67 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Jerami Padi Sebagai Media Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Jamur Janggel (Coprinus sp.) Dengan Model Blok Bersusun

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    Janggel mushrooms are edible fungi / mushrooms that can be consumed and grow on media containing high cellulose, one of which is composted agricultural waste (rice straw), but we do not know for sure the impact of different composting times. This study aims to determine the length of time for composting rice straw media on the growth and yield of janggel mushrooms. The research was conducted at the Agrotechnology Mushroom Cultivation Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic University of Malang From December 2020 to February 2021. The design used was a simple randomized block design (RBD) with 3 replications with a 5% level test, the treatment used was composting time with 5 levels. Namely 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 days. The results showed that the difference in composting time had a significant effect on the parameters of the diameter of the fruity body hood, the total fresh weight of the fruit body and the period of harvest. However, the composting time of 12 days (L4) showed the highest yield on parameters : the ability of mycelium to fill the media with 6 days after inoculation, and the harvest period with a length of 52 days. However, the 9 day composting time (L3) gave the highest result on the parameter of total fresh weight of the fruit body with a weight of 161.62 grams. However, L2 (6 days of composting) showed the highest yield on the diameter of the fruit body hood with a width of 7.42 mm. The optimum composting time in straw, rice bran and CaCO3 media is 12 days of composting

    Diseño de un sistema de climatización en aula CAD-CAE

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    El presente trabajo tuvo como finalidad proponer un sistema de climatización de aire, con el fin de mejorar las condiciones de trabajo en el Laboratorio CAD-CAE y los espacios contiguos (INACOM y oficina). Para esto se analizaron las condiciones previas a la instalación del sistema, recopilándose información trascendente, como las condiciones climáticas. Posteriormente, se establecieron las condiciones ideales, para luego especificar las condiciones que deseadas en el lugar. En el segundo capítulo se refiere a la evaluación de cargas térmicas. Se obtuvo que el 42% de la carga térmica se debe a la fenestración, el 36% por cargas internas, el 8% de la carga es transferida del exterior por las superficies, el 9% se debe a la carga de ventilación y por último el 5% es por infiltración de aire al ambiente acondicionado. Luego en la segunda parte del capítulo, se determinó que es necesario un equipo que extraiga 22.37kW de carga de enfriamiento del laboratorio, 5.22kW del INACOM y 6.29kW de la oficina. Además este debe renovar el aire con una frecuencia de 1.34m3/s en el laboratorio, 0.4 m3/s y 0.6 m3/s en el INACOM y la oficina respectivamente. En el tercer capítulo se seleccionaron los equipos de acuerdo a lo establecido en el capítulo anterior, empleándose manuales, así como catálogos e información complementaria que permita la adecuada selección del equipamiento. Finalmente detallo una evaluación económica referente al costo del sistema seleccionado (US$14,296.70 inc. IGV) y se estableció una comparación con el equipo actual que funciona en dicho establecimiento el cual está sobredimensionado según la capacidad de sus equipos.Tesi

    Characterization of two-level system noise for microwave kinetic inductance detector comprising niobium film on silicon substrate

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    A microwave kinetic inductance detector (MKID) is a cutting-edge superconducting detector. It comprises a resonator circuit constructed with a superconducting film on a dielectric substrate. To expand its field of application, it is important to establish a method to suppress the two-level system (TLS) noise that is caused by the electric fluctuations between the two energy states at the surface of the substrate. The electric field density can be decreased by expanding the strip width (S) and gap width from the ground plane (W) in the MKID circuit, allowing the suppression of TLS noise. However, this effect has not yet been confirmed for MKIDs made with niobium films on silicon substrates. In this study, we demonstrate its effectiveness for such MKIDs. We expanded the dimension of the circuit from (S, W) = (3.00 μm, 4.00 μm) to (S, W) = (5.00 μm, 23.7 μm), and achieved an increased suppression of 5.5 dB in TLS noise

    Pointing calibration of GroundBIRD telescope using Moon observation data

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    Understanding telescope pointing (i.e., line of sight) is important for observing the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and astronomical objects. The Moon is a candidate astronomical source for pointing calibration. Although the visible size of the Moon (\ang{;30}) is larger than that of the planets, we can frequently observe the Moon once a month with a high signal-to-noise ratio. We developed a method for performing pointing calibration using observational data from the Moon. We considered the tilts of the telescope axes as well as the encoder and collimation offsets for pointing calibration. In addition, we evaluated the effects of the nonuniformity of the brightness temperature of the Moon, which is a dominant systematic error. As a result, we successfully achieved a pointing accuracy of \ang{;3.3}. This is one order of magnitude smaller than an angular resolution of \ang{;36}. This level of accuracy competes with past achievements in other ground-based CMB experiments using observational data from the planets.Comment: 18 pages, 17 figures, 3 table

