60 research outputs found

    Tradisi Fenomenologi Pada Penelitian Komunikasi Kualitatif: Sebuah Pengalaman Akademis

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    As a communication quantitative research, a phenomenological tradition in communication qualitative research has been divided in three important steps, such as preparation, implementation and reporting step. Researcher in the preparation step has a lot of philosophical basic\u27s knowledge such as ontology, epistemology and acciology. Researcher in the implementation step has not only known how do the research better, but how to get some literatures for his/her own knowledge from other researcher. Researcher in the reporting step has developed a research reporting format in its own institution tradition. Every educational institution has developed a research reporting format on its own traditions; depend on level of education and particular scientific specification


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    Tema kajian ini adalah bagaimana produk iptek hasil riset dapat dijadikan komoditas yang komersial dan laku dijual. Cara memasarkan produk iptek biasanya secara konvensional melalui seminar dan publikasi. Untuk Memasarkan (mengkomersialkan) ciptaan iptek itu tampaknya perlu strategi lain. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan survey deskriptif dan pengumpulan data memalui Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Hasilnya ditemukan bahwa riset untuk penerapan atau aplikasi lebih berpotensi komersial dibandingkan dengan riset untuk pengembangan ilmu. Terdapat dua strategi untuk promosi hasil riset agar berhasil secara komersial, yaitu pendekatan komunikasi pemasaran, melalui bauran promosi atau bauran komunikasi, dan pendekatan inovasi, melaui difusi inovasi. Agar secara komersial menguntungkan, maka peranan jaringan institusi sumber hasil riset iptek (inventor) dengan institusi penguasa hasil riset tersebut (misalnya masyarakat industri dan investor) sangat diperlukan, terutama untuk pemasyarakatan hasil riset dalam jumlah besar atau produksi missal. Kata kunci: Promosi, Komersialisasi, Komunikasi Pemasaran, Bauran Komunikasi, Komunikasi Inovasi, Difusi Inovasi

    Efektivitas Komunikasi Organisasi

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    Terdapat dua aspek penting yang mempengaruhi efektivitas komunikasi organisasi. Pertama, masalah proses pengolahan informasi dalam organisasi, yaitu menyangkut masalah pemaknaan pesan (informasi) dan jumlah informasi; kedua, masalah gaya komunikasi organisasi. Pemahaman kedua hal tersebut menjadi bekal bukan saja bagi para (calon) pemimpin organisasi, manajer, akan tetapi juga bagi semua yang terlibat dalam organisasi. Kegagalan komunikasi adalah menjadi pertimbangan terpenting dari setiap proses komunikasi organisasi, dengan maksud dapat diprediksi, dianalisis, dan ditanggulangi jika hal itu terjadi

    A Learning Development Of Beauty Skill Program At A Vocational School In Preserving Local Wisdom

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    A Learning Development Of Beauty Skill Program At A Vocational School In Preserving Local Wisdom. Objectives: The research is to analyze the learning development of beauty skill program at a vocational school in preserving local wisdom. Methods: to employ a qualitative approach with an analytically descriptive method towards two-state vocational schools in Kabupaten Bandung and Bandung city. Library research, in-depth interviews, a document study and observation were carried out to gather data. Informants were chosen by using a snowball technique, the findings, then, were examined and analyzed by using management theory by Deming, curriculum theory of social reconstruction and learning theory of constructivism by Vygotsky. Findings:  Learning development planning of beauty skill at a vocation school in preserving local wisdom is designed by formulating vision and mission, arranging curriculum, providing more productive teachers and improving learning facilities. Learning development implementation is made by achieving student’s competence, involving experts and industrial and business world. Learning development is supervised by the Department of Education, Branch Department of Education West Java Provincial Government and school superintendent. The problem faced in learning development is the lack of productive subject time allotment, human resources and qualified teachers understanding local wisdom. The improvement is by enhancing industrial and business world cooperation and teaching factory, collaborating with professional, experts and practitioner organization, using subject time allotment and extracurricular activities.  Conclusion: By learning development of beauty skill program in preserving local wisdom, it affects the quality improvement of graduates who have high awareness towards local wisdom, educational service improvement and the achievement of learning development implementation and the learning quality improvement

    Potret Wajah Masyarakat Digital Indonesia

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    The aim of this study was to determine the facial portrait of the people in Indonesia. Where, development of communication technology so quickly spread throughout the joint community. Software applications (social networks: messages bb, bb group, fb, twitter), communication devices (smart phones, tablet) as well as the availability of broadband access (broadband) became the catalyst for the consumer is ready to connect at any time. This type of research is descriptive. In demographic, online community in Indonesia in terms of gender, it is known that men 51.5% and women 48.4%. Although almost equal, but the population of men more than women. The figures are almost the same as the people who live in urban areas than rural areas. Internet users in urban communities 51% and 49% rural. The interesting thing is the villagers had almost following the urban community in the use of the Internet. It shows also that online penetration through the countryside to the IT infrastructure in Indonesia is quite hig


