10 research outputs found

    SRIM Simulation of Carbon Ions Interaction with Ni Nanotubes

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    By template synthesis method nickel nanotubes with diameter of 400 nm and length of 12 μm were produced in the pores of PET template. The nanotubes were modified by irradiation with carbon ions with energy of 28 MeV and a dose of 5 × 1011 cm-2. To ensure the maximum efficiency of nanostructures modification process, energy of irradiation was decided by using of SRIM software. Based on SRIM simulation of carbon ions interaction with Ni nanotubes, the areas on which effect of high energy ions will maximum were predicted. A comparative analysis of nanostructures before and after irradiation was carried out by scanning electron microscopy. The maximum change in nanotubes morphology, in the form of destruction of walls, was appeared at a distance of about 10 μm from the start point of C3+ ions track inside the nanotubes. A substantiation of reason of wall degradation in this area was proposed. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd.Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, H2020: 778308

    Influence of deposition potential on structure of Zn-based nanotubes

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    The rapid growth of the market of electronic devices designed on the base of micro- and nanoelectronic components requires novel unconventional approaches for nanostructures formation. In this regard, ion-track technology, which allows forming nanostructures with a predetermined geometry is very promising. The paper demonstrates a simple and scalable approach to the creation of nanotubes based on pure zinc and its oxide. The main idea of the work is to determine the possibility of controlling of the nanotubes morphology and composition by variation of the deposition potential. In this concern, template synthesis of zincbased nanotubes in the PET template pores is carried out at potentials in the range from 1.25 to 2 V and a comprehensive study of their structural and morphological features is provided. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd

    Optimization of PET ion-track membranes parameters

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    Nowadays polymer ion-track membranes are used for a wide range of practical applications, which include various levels of filtration (micro-, ultra-, nanofiltration and osmosis), the creation of flexible electronic circuits and sensors based on polymer substrate, and using as templates for shape-controlled nanostructures synthesis. New applications demand clear understanding of the processes that occur during track membranes formation. For high-precision control of the end-product parameters, it is necessary to establish the correlation between etching conditions and track membranes characteristics (pores dimensions, porosity and membranes thicknesses). For this purpose, in the paper it is considered the technique of membranes formation with 10 nm - 10 μm cylindrical pores and correlation between their parameters and processing modes is studied. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd

    Efficiency of Magnetostatic Protection Using Nanostructured Permalloy Shielding Coatings Depending on Their Microstructure

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    The effect of microstructure on the efficiency of shielding or shunting of the magnetic fluxby permalloy shields was investigated in the present work. For this purpose, the FeNi shieldingcoatings with different grain structures were obtained using stationary and pulsed electrodeposition.The coatings’ composition, crystal structure, surface microstructure, magnetic domain structure, andshielding efficiency were studied. It has been shown that coatings with 0.2–0.6μm grains have adisordered domain structure. Consequently, a higher value of the shielding efficiency was achieved,but the working range was too limited. The reason for this is probably the hindered movement of thedomain boundaries. Samples with nanosized grains have an ordered two-domain magnetic structurewith a permissible partial transition to a superparamagnetic state in regions with a grain size of lessthan 100 nm. The ordered magnetic structure, the small size of the domain, and the coexistenceof ferromagnetic and superparamagnetic regions, although they reduce the maximum value ofthe shielding efficiency, significantly expand the working range in the nanostructured permalloyshielding coatings. As a result, a dependence between the grain and domain structure and theefficiency of magnetostatic shielding was found

    Degradation mechanism and way of surface protection of nickel nanostructures

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    Stability of nanomaterials during their life cycle is a crucial problem of modern nanoscience. In order to understand the processes, which are going in the nanostructures, the comprehensive study of the influence of media with different acidity on the nickel nanotubes morphology and structure was carried out. On the base of the analysis of nanotubes characteristics, sequential evolution of degradation stages involving the surface passivation, formation of point defects, pitting and destruction of nanotubes walls was determined. The results are of importance for the wide range of potential nickel nanostructures applications, which are associated with their using in real-life conditions. To improve Ni nanostructures stability, the possible ways of surface protections from the aggressive environment effect and the routes of nanostructures covering with gold, organosilicon compounds and polymer coatings were considered. Demonstrated approaches for nanostructures covering provide an opportunity of surface functionalization for attaching of different molecules. It is useful for targeted delivery of drugs and genes, biodetection, bioseparation and catalysis application. © 2018 Elsevier B.V


