18 research outputs found

    Использование учебных видео-материалов в образовательном процессе высшего учебного заведения

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    This article is devoted to the creation and use of educational video clips in higher educational institutions. This article analyzes the results of studies on the impact of video content on listeners, which showed a large degree of positive impact, presents a theoretical analysis of the basics of developing video materials. The purpose of the article is to create a technology for developing instructional videos in a higher educational institution. The authors presented the experience of implementing video materials in the classroom on pedagogical disciplines. The stages of developing video materials were proposed, recommendations for creating video were highlighted, the conditions and tasks of using video materials in the educational process were substantiated. Experience allowed us to identify the possibilities of video materials in the modern learning process, which can significantly increase the effectiveness of the teaching activities of the teacher and increase the level of students' perception of the material.Este artículo está dedicado a la creación y uso de videoclips educativos en instituciones de educación superior. Este artículo analiza los resultados de estudios sobre el impacto del contenido de video en los oyentes, que mostraron un alto grado de impacto positivo, presenta un análisis teórico de los conceptos básicos del desarrollo de materiales de video. El propósito del artículo es crear una tecnología para desarrollar videos instructivos en una institución de educación superior. Los autores presentaron la experiencia de implementar materiales de video en el aula sobre disciplinas pedagógicas. Se propusieron las etapas de desarrollo de los materiales de video, se resaltaron las recomendaciones para la creación de video, se confirmaron las condiciones y las tareas de uso de materiales de video en el proceso educativo. La experiencia nos permitió identificar las posibilidades de los materiales de video en el proceso de aprendizaje moderno, lo que puede aumentar significativamente la efectividad de las actividades de enseñanza del maestro y aumentar el nivel de percepción del material por parte de los estudiantes.Данная статья посвящена вопросам создания и использования учебных видео-роликов в высших учебных заведениях. В данной статье проанализированы результаты исследований влияния видео-контента на слушателей, показавшие большую степень положительного воздействия, представлен теоретический анализ основ разработки видео-материалов. Цель статьи состоит в создании технологии разработки обучающего видео в условиях высшего образовательного учреждения. Авторами представлен опыт реализации видео-материалов на занятиях по педагогическим дисциплинам. Были предложены этапы разработки видео-материалов, выделены рекомендации к созданию видео, обоснованы условия и задачи использования видео-материалов в учебном процессе. Опыт позволил выявить возможности видео-материалов в современном процессе обучения, которые позволяют существенно повысить результативность обучающей деятельности преподавателя и увеличить уровень восприятия студентами материала

    The structure and content of the achievements portfolio of university students

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    Introduction of the portfolio into the educational process requires precise regulation, systematization of its structure and content to attract students for filling it. The more students fill in the portfolio, the better becomes the quality of learning process. There were applied analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction for the purpose of studying the subject. The article denotes several definitions of the concept of portfolio. As a result, its essence was determined. The requirements for students have been established to fill it. Based on the “Regulations on the Portfolio of Achievements of Students of Kozma Minin Nizhniy Novgorod State Pedagogical University”, the functions of the portfolio were identified, and their content disclosed. The sections are given that are filled by students as well: educational activities, professional, research, public, cultural and creative, sports. According to our study it is worth to conclude that to improve the quality of education, the portfolio should be based on the principles of continuity, diagnostics, problem orientation, technological traceability criteria, scientific. It should have a clear structure and logical sequence of sections. As we have shown, the portfolio performs many pedagogical functions and has a positive effect on the personality of each student. The result of systematic participation in the compilation of a student's portfolio is developed abilities for self-organization, discipline, responsibility, the identification of strengths and weaknesses, and the elimination of learning gaps.peer-reviewe

    Desenvolvimento de competências comunicativas dos alunos no contexto da aprendizagem combinada

