120 research outputs found

    The Effects of Providing Social and Nutritional Enrichment to Dairy Calves on Development, Behavior and Learning

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    The objective of this study was to measure the effects of both a nutritional (water nipple) and social (partner calf) enrichment on calf body weight, grain intake, water intake, behavior and learning. The enrichments included 1) water provided from a nipple vs. a bucket (nutritional) and 2) visual and tactile access to a partner vs. isolated rearing with no visual or tactile access to a partner calf (social). A total of 72 Holstein and Jersey dairy calves were pseudo-randomly distributed into 4 treatments at birth [Individual/Bucket (IB), Paired/Bucket (PB), Individual/Nipple (IN), Paired/Nipple (PN)]. Socially and nutritionally enriched calves drank more water than non-enriched calves (Social: 5.02 ± 0.27 kg/d vs 3.723 ± 0.27 kg/d respectively; P = 0.0009; Nutritional: 4.93 ± 0.27 kg/d vs. 3.81 ± 0.26 kg/d respectively; P = 0.004). No difference in daily grain intake was found between individual or pair reared calves except during wk 8 (1.31 ± 0.07 kg/d vs 1.60 ± 0.07 respectively kg/d; P= 0.04). There were no differences in average body weight among treatments (P \u3e 0.20). Pre-milk delivery, calves reared on a water bucket spent more time standing (P= 0.03) and when paired, less time non-nutritively suckling compared to water nipple reared calves (P = 0.05). Grooming time was highest during period 2 (wk 3, 4, 5; P = 0.01)) pre-milk delivery. Post-milk delivery, calves reared on a water bucket spent more time drinking milk (7.13 ± 0.40 vs 5.37 ± 0.39 min; P = 0.005)and grooming (P= 0.05), and less time drinking water (P \u3c 0.001)and lying (6.17 ± 1.02 vs 9.19 ± 0.97 min, respectively; P= 0.04)than water nipple reared calves. Water nipple calves when paired exhbited longer drinking times (P = 0.04)..The most notable behavior was cross suckling post-milk delivery, as the weeks progressed water bucket reared calves increased time spent cross-suckling while water nipple calves maintained the amount of time spent cross-suckling. At wk 8 a subset of 24 calves (6 from each treatment) were trained over 14-d period to differentiate between an “X” and “O” cue to receive a milk reward (visual discrimination task). Learning (% correct choices) was compared using a Wilcoxon-signed rank test. Calves individually reared had greater overall correct choices than pair reared calves (0.63 ± 0.02 % correct/total choices vs 0.57 ± 0.02 % correct/total choices respectively: P = 0.05), while calves reared with a nutritional enrichment (water nipple) had greater overall correct choices compared to water bucket reared calves (0.64 ± 0.02 % vs 0.56 ± 0.02 %, P = 0.02). These results indicate that social and nutritional enrichments positively influence calf cognitive performance, water intake, and lying, cross-sucking, grooming behaviors

    Recipe modeling and the study of the chemical composition of functional fish culinary products

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    The biochemical composition of the new fish culinary product is considered. The results make it possible to attribute the product to functional products. Compositions with a given set of nutritional value indicators were simulated by optimizing multicomponent formulations. Products are characterized by preset properties: functionality, balance of amino acid, mineral and vitamin compositions, high organoleptic characteristics due to the inclusion of original plant materials (spinach, green peas, cauliflower, eggplant, etc.) and individual methods for their preliminary preparatio

    Thin layer chromatography of some statins in aqueous organic mobile phases modified with buff er solutions

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    The influence of a number of factors on the chromatographic properties of statins (atorvastatin, rosuvastatin, simvastatin) in normal-phase and reverse-phase chromatography modes has been studied by the method of the thin-layer chromatography (TLC) in order to select the most effective analytical systems for the total and separate determination of statins in pharmaceuticals. The study has been performed by ascending TLC on commercial plates with polar, weakly polar, and nonpolar phases. Efficiency and selectivity of chromatographic separation of statins have been established: the nature of the stationary phase (SF), the nature of the mobile phase (MF), the nature and concentration of the organic solvent of the mobile phase, the ionic strength of the solution. It has been revealed that the most effective SF are the reverse-phase plates RP-18, on which statins are separated with a high value of the number of theoretical plates (N) and the lowest value of the height of the equivalent theoretical plate (H). From organic solvents, the aprotic solvent acetonitrile turned out to be effective, which in the MF of the acetonitrile –water composition (70:30) gives the best results of chromatographic separation of statins. It has been found that with an increase in the ionic strength of the solution in the range of 0.1–1.5 mol (KCl), the mobility of statins changes slightly, which is accompanied by a significant blurring of chromatographic zones and deterioration of statin separation, and therefore no strong electrolyte was introduced in further studies. Binary mixtures of atorvastatin and simvastatin have been separated under selected optimal conditions. It has been found that the greatest selectivity of separation is observed in the MF acetonitrile – phosphate buffer (70:30) at pH 3. Quantitative determination of atorvastatin in «Atorvastatin-OBL», «Liprimar» and «Tulip» drugs has been carried out to optimize the chromatography conditions. The correctness and reliability of the determination has been established using the standard drug atorvastatin, Sr did not exceed 0.01–0.02

