9 research outputs found


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    In archaeological research, the collection, storage, query and analysis of data is conducted with the help of the Geographical Information System (GIS) in order to acquire the most accurate information about the area. Spatial analyses made with the help of GIS in ancient cities contribute to revealing the social, cultural and survival features of these cities. The aim of this study is to examine the rationale for spatial site selection in Knidos ancient city, which is in the Turkish province of Muğla and which has different city planning with its geographical features. For this reason, firstly, a digital elevation model that reveals the topography of the city was constituted. Then, the database design and spatial analyses (slope, aspect and visibility) were conducted in line with the aim of the study in ArcGIS 10.2 Software. The site selection rationale for structures was evaluated through spatial analyses (slope, aspect and visibility) in Knidos ancient city. Site selection rationales of the historical structures have been ascertained related to the preferred planning form of the period (grille planning), the geography of the city, the functions given to the historical structures, the visibility of structures, the ports which were as a focal point of the city, the ideological point of view and the reflection power of the ruler's


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    Bu makalede, bir EDM Kalibrasyon Bazında Klasik RTK, Network ve Statik GPS yöntemleri ile Uydu bazlı ölçümler ve Total Stationlar ile yersel ölçümler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Network RTK yönteminde FKP, VRS ve MAC düzeltme yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, farklı ölçme yöntemleri ile elde edilen pilyeler arasındaki tüm mesafelerin, istatiksel bir karşılaştırması yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla Varyans Analizi (ANOVA) kullanılmıştır. Tek yönlü ANOVA testinde kullanılan ölçme yöntemleri arasında istatiksel olarak anlamlı bir farkın olduğu belirlenmiştir. Farklı ölçme yöntemlerine göre pilyeler arası mesafe karşılaştırmaları ile bulunan farklar ve standart sapmalar mm'den cm'ye değişmektedir. Statik GNSS ölçme yönteminden elde edilen standart sapmalar diğer ölçme yöntem ve donanımlarına göre bulunan sonuçlara göre daha iyidir. Mesafe ölçme hassasiyetlerine göre yöntemler Statik GNSS, Yersel ölçmeler, Klasik RTK, FKP, VRS ve MAC şeklinde sıralanmıştır. Yersel yöntemlerin mesafe ölçme hassasiyeti, Klasik RTK ve NRTK ölçme yöntemlerine göre, Klasik RTK yönteminin mesafe ölçme hassasiyeti ise farklı düzeltme yöntemleri ile elde edilen NRTK yöntemlerine göre daha iyidir. NRTK düzeltme yöntemlerinde en iyi mesafe ölçme hassasiyetini FKP düzeltme yöntemi vermiştir.Satellite-based measurements have been performed on EDM Calibration Base by Classic GPS, Network RTK and Static GPS methods and terrestrial measurements have been conducted with Total Stations in this study. FKP, VRS and MAC correction methods were used in the Network RTK method. The objective of this study was to make statistical comparisons of distances obtained by using all combinations between different measurement methods. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was utilized for this purpose. It was determined that there was a statistically significant difference between the measuring methods used in the one-way ANOVA test. The differences and standard deviations obtaind by the comparison of distances based on different measurement methods between benchmarks have been varied from mm to cm. The results obtained by the static GNSS surveying method are better than the standard deviations obtained by other methods of measurement and equipments when compared. The methods according to the distance measurement precision have been listed from the highest precision to low as Static GNSS, terrestrial surveying, classical RTK, FKP, VRS and MAC respectively. The distance measurement precision of Terrestrial measurement was found to be better than the classical RTK and NRTK measurement methods. The distance measurement precision of the classic RTK method was better than NRTK methods obtained by the different correction methods. In comparison, of NRTK correction methods in itself, the best results were obtained by FKP method