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    Seperti lazimnya penelitian komunikasi perspektif kuantitatif, penelitian komunikasi kualitatif tradisi fenomenologi dibagi ke dalam tiga tahap penting, yaitu tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan dan pelaporan. Pada tahap persiapan, peneliti perlu memperoleh cukup pengetahuan dasar filosofisnya, meliputi aspek ontologis, epistemologis maupun aksiologisnya. Pada tahap pelaksanaan, peneliti tidak hanya dituntut mengetahui bagaimana sebaiknya melakukan penelitian, tetapi juga bagaimana mendapatkan pengetahuan dari penelitian orang lain melalui penelusuran literatur. Pada tahap pelaporan, seringkali peneliti harus mengembangkan format laporan penelitian mengikuti tradisi yang dikembangkannya. Tulisan ini mengacu pada pengalaman penulis pada pelaksanaan penelitian tentang Komunikasi Pengemis, dengan beberapa penyederhanaan. Kata kunci : komunikasi, kualitatif, tradisi, fenomenolog


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    Purpose of the study: The village people of Pamarican Ciamis West Java Indonesia have great potency to be entrepreneurs. This study aims to implement the strategy to develop rural entrepreneurship potency in Pamarican.  Methodology: This is an action research. We are working with several business groups.  Triangulation done by conducting sources triangulation, triangulation amongst researchers and theory triangulation. Main Findings: The results shows that a business group can become a forum for the community in developing their business potential, their knowledge and skills increases by the reading material, training and guidance, the increasing knowledge and skills can make them running their business better, the small business activities have been able to increase their income. Applications of this study: This research is expected to contribute to the government in floating the entrepreneurship of rural communities. Novelty/Originality of this study: In this research, we emphasize in improving knowledge and skills to develop the rural communities become entrepreneurs. From 2015-2017, we have provided 300 books of entrepreneurship and other resources to fill their spare time. We hold regular meetings to guide the community to understand the reading material especially in Sukamukti Pamarican. To improve their skills, we also provide entrepreneurship training, mentoring and equipment that necessary to implement reading materials, such as equipment for making salted eggs, cookies and other equipment to several business groups under our guidance

    Peran Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Dalam Menciptakan Perilaku Kerja Yang Inovatif dan Efektifitas Organisasi

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    This research uses descriptive qualitative research by creating a simple model in the development of training to create innovative and effective work in the workplace. Innovation is the development of work according to the skills of its employees. If the thoughts and actions of employees are creative and innovative, then innovation emerges. The need for innovation arises when a person tries to do cognitive work that is not routine. Learning and development is very important among various development resource practices that help employees to continuously update the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for innovation. It is important for the Organization to focus on eliciting innovative behavior among its employees to enable innovation. Non-routine work helps employees to be innovative and understand the importance of being innovative and learn the skills that are prerequisites for innovative behavior. This conceptual model tries to explore how non-routine work is carried out effectively through innovative work behaviors

    Intercultural communication and mutualistic relationship between the Chinese and the Minangnese in Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia

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    Ethnic-Chinese groups have lived in urban areas throughout Indonesia for hundreds of years, including the city of Padang in West Sumatra. Here, the Chinese have been able to maintain a harmonious relationship with the Minangnese, the original inhabitants of the region and the dominant culture. Though both ethnic groups have a strong trading ethos and profess different religions, a situation that, in theory, encourages social conflict, this is not the case in Padang. However, recent research has sparked concern about growing anti-Chinese sentiments in Indonesia. These findings suggest that the phenomenon of the harmonious relationship between the Chinese and Minangnese in Padang merits further research. This study has been designed to analyze intercultural communication and relations between the Chinese and Minangnese ethnic groups in Padang by utilizing five elements of culture from Samovar, Porter, and McDaniel. It uses a qualitative approach and a case-study method conducted intermittently from January 2016 to June 2017. Data was collected through interviews with 39 ethnic Chinese and Minangnese informants, observations conducted in the predominately Chinese district of Padang (Chinatown), along with document reviews as secondary data. The study found that six out of eight identified characteristics of cultural elements of the Chinese and Minangnese in Padang exhibit significant similarity. These are: history in Padang, collective social organization, values based upon a trading ethos, a situational nature and flexibility to adapt, and the language in common use. The significant similarities of cultural elements leads to effective communication and supports more harmonious inter-ethnic relationships
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