    Prima AFP

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    Prima AFP es una empresa perteneciente al Grupo Credicorp que brinda a sus afiliados una pensión de jubilación, es decir, se dedica a la administración privada de fondos de pensiones y fue constituida el 4 de marzo de 2005. En el organigrama propuesto, se identificó dos tipos de departamentalización: funcional y por clientes; también, presenta una complejidad alta tanto en su diferenciación horizontal, como la vertical, asimismo, se evidencia diferenciación espacial. Además, dado los numerosos documentos de las políticas y reglamentos hallados, procedimientos burocráticos, y centralización de la autoridad, se puede afirmar que tiene una estructura mecanicista. En cuanto a los mecanismos de coordinación de Mintzberg, se identificaron la supervisión directa, la normalización de procesos, la estandarización de las habilidades y la estandarización de normas, por tanto, se determinaron dos configuraciones estructurales: la organización mecánica y la organización profesional. Después, se describirán dos puestos de trabajo de dos diferentes niveles jerárquicos: el Directorio y el Comité de Auditoría, según el Manual de Organización y Funciones, que detallan sus funciones y responsabilidades, relaciones de trabajo, manejo de información, información para el perfil. Luego, se propondrá un mapa de procesos para Prima AFP y se redactará, a través del Método del Libreto, el procedimiento de traslado y afiliación de una AFP hacia Prima AFP; así como también, se presentará su flujograma respectivo, que pertenece al proceso clave Comercial. Por último, se expondrán las conclusiones y recomendaciones para Prima AFP

    Effects of plasma magnesium and prolactin on quantitative ultrasound measurements of heel bone among schizophrenic patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Osteoporosis is a bone disease that can reduce both bone mass and bone strength. It can cause serious fractures of bones, along with causing significant and even devastating physical, psychological and financial consequences for patients and their family members. Many reports have revealed that the prevalence of decreased bone density is higher in schizophrenic patients than in the non-psychological diseased population. The previous report of our group revealed that chronic schizophrenia patients have poorer BUA levels since they were young as compared to the general community population. Hyperprolactinemia and antipsychotics are reported to be among the risk factors for osteoporosis in chronic schizophrenic patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>93 schizophrenic patients with severely poor adjusted BUA values and 93 age and gender matched patients with normal adjusted BUA values from a previous survey study were selected. Data were collected via questionnaires and via reviews of antipsychotic medications. Blood samples were drawn, and serum levels of prolactin, estradiol, testosterone, magnesium, calcium, phosphate, osteocalcin, Cross-linked N-teleopeptide of type I collagen (NTX), thyroid hormone and parathyroid hormone were checked. The association between BUA levels and serum levels of the above items, along with the type of received antipsychotic medication, was evaluated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was no significant association found between reduced BUA levels and serum prolactin, calcium, phosphate, osteocalcin, NTX, thyroid stimulating hormone and parathyroid hormone levels. There was also no association between BUA levels and types of currently received antipsychotics. There was no association between BUA levels and menstruation condition in female patients. Hypermagnesemia had a borderline association with classical and combined (classical and atypical) antipsychotic medications in male patients. Nevertheless, hypermagnesemia is a significant protective factor of reduced BUA levels in female patients. Hyperprolactinemia had a significant association with classical and combined antipsychotic medications in female patients. Hyperprolactinemia, however, provides a protective effect on reduced BUA levels in male patients. There was no significant association found between serum prolactin level and the type of antipsychotic medication received.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The results of this study are in contrast with literature that has reported an association between bone mass and serum prolactin levels, serum magnesium levels and type of received antipsychotics. Further study to investigate the pathophysiological process and the association between bone mass and serum prolactin level, serum magnesium level and specific antipsychotics is necessary.</p

    Bone mass in schizophrenia and normal populations across different decades of life

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chronic schizophrenic patients have been reported as having higher osteoporosis prevalence. Survey the bone mass among schizophrenic patients and compare with that of the local community population and reported data of the same country to figure out the distribution of bone mass among schizophrenic patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>965 schizophrenic patients aged 20 years and over in Yuli Veterans Hospital and 405 members aged 20 and over of the community living in the same town as the institute received bone mass examination by a heel qualitative ultrasound (QUS) device. Bone mass distribution was stratified to analyzed and compared with community population.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Schizophrenic patients have lower bone mass while they are young. But aging effect on bone mass cannot be seen. Accelerated bone mass loss during menopausal transition was not observed in the female schizophrenic patients as in the subjects of the community female population.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Schizophrenic patients have lower bone mass than community population since they are young. Further study to investigate the pathophysiological process is necessary to delay or avoid the lower bone mass in schizophrenia patients.</p