valence exchange-correlation markedly different. (1) Evaluating the binding properties of a number of typical solids we demonstrate that the pseudopotential approach and namely the linearization of core-valence exchange-correlation are both accurate and limited in the same way in GGA as in LDA. (2) Examining the practice to carry out GGA calculations using pseudopotentials derived within LDA we show that the ensuing results differ significantly from those obtained using pseudopotentials derived within GGA. As principal source of these differences we identify the distinct behavior of core-valence exchange-correlation in LDA and GGA which, accordingly, contributes substantially to the GGA induced changes of calculated binding properties.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. B, other related publications can be found at http://www.rz-berlin.mpg.de/th/paper.htm

    X-ray absorption spectroscopy systematics at the tungsten L-edge

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    A series of mononuclear six-coordinate tungsten compounds spanning formal oxidation states from 0 to +VI, largely in a ligand environment of inert chloride and/or phosphine, has been interrogated by tungsten L-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The L-edge spectra of this compound set, comprised of [W<sup>0</sup>(PMe<sub>3</sub>)<sub>6</sub>], [W<sup>II</sup>Cl<sub>2</sub>(PMePh<sub>2</sub>)<sub>4</sub>], [W<sup>III</sup>Cl<sub>2</sub>(dppe)<sub>2</sub>][PF<sub>6</sub>] (dppe = 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane), [W<sup>IV</sup>Cl<sub>4</sub>(PMePh<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>], [W<sup>V</sup>(NPh)Cl<sub>3</sub>(PMe<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>], and [W<sup>VI</sup>Cl<sub>6</sub>] correlate with formal oxidation state and have usefulness as references for the interpretation of the L-edge spectra of tungsten compounds with redox-active ligands and ambiguous electronic structure descriptions. The utility of these spectra arises from the combined correlation of the estimated branching ratio (EBR) of the L<sub>3,2</sub>-edges and the L<sub>1</sub> rising-edge energy with metal Z<sub>eff</sub>, thereby permitting an assessment of effective metal oxidation state. An application of these reference spectra is illustrated by their use as backdrop for the L-edge X-ray absorption spectra of [W<sup>IV</sup>(mdt)<sub>2</sub>(CO)<sub>2</sub>] and [W<sup>IV</sup>(mdt)<sub>2</sub>(CN)<sub>2</sub>]<sup>2–</sup> (mdt<sup>2–</sup> = 1,2-dimethylethene-1,2-dithiolate), which shows that both compounds are effectively W<sup>IV</sup> species. Use of metal L-edge XAS to assess a compound of uncertain formulation requires: 1) Placement of that data within the context of spectra offered by unambiguous calibrant compounds, preferably with the same coordination number and similar metal ligand distances. Such spectra assist in defining upper and/or lower limits for metal Z<sub>eff</sub> in the species of interest; 2) Evaluation of that data in conjunction with information from other physical methods, especially ligand K-edge XAS; 3) Increased care in interpretation if strong π-acceptor ligands, particularly CO, or π-donor ligands are present. The electron-withdrawing/donating nature of these ligand types, combined with relatively short metal-ligand distances, exaggerate the difference between formal oxidation state and metal Z<sub>eff</sub> or, as in the case of [W<sup>IV</sup>(mdt)<sub>2</sub>(CO)<sub>2</sub>], add other subtlety by modulating the redox level of other ligands in the coordination sphere

    Vaccination with DNA plasmids expressing Gn coupled to C3d or alphavirus replicons expressing Gn protects mice against rift valley fever virus

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    Background: Rift Valley fever (RVF) is an arthropod-borne viral zoonosis. Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) is an important biological threat with the potential to spread to new susceptible areas. In addition, it is a potential biowarfare agent. Methodology/Principal Findings: We developed two potential vaccines, DNA plasmids and alphavirus replicons, expressing the Gn glycoprotein of RVFV alone or fused to three copies of complement protein, C3d. Each vaccine was administered to mice in an all DNA, all replicon, or a DNA prime/replicon boost strategy and both the humoral and cellular responses were assessed. DNA plasmids expressing Gn-C3d and alphavirus replicons expressing Gn elicited high titer neutralizing antibodies that were similar to titers elicited by the live-attenuated MP12 virus. Mice vaccinated with an inactivated form of MP12 did elicit high titer antibodies, but these antibodies were unable to neutralize RVFV infection. However, only vaccine strategies incorporating alphavirus replicons elicited cellular responses to Gn. Both vaccines strategies completely prevented weight loss and morbidity and protected against lethal RVFV challenge. Passive transfer of antisera from vaccinated mice into naïve mice showed that both DNA plasmids expressing Gn-C3d and alphavirus replicons expressing Gn elicited antibodies that protected mice as well as sera from mice immunized with MP12. Conclusion/Significance: These results show that both DNA plasmids expressing Gn-C3d and alphavirus replicons expressing Gn administered alone or in a DNA prime/replicon boost strategy are effective RVFV vaccines. These vaccine strategies provide safer alternatives to using live-attenuated RVFV vaccines for human use. © 2010 Bhardwaj et al
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