    Problem of lawyer protection: comparative legal analysis

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    This article is dedicated to the analysis of a preponderant institution of Civil Society in Russia such as the Bar Association, consequently, its role in the implementation of the state fimction of providing qualified legal assistance is examine

    Shelter Implementation Plan at the Stage of Radiation Risks Elimination for Public

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    In this article, efficiency of the SIP projects, which already have been implemented at the Shelter, are analyzed in the context of the staged elimination ofradiation risks for public. It starts with theanalysis oftheShelter state in 1998 before SIP implementation compared with the state after implementation of stabilization and other measures and finally with the state which is reached after construction of the New Safe Confinement (NSC). For the analysis a probabilistic approach has been used. Measures to be implemented in the future are mentioned in conclusions.Аналізується ефективність проектів ПЗЗ, які реалізовано на об’єкті «Укриття», в контексті поетапного усунення радіаційних ризиків для населення. Стаття розпочинається з аналізу стану об’єкта «Укриття» в 1998 році до початку реалізації ПЗЗ у порівнянні з його станом після виконання стабілізаційних та інших заходів та, в довершення, зі станом, досягнутим після будівництва нового безпечного конфайнмента (НБК). Для аналізу застосовано імовірнісний підхід. У висновках наведено заходи, які треба здійснити в майбутньому.Анализируется эффективность проектов ПОМ, которые реализованы на объекте «Укрытие», в контексте поэтапного устранения радиационных рисков для населения. Статья начинается с анализа состояния объекта «Укрытие» в 1998 году до начала реализации ПОМ по сравнению с его состоянием после завершения стабилизационных и других мероприятий и, в довершение, с состоянием, достигнутым после строительства нового безопасного конфайнмента (НБК). Для анализа использован вероятностный подход. В выводах указаны мероприятия, которые необходимо осуществить в будущем

    Legal restrictions: the nature and features of legal confirmation at the international level

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    In this article, some questions legal restrictions, their nature and features of legal confirmation on the international level were considere

    Confirmation of ideological guidelines in the constitutional legal acts of modern states

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    The authors note that the principle of ideological pluralism is among the characteristics of the foundations of the constitutional order. This principle is a specific feature of the constitutions of states in a democratic transformation. It excludes the confirmation of an obligatory (state) ideology in legislation of a democratic stat

    Urinary pH: its regulation and relevance in urolithiasis metaphylaxis

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    Urolithiasis is a common multifactorial disease characterized by a high recurrence rate. This review is devoted to the urine pH as one of the main factors determining its lithogenic properties. It affects the excretion of lithogenic substances and stone formation inhibitors, the solubility, and the crystallization of substances involved in stone formation. The urine pH significantly affects the solubility of uric acid in urine, which decreases at a pH < 5.5. This explains the high incidence of uric acid concretions in patients with metabolic syndrome. Their insulin resistance leads to a decrease in the excretion of ammonium ions in the proximal tubules, leading to persistent urine acidification. The activity of many transport processes involved in the processing of calcium, citrates and phosphates is sensitive to changes in systemic or local pH. The data on the effect of urine pH on the solubility of calcium oxalate remain contradictory. At the same time, there is no doubt about the determining role of urine pH in the excretion of citrate, the most important stone formation inhibitor. The alkaline urine pH promotes the formation of concretions containing calcium phosphates. In conditions of constantly elevated urine pH in patients with persistent urease-producing urinary tract infection, a rapid growth of "infectious" concretions occurs. The review summarizes information on the causes of the decrease and increase in the urine pH, as well as the possibilities of medicinal and non-medicinal methods of modifying the urine pH during the prevention of stone formation recurrence