25 research outputs found
Untouchable: The Portrayal of A Woman's Struggle as Victims of Domestic Violence
Domestic violence or abuse can happen with anyone, anywhere and anytime. Most of the cases happen to women and children as the victims who experienced domestic violence either physical or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime. These happen because of differences between men and women, a patriarchal about the control of sexual and society that cause domestic violence. Radical feminist views as patriarchy above societal rights, sex, privilege, and power which oppressing women. This thesis is a short story about family matters that experienced domestic violence. The main character is a victim of domestic violence done by her father. Riana Amanda portrays a person who is tough, strong, and passionate in front of many people, she also doesn't like men in this context, she doesn't think about getting married. But behind that, Riana lives a traumatic life because she was a victim of domestic violence when she was a child by her father. Then, she has to experience a bitter experience when her father returned from prison, Riana was abused and asked her some money by her father when she had to do it to reveal herself. Farel Prasetya appeared in her life to help solve Riana's perspective on men.
To support this thesis, the writer will use the movie Raksasa dari Jogja by Monty Tiwa and several story articles about domestic violence.
As a result, it is hoped that readers can prevent domestic violence against women and children, then decrease the number of cases of domestic violence in Indonesia or worldwide. The readers also can express their women’s rights and movements
First UK data for CT angiography in persisting upper GI bleeding
Letters to the edito
Quantitative Analysis of BTF3, HINT1, NDRG1 and ODC1 Protein Over-Expression in Human Prostate Cancer Tissue
Prostate carcinoma is the most common cancer in men with few, quantifiable, biomarkers. Prostate cancer biomarker discovery has been hampered due to subjective analysis of protein expression in tissue sections. An unbiased, quantitative immunohistochemical approach provided here, for the diagnosis and stratification of prostate cancer could overcome this problem. Antibodies against four proteins BTF3, HINT1, NDRG1 and ODC1 were used in a prostate tissue array (> 500 individual tissue cores from 82 patients, 41 case pairs matched with one patient in each pair had biochemical recurrence). Protein expression, quantified in an unbiased manner using an automated analysis protocol in ImageJ software, was increased in malignant vs non-malignant prostate (by 2-2.5 fold, p<0.0001). Operating characteristics indicate sensitivity in the range of 0.68 to 0.74; combination of markers in a logistic regression model demonstrates further improvement in diagnostic power. Triple-labeled immunofluorescence (BTF3, HINT1 and NDRG1) in tissue array showed a significant (p<0.02) change in co-localization coefficients for BTF3 and NDRG1 co-expression in biochemical relapse vs non-relapse cancer epithelium. BTF3, HINT1, NDRG1 and ODC1 could be developed as epithelial specific biomarkers for tissue based diagnosis and stratification of prostate cancer
An Analysis of Hemingway’s characterization in his short stories
The mastery of a language does not guarantee someone to manage to read a literary work. There are some other factors that influence the literary reading, namely: the literary knowledge and experience, besides the analytical ability. Lacking the literary reading skill may cause the literary reading problems. This thesis will deal with one of the problems, i.e. the question concerning the techniques used by Hemingway in the character delineation in his short stories.
The writer selects Hemingway's work for he can be classified into the representative author of modern narration. The short stories are chosen, since they are short and suitable for the temper of the people at this present time. As a literary genre, the short story has also fictional elements whose functions are more or less the same as those of the novel. Characterization is chosen because character delineation is indispensibly important to Hemingway's short stories.
The writer's analyses are based on Forster's theory concerning the use of different characters and points of view, and West Jr.'s concept that each author has his own unique characterization. The writer finds that the techniques of character delineation in Forster's theory are employed by Hemingway. The narrator, the types of characters, and the characters' personal traits, the points stressed by Forster, should, therefore, be analyzed if one is interested in character delineation
Pendahuluan. Artritis Reumatoid (AR) merupakan penyakit autoimun dengan etiologi yang belum jelas, gejala utama dari AR adalah keradangan pada sendi yang ditandai dengan sinovitis simetris dan erosi tulang, walaupun perjalanan penyakit AR sulit diduga dengan sifat kronik-remisi-eksaserbasi namun secara umum hasil akhir dari AR adalah deformitas sendi. Penelitian terakhir pada AR menunjukkan adanya overekspresi dari sejumlah enzim matrix metallopeoteinases (MMPs) yang mempunyai kemampuan degradasi komponen kolagen dam matriks ekstraseluler tulang rawan Beberapa penelitian menemukan keterlibatan MMP-2,MMP-9, MMP-1 ,MMP-8 dan MMP-3 pada penyakit AR. Penelitian di Taiwan oleh Chang Yh menunjukkan peningkatan kadar dan aktifitas MMP-9 pada pasien AR di Taiwan dibandingkan pada populasi normal.Giannelli melaporkan peningkatan kadar MMP-2, MMP- 9, Tissue Inhibitor Matrix proteinase 1 dan Tissue Inhibitor Matrix proteinase 2 pada pasien dengan AR dan artritis psoriasis, Gruber juga melaporkan adanya peningkatan yang bermakna dari kadar MMP-9 atau gelatinase B pada serum pasien AR. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai peran MMP-9 pada patofisiologi kerusakan sendi AR, serta mencari korelasi antara kadar MMP-9 , laju endap darah (LED), faktor reumatoid dan lama sakit dengan gambaran radiologis pada pasien AR.
Metode. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi potong lintang analitik dengan metode sampling konsekutif yang dilakukan di poliklinik Reumatologi/Ilmu Penyakit Dalam RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo. Sebagai variabel bebas adalah : kadar matriks metalloproteinase 9, laju endap darah (LED) , faktor reumatoid dan lama sakit sementara variabel tergantung adalah skor radiologis Sharp.
Hasil. Dari 46 subjek penelitian didapatkan peningkatan kadar rerata MMP-9 yaitu sebesar 104,82 ng/ml, rerata LED 58,5 mm/jam, rerata kadar faktor reumatoid 57,13 IU/ml dan rerata lama sakit adalah 4,83 tahun. Korelasi antara kadar MMP-9 dengan skor erosi tulang secara radiologis adalah r=0,3 dengan p=0,02 (bermakna), sementara korelasi antara lama sakit dengan gambaran radiologis (skor Sharp) r=0,36 dengan p=0,014 (bermakna). Korelasi antara LED, dan faktor reumatoid dengan gambaran radiologis adalah r=0,10,p=0,24;dan r=0,19,p=0,09.
Simpulan. Didapatkan peningkatan kadar MMP