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    In the paper the template synthesis of ferromagnetic (Fe, Co, Ni) nanotubes in the pores of track membranes were studied. The aim of this work was determination of nanotubes basic structural and magnetic parameters and demonstration of the possibility of application in the flexible electronics elements.By electrochemical deposition, ferromagnetic nanotubes with a diameter of 110 nm and an aspect ratio of 100 were formed in the pores of polyethylene terephthalate track membranes. The morphology of the obtained nanostructures were studied by scanning electron microscopy, the elemental composition was determined by the energy-dispersion analysis. Using the X-ray structural analysis, the main parameters of the crystal structure were established: lattice type, lattice parameter and average crystallite size. The magnetic properties were studied by the method of vibrational magnetometry.It was shown that in the selected conditions of synthesis without reference to the type of ferromagnetic metals nanotubes had the same dimensions – length, diameter and wall thickness. The produced nanotubes consisted of iron, cobalt and nickel, respectively without oxides impurities. Nanotubes had a polycrystalline structure of walls with a body-centered cubic (iron), face-centered cubic (cobalt and nickel) crystal lattice. According to the main magnetic parameters, nanotubes belonged to a group of soft magnetic materials. Also, the presence of magnetic anisotropy, which is caused by the features of crystalline structure and shape of the nanostructures.Based on the analysis of structural and magnetic characteristics of ferromagnetic nanotubes which were synthesized in the pores of track membranes, were proposed the main principles of their using in the elements’ of flexible electronics constructing (magnetic field direction sensors and magnetic memory elements). В работе рассмотрены особенности шаблонного синтеза нанотрубок из ферромагнитных металлов (Fe, Co, Ni) в порах трековых мембран. Целью работы являлось изучение их основных структурных и магнитных параметров и демонстрация потенциала применения в элементах гибкой электроники.При помощи электрохимического осаждения в порах полиэтилентерефталатовых трековых мембран сформированы ферромагнитные нанотрубки с диаметром 110 нм и аспектным соотношением 100. Методом сканирующей электронной микроскопии изучены морфологические особенности полученных наноструктур, методом энергодисперсионного анализа изучен элементный состав. С использованием рентгеноструктурного анализа установлены основные параметры кристаллической структуры: тип кристаллической решетки, параметр элементарной ячейки и средний размер кристаллитов. Методом вибрационной магнитометрии изучены магнитные свойства.Показано, что вне зависимости от типа ферромагнитного металла при выбранных условиях синтеза нанотрубки имеют одинаковые характеристические размеры – длину, диаметр и толщину стенки. Полученные нанотрубки состоят соответственно из железа, из кобальта и из никеля и не содержат оксидных примесей. Нанотрубки имеют поликристаллическую структуру стенок с объемно-центрированной кубической (железные), гране-центрированной кубической (кобальтовые и никелевые) кристаллической решеткой. По основным магнитным параметрам нанотрубки соответствуют группе магнитомягких материалов. Также установлено наличие магнитной анизотропии, которая обусловлена особенностями кристаллической структуры и формой наноструктур.На основании анализа особенностей структурных и магнитных характеристик ферромагнитных нанотрубок, синтезированных в порах трековых мембран, предложены базовые принципы их использования при конструировании элементов гибкой электроники: наноконденсаторов, датчиков направления магнитного поля и магнитных элементов памяти.


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    In the paper the template synthesis of ferromagnetic (Fe, Co, Ni) nanotubes in the pores of track membranes were studied. The aim of this work was determination of nanotubes basic structural and magnetic parameters and demonstration of the possibility of application in the flexible electronics elements.By electrochemical deposition, ferromagnetic nanotubes with a diameter of 110 nm and an aspect ratio of 100 were formed in the pores of polyethylene terephthalate track membranes. The morphology of the obtained nanostructures were studied by scanning electron microscopy, the elemental composition was determined by the energy-dispersion analysis. Using the X-ray structural analysis, the main parameters of the crystal structure were established: lattice type, lattice parameter and average crystallite size. The magnetic properties were studied by the method of vibrational magnetometry.It was shown that in the selected conditions of synthesis without reference to the type of ferromagnetic metals nanotubes had the same dimensions – length, diameter and wall thickness. The produced nanotubes consisted of iron, cobalt and nickel, respectively without oxides impurities. Nanotubes had a polycrystalline structure of walls with a body-centered cubic (iron), face-centered cubic (cobalt and nickel) crystal lattice. According to the main magnetic parameters, nanotubes belonged to a group of soft magnetic materials. Also, the presence of magnetic anisotropy, which is caused by the features of crystalline structure and shape of the nanostructures.Based on the analysis of structural and magnetic characteristics of ferromagnetic nanotubes which were synthesized in the pores of track membranes, were proposed the main principles of their using in the elements’ of flexible electronics constructing (magnetic field direction sensors and magnetic memory elements)