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    Farklı parametrelere göre oluşturulan sayısal yükseklik modellerinin doğruluğu, birçok uygulama alanında mekânsal analiz ve arazi topografyasının gerçeğe yakın şekilde gösterimi açısından oldukça önemlidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, sayısal yükseklik modeli oluşturmada kullanılan farklı mekânsal enterpolasyon yöntemlerinin (Ters mesafe ağırlıklı (Inverse Distance Weighted-IDW), Normal Kriging (Ordinary Kriging-OK), Değiştirilmiş Shepard (Modified Shepard's-(MS), Çoklu kuadratik Radyal Tabanlı Fonksiyon (Multiquadric Radial Basis Function-MRBF) ve Doğrusal Üçgenleme ile enterpolasyon (Triangulation with Linear-(TWL)), farklı nokta yoğunlukları (tamamı (%100) ve yarısı (%50)), farklı nokta dağılımları (eğrisel (curvature), kareler ağı (grid), düzenli (uniform) ve rastgele (random)) ve farklı topografyaya sahip arazi tipleri (düzlük, engebeli, dağlık) açısından konumsal doğruluğunu istatiksel olarak araştırmaktır. Bu amaçla varyans analizi (ANOVA) uygulanmıştır. ANOVA ile enterpolasyon yöntemlerinden elde edilen konumsal doğruluklar arasında, nokta yoğunlukları, nokta dağılımları ve arazi tiplerine göre oluşturulan alt gruplar için istatiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark olup olmadığı bulunmaya çalışılmıştır. Özelikle dağlık ve engebeli arazilerde desimetrelerden metreye ulaşan doğruluklar elde edilmiştir. Arazinin topografyası, oluşturulan sayısal yükseklik modellerinin doğruluğunu etkilemektedir. Tüm (%100) veri setinden elde edilen sonuçlar, %50'lik veri setlerine göre her zaman daha iyi bulunmuştur. Genel ifadelerle, %50'lik farklı nokta dağılımlarında ise eğriselliğe göre ve düzenli dağılımlar için benzer özellik göstermiş ve diğer dağılımlara göre daha iyi doğruluklar elde edilmiştir. Grid dağılım ise diğer dağılımlara göre daha zayıf sonuç vermiştir. OK ve MRBF enterpolasyon yöntemleri farklı arazi tipi ve nokta dağılımları için benzer özellikler göstermiştir. Bu yöntemlerin doğruluğu diğer yöntemlere göre daha iyi sonuç vermiştir. Her üç arazi tipi için IDW yönteminden elde edilen doğruluk, diğer yöntemlere göre daha azdır. MS ve TWL yöntemlerinden elde edilen doğruluklar birbirine benzerdir. Bu çalışmada kullanılan enterpolasyon yöntemleri elde edilen doğruluk açısından en iyiden en kötüye doğru MRBF, OK, MS, TWL ve IDW şeklinde sıralanmıştır.The accuracy of digital elevation models which are constituted in accordance with different parameters, are quite important in terms of spatial analysis and representation of land topography familiar to reality. The purpose of this study is to research the positional accuracy of different interpolation methods (Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW), Ordinary Kriging (OK), Modified Shepard's (MS), Multiquadric Radial Basis Function (MRBF) and Triangulation with Linear (TWL)) statistically which are used for forming digital elevation models in terms of different point densities (100% and 50%), different point distributions (curvature, grid, uniform and random), and land types with different topography (flat, hilly, mountainous). With this aim, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was implemented. For sub-groups obtained from point densities, point distributions and land types, it was sought statistically with ANOVA whether there was a significant difference amongst the positional accuracies obtained from interpolation methods. The accuracy reaching from decimeters to meters was obtained from especially mountainous and hilly land types. The land topography affects the accuracy of formed digital elevation models. The results obtained from all (100%) data sets were always found better than 50% data sets. Generally speaking, similar properties resulted for curvature and uniform distributions in different point distributions (50%), and better accuracies were obtained considering other distributions. Grid distribution resulted worse than other distributions. OK and MRBF interpolation methods showed similar properties for different land types and point distributions. The accuracy of these methods resulted better considering other methods. The accuracy obtained from IDW method for all three land types was less than other methods. The accuracy obtained from MS and TWL methods was similar. The interpolation methods used in this study were ordered in terms of obtained accuracy from the best to the worst as MRBF, OK, MS, TWL and IDW

    Accessibility Analysis for the Elderly in an Urban Area from Turkey

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    An increasing population as a result of urbanization brings with it the need for an urban regeneration process. This process is particularly crucial to ensure that elderly people with limited mobility are able to meet their own needs as well as participate in the social dynamics of the city. Depending on their mobility, the accessibility capability of elderly people is one of the key dynamics of the urban planning process, and accessibility is particularly important for elderly people with regard to covering their needs. The aim of this study was to examine the capability of elderly people, whose needs are typically neglected in the urban planning process, in accessing spatial services in Niğde, a city located in the Central Anatolian region of Turkey. The literature was reviewed to identify areas frequented by elderly users, as well as the level of accessibility of such areas. A survey was then conducted to determine the level of importance attached by the elderly to the accessibility of these spatial services. Based on the fi ndings of the survey, a spatial analysis was conducted for the city using the Geographical Information System (GIS), and accessibility impact areas were identifi ed. The inadequacies of urban areas in Niğde were identifi ed, and various recommendations were proposed in order to resolve them.</p

    Design of double-egg curve in the link roads of transportation networks

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    Skretanja s glavnih cesta do naselja postižu se prilaznim putevima. Zbog sigurnosti ovih skretanja, zakretni polumjeri trebaju biti veliki. Međutim, nije uvijek moguće napraviti ova skretanja kružnim lukovima velikog polumjera, budući da različiti čimbenici, kao što su topografija, položaj naselja, problemi koje je nemoguće prevladati te ekonomski uvjeti, ne dopuštaju izradu takve trase. Umjesto toga je, zbog prometa, poželjna linearna varijacija zakrivljenosti linije ili održavanje konstantne vrijednosti zakrivljenosti linije. Takva je klotoidna krivina jajeta. U mnogim se aplikacijama primjenjuje jednostruki ili dvostruki tip takvih klotoidnih zavoja. U ovom se radu proračun i projektiranje dvostruko kružnih zavoja detaljno objašnjavaju jednadžbama i slikama. Primjer projekta dvostruko kružnog zavoja primijenjen u skretanjima s glavne ceste u prometnim mrežama daje se zbog boljeg razumijevanja samog predmeta. U tabeli su prikazane glavne točke geometrije rotacije s koordinatama pomoćnih točaka. Nadamo se da će osnovna svrha ove analize, teorija i detaljni proračuni dvostruko kružnog zavoja i njihova primjena kojom se omogućuje sigurnija i udobnija vožnja, biti od koristi praktičarima.The turns from highways to settlement areas are achieved by link roads. For the safety of these turns, turning radii are required to be large. However, it is not always possible to achieve these turnings by means of arcs of circle with large radius, as different factors, such as topography, the state of settlement, problems impossible to overcome and economic conditions, do not allow designing such a route. Instead, for the sake of traffic, linear variation of the line curvature or maintaining the line curvature at constant value is highly desirable. One of the line geometries is the clothoid egg curve. Single and double type clothoid egg curves are used in many applications. In this study, the calculation and design of double-egg curve are explained by equations and figures in detail. For the design of two egg curves used in rotation from main road to connecting road in transportation networks as application, an example is provided for a better understanding of the subject. The main points of rotation geometry with the coordinates of auxiliary points and other intermediate results are given in a table. The main purpose of this study, the theory and calculations of two egg curves will provide basis to practitioners on a sample in a detailed way. By the fulfilment of design and its calculation of this rotation geometry which provides safer and more comfortable driving, it is hoped to be useful for practitioners

    Üniversite kampüsünün mekansal okunabilirliğinin CBS kullanılarak değerlendirilmesi

