6 research outputs found

    Моделирование функциональных кист яичников путем введения фолликулостимулирующего гормона

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    Aim. To study the morphofunctional state of ovaries after the introduction of recombinant FSH. Materials and methods. Two groups of mature female Wistar rats were used in the study. The experimental group consisted of 35 rats with a model of follicular ovarian cysts, while 25 rats were in the control group.Rats were taken out of the experiment on days 3, 7, 15, 30 and 60. Paraffin slides of ovaries were stained with hematoxylin and eosin by Van Gieson. Histological and morphometric investigations were performed.Results. On day 7 of FSH administration, the maximum increase in the size of the ovaries was observed due to the formation of single-cell follicular cysts. Rats in the experimental group showed a marked decrease in the number of growing follicles on day 7 and 15. The increase in atretic bodies and follicles in comparison with the control group was observed on day 7 and lasted until the end of the experiment. Additionally, on day 7 of the experiment, hyperemia and vasoconstriction were noted. The number of yellow bodies decreased during the experiment, and an increase in collagen formation occurred starting from day 15 of the experiment.Conclusion. The introduction of follicle-stimulating hormone for 7 days leads to disruption of folliculogenesis, strengthening of atresia in the ovaries, and the formation of functional cysts.Цель исследования. Изучить морфологические изменения яичников при введении рекомбинантного фолликулостимулирующего гормона.Материал и методы. Эксперимент проведен на половозрелых белых самках крыс линии Wistar. Основную группу составили 35 животных с моделью функциональных кист яичников, контрольную – 25 интактных животных. Крысы выводились из эксперимента на 3-и, 7-е, 15-, 30- и 60-е сут. Проведены гистологическое и морфометрическое исследования на депарафинированных срезах яичников, окрашенных гематоксилином и эозином и по Ван Гизону.Результаты. На 7-е сут введения фолликулостимулирующего гормона наблюдалось максимальное увеличение размеров яичников за счет формирования однокамерных функциональных кист. У животных основной группы отмечалось выраженное снижение количества растущих фолликулов на 7- и 15-е сут.Увеличение количества атретических фолликулов и тел по сравнению с таковым в группе контроля наблюдалось с 7-х сут и продолжалось до 60-х сут эксперимента. На 7-е сут эксперимента отмечались гиперемия и полнокровие сосудов. Количество желтых тел уменьшалось в ходе эксперимента. Отмечалось усиление процессов коллагенообразования, начиная с 15-х сут эксперимента.Заключение. Введение фолликулостимулирующего гормона в течение 7 сут приводит к нарушению процессов фолликулогенеза, усилению процессов атрезии в яичниках и формированию функциональных кис

    On the Sixth International Olympiad in Cryptography NSUCRYPTO

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    NSUCRYPTO is the unique cryptographic Olympiad containing scientific mathematical problems for professionals, school and university students from any country. Its aim is to involve young researchers in solving curious and tough scientific problems of modern cryptography. From the very beginning, the concept of the Olympiad was not to focus on solving olympic tasks but on including unsolved research problems at the intersection of mathematics and cryptography. The Olympiad history starts in 2014. In 2019, it was held for the sixth time. In this paper, problems and their solutions of the Sixth International Olympiad in cryptography NSUCRYPTO'2019 are presented. We consider problems related to attacks on ciphers and hash functions, protocols, Boolean functions, Dickson polynomials, prime numbers, rotor machines, etc. We discuss several open problems on mathematical countermeasures to side-channel attacks, APN involutions, S-boxes, etc. The problem of finding a collision for the hash function Curl27 was partially solved during the Olympiad

    Modeling of functional ovarian cysts by introducing a follicle-stimulating hormone

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    Aim. To study the morphofunctional state of ovaries after the introduction of recombinant FSH. Materials and methods. Two groups of mature female Wistar rats were used in the study. The experimental group consisted of 35 rats with a model of follicular ovarian cysts, while 25 rats were in the control group.Rats were taken out of the experiment on days 3, 7, 15, 30 and 60. Paraffin slides of ovaries were stained with hematoxylin and eosin by Van Gieson. Histological and morphometric investigations were performed.Results. On day 7 of FSH administration, the maximum increase in the size of the ovaries was observed due to the formation of single-cell follicular cysts. Rats in the experimental group showed a marked decrease in the number of growing follicles on day 7 and 15. The increase in atretic bodies and follicles in comparison with the control group was observed on day 7 and lasted until the end of the experiment. Additionally, on day 7 of the experiment, hyperemia and vasoconstriction were noted. The number of yellow bodies decreased during the experiment, and an increase in collagen formation occurred starting from day 15 of the experiment.Conclusion. The introduction of follicle-stimulating hormone for 7 days leads to disruption of folliculogenesis, strengthening of atresia in the ovaries, and the formation of functional cysts