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    This article explores students’ communicative competencies development in the context of blended learning. The relevance of the work is the need of new conditions for students' communicative competencies development. The goal of the work is to prove the effectiveness of blended learning for the development of communicative competences. The article offers recommendations for teachers on competencies development in the implementation of blended learning, and also presents the levels of communicative competences development. In the process, the essence of the application of e-learning in higher educational institutions is revealed.Este artículo explora el desarrollo de las competencias comunicativas de los estudiantes en el contexto del aprendizaje combinado. La relevancia del trabajo es la necesidad de nuevas condiciones para el desarrollo de las competencias comunicativas de los estudiantes. El objetivo del trabajo es demostrar la efectividad del aprendizaje combinado para el desarrollo de competencias comunicativas. El artículo ofrece recomendaciones para maestros sobre el desarrollo de competencias en la implementación del aprendizaje combinado y también presenta los niveles de desarrollo de competencias comunicativas. En el proceso, se revela la esencia de la aplicación del e-learning en las instituciones de educación superior.Este artigo explora o desenvolvimento das habilidades de comunicação dos alunos no contexto da aprendizagem combinada. A relevância do trabalho é a necessidade de novas condições para o desenvolvimento das competências comunicativas dos alunos. O objetivo do trabalho é demonstrar a eficácia da aprendizagem combinada para o desenvolvimento de competências comunicativas. O artigo oferece recomendações para professores sobre o desenvolvimento de competências na implementação da aprendizagem combinada e também apresenta os níveis de desenvolvimento de competências comunicativas. No processo, a essência da aplicação do e-learning em instituições de ensino superior é revelada

    Methods and means of realization of interaction technologies in the university

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    The article discusses the process of organizing the educational process with the use of various educational technologies that contribute to the achievement of effective interaction between students and between students and the teacher. The purpose of the article is to present the experience of using methods and means of implementing interaction technologies in higher education. The goal implies that educational technologies are one of the key elements in the preparation of students of higher schools. They allow forming professional competence of students, emphasizing the leading role of their independence, activity in the consulting role of the teacher. The analysis of the educational process with the application of modern educational technologies given in the article allowed to reveal some features in which appearance is caused by the specificity of the realization of technologies. Modern methods and means of their implementation contribute to the guaranteed achievement of educational goals, the interaction of students becomes more coherent and acquires a new, productive character. Of particular importance are educational technologies for students of pedagogical universities, as their future professional activity is directly related to the use of methods and means of their implementation. The article presents the experience of implementing interaction technologies at the University of Minin in the discipline "Pedagogical technologies". As practice shows, such methods as brainstorming, a round table, a case method allow you to teach students how to conduct a dialogue, develop students' interest and motivation to study the discipline, and thereby allow them to form their competence. The results of the implementation of methods and means of implementing interaction technologies showed that having an understanding of educational technologies at the initial stages of training and forming the skill of interaction under their influence throughout the training period, students have the opportunity to form professional competence and organize their professional activities at a high level.&nbsp

    Development of professional-pedagogical focus of a teacher in vocational training

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    Nowadays, the requirements of the state and society for the training of a vocational education teacher have undergone significant changes and have indicated the need for highly educated competent specialists. The purpose of the article is to conduct a study to identify the development of professional-pedagogical focus of the teacher of vocational training in a pedagogical university. The essence of the professional-pedagogical focus in close interconnection with the professional competence of future graduates is revealed in the work. The analysis of scientific literature made it possible to identify the components of the studied trend: motivational, value, cognitive, reflective. The development of each component was considered in the process of preparing a teacher for vocational training at a pedagogical university. Students apply the obtained theoretical knowledge during the projects development, participation in games, discussions and solving case assignments. The project method is used as the most commonly used method in the professional focus development. To contribute to it students carry out a project in the course "Pedagogical technologies." The features of preparing students in these conditions are highlighted. The analysis showed that the methods used for the focus development help to achieve success in  interest creation as well as professional competence, further improvement of this process will achieve better results in preparation of a teacher of vocational training