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    Spatial legibility is related to the obtainment of spatial information (2D and 3D) that is in the urban area according to the characteristics of the observer who perceives this space. The aim of this research is to examine the spatial legibility of the campus of Selçuk University which is located in Konya province according to the characteristics of the area and the observer. The spatial characteristics of the application area were determined with the analyzes that were conducted with the help of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and the characteristics of the observer were determined with analyzes that reveal the understanding of the observer to the area (Lynch analysis, questionnaire application and statistical evaluations). When the conducted spatial analyzes and statistical evaluations are examined, it was determined that the spatial legibility of the campus has a statistically significant relationship with the characteristics of the area and the observer.Mekansal okunabilirlik, bu mekanı algılayan gözlemcinin özelliklerine göre kentsel alanda bulunan mekansal bilgilerin (2D ve 3D) elde edilmesiyle ilgilidir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, Konya ilinde bulunan Selçuk Üniversitesi kampüsünün alan ve gözlemcinin özelliklerine göre mekansal okunabilirliğini incelemektir. Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) yardımıyla yapılan analizler ile uygulama alanının mekansal özellikleri belirlenmiş ve gözlemcinin alana olan anlayışını ortaya çıkaran analizler ile gözlemcinin özellikleri belirlenmiştir (Lynch analizi, anket uygulama ve istatistiksel değerlendirmeler)

    Finding an appropriate method for small-scale surveying application among real time satellite-based methods in Turkey

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    U ovom se radu, u svrhu pronalaženja odgovarajuće metode za snimanje malih površina, ispituju klasična RTK, net-RTK koja opskrbljuje Virtual Reference Station (VRS), i Flächen-Korrektur Parameter (FKP) koja vrši korekcije. U Istambulu je postavljena probna mreža koja se sastoji od 56 stanica. Mjerenja su se provodila uporabom spomenutih metoda. Izvršeno je pet odvojenih ispitivanja koordinata dobivenih tim metodama. Rezultati su pokazali da je najtočnija klasična RTK metoda, a zatim slijede Net-RTK-VRS i Net-RTK-FKP. Općenito, pokazalo se da su horizontalne komponente dva puta bolje od vertikalnih u iznosima od 1 mm do približno 5 cm.In this paper, for small-scale surveying applications, investigation of appropriate methods among classical RTK, net-RTK which provides Virtual Reference Station (VRS), and Flächen-Korrektur Parameter (FKP) corrections were performed. A test network consisting of 56 stations has been established in Istanbul. Measurements were carried out using the above methods. Five separate tests were applied on the coordinates obtained by the methods. The results showed that the methods from the most accurate to the least accurate one were classical RTK, Net-RTK-VRS and Net-RTK-FKP. In general, horizontal components were found to be two times better than vertical components ranging from 1 mm to approximately 5 cm

    On the Effect of Modified Carbohydrates on the Size and Shape of Gold and Silver Nanostructures

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    Gold (Au) and silver (Ag) nanostructures have widespread utilization from biomedicine to materials science. Therefore, their synthesis with control of their morphology and surface chemistry have been among the hot topics over the last decades. Here, we introduce a new approach relying on sugar derivatives that work as reducing, stabilizing, and capping agents in the synthesis of Au and Ag nanostructures. These sugar derivatives are utilized alone and as mixture, resulting in spherical, spheroid, trigonal, polygonic, and star-like morphologies. The synthesis approach was further tested in the presence of acetate and dimethylamine as size- and shape-directing agents. With the use of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selected area electron diffraction (SAED), x-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) absorption spectroscopy techniques, the particle size, shape, assembly, aggregation, and film formation characteristics were evaluated. NPs&rsquo; attributes were shown to be tunable by manipulating the sugar ligand selection and sugar ligand/metal-ion ratio. For instance, with an imine side group and changing the sugar moiety from cellobiose to lactose, the morphology of the Ag nanoparticles (NPs) transformed from well dispersed cubic to rough and aggregated. The introduction of acetate and dimethylamine further extended the growth pattern and morphological properties of these NPs. As examples, L5 AS, G5AS, and S5AS ligands formed spherical or sheet-like structures when used alone, which upon the use of these additives transformed into larger multicore and rough NPs, revealing their significant effect on the NP morphology. Selected samples were tested for their stability against protein corona formation and ionic strength, where a high chemical stability and resistance to protein coating were observed. The findings show a promising, benign approach for the synthesis of shape- and size-directed Au and Ag nanostructures, along with a selection of the chemistry of carbohydrate-derivatives that can open new windows for their applications