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    Purpose of Study: The article is devoted to the study of the organization of educational activities of volunteers as a social and educational project. It is established that the strategic goal of the new generation of Federal-state educational standards is the formation of graduates ' competences. A framework of competence approach helps to gradually transfer the student from learning activities to his future professional activities. In this article, the authors identify the activities of volunteers as one of the ways to adapt students to real working conditions. The article reveals the essence of volunteer activity, which allows to acquire new and improve existing competencies as a social and educational project. In the Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after KozmaMinin, the development of volunteer activities proceeds through the work of The center "territory of opportunities", implemented within the framework of the project "Social and educational environment", in which a sufficient number of stakeholders are involved, providing students with the opportunity for further employment. The article also highlights the activities carried out by the Center, for which volunteer students are offered a lot of special courses (social design, robotics, ZD-modeling). On the basis of the revealed facts, the positive effect of volunteer activity for all participants of this process is established. Methodology: The paper presents an analysis of employed student volunteers. As practice shows, students engaged in volunteer activities, quickly enough to get a job in the profession, unlike students who do not have the experience of volunteering. 49% of volunteers work on a permanent or partial basis, while students without volunteer experience employ only one in three students (33%) [Pavlov, Kindaev, Vinnikova, & Kuznetsova, (2016)]. In order to identify the positive impact of this activity on the development of students as professionals, we have shown the activities Of the center "territory of opportunities", which operates in the Nizhny Novgorod state pedagogical University named after KozmaMinin. Results: Results showed ha students engaged in volunteer activities are more satisfied with their leisure time compared to ordinary students. In addition, the study showed that those students who have devoted their time to participate in volunteer activities are employed much faster than students who have not engaged in volunteering. Implications/Applications: The higher education institutions should make every effort to improve the conditions in which volunteer activities are carried out and offer ample opportunities for the development of the student's personality because students can easily employ both in the learning process and after graduating from high school

    Social and educational technologies in professional education

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    The transformation of educational space has led to the renewal of requirements for students training. The modern goal of professional education is the formation of students ' competence. In this regard, there is a need to find the most effective ways to develop students’ competence. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of implementing social and educational technologies as an important component of the process of professional competence development. The article is devoted to the role of social and educational technologies employed to train students of higher professional educational institutions. The authors reveal the essence of educational technologies, their capabilities and significance for potential of future graduates. Social and educational technologies in the process of professional training of students perform the following functions: corrective, diagnostic and organizational. Against the background of professional competence development, these technologies perform such tasks as the development of moral qualities, orientation to universal values, the formation of humanistic views, skills of working with a team, leadership qualities, the formation of ideas about the importance of future professional activities, planning skills, management of a group of people.Focusing on the fact that highly qualified specialists’ training, according to the requirements of the state and society, should be versatile and include not only formation of professional skills, but also high moral and personal qualities that help in effective interaction provision, the authors of the article cite a study that allows to highlight the importance of social and educational technologies. The authors reveal process of social project implementation by students which is carried out in the framework of social project technologies. The possibilities of the social project allow introducing it into the activities of students of all courses of study to develop professional competence

    Modern technologies of adult education

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    The motivation to constant knowledge update is due to the dynamic scientific and technological progress, which affects the change of all spheres of human activity. Employees of many organizations are in need of both professional development as well as obtaining a new specialty in order to maintain and improve their own competitiveness. In these conditions, higher educational institutions focused on adults training, are looking for new ways that will improve the formation of adult students competence. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of modern technologies implementation in the process of adult education. The article reveals the possibilities of innovative educational technologies, their essence and role in modern professional education. The role of continuous adult students education is emphasized, their functions are highlighted. The authors have identified the features on which the teacher relies in the process of adults training, which helps to make the training more effective. The implementation of modern adult education is based on the following principles: problematical character (the teacher should remember that adult students may feel uncomfortable in a group, they may be unaccustomed to feel like students again, for this it is necessary to "immerse" them in favorable conditions of communication. Role-playing, "brain storm" (which is more often referred to as discussion technologies, but in gaming it also takes place), blitz games contribute to the removal of emotional tension and the formation of effective cognitive motivation; the principle of dialogical communication.The study conducted among students of professional development courses from the age of 32 to 45 showed the need for further introduction of modern educational technologies in adult education. Their capabilities make the learning process more intense, active, and at the same time contribute to the rapid achievement of positive results

    Technologies for organizing research activities of students at the university

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    Scientific and technological progress, constant processes of reformation determine the need of employers for highly qualified graduates who are ready to carry out independent professional activities, quickly and non-standardly solve emerging issues, therefore, higher education institutions in the conditions of a competency-based approach strive to make development of students' competence more practice-oriented. Research activity is one of the most important tools in implementation of this process. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of a higher educational institution in the implementation of technologies for organizing research activities of students at the university. The article presents educational technologies that contribute to the development of research processes. Students’ motivation engaged in research activities are analyzed. The study allowed us to identify students’ motivation to participate in research activities and adjust the situation for the better. The achieved results can be used at universities for the preparation of students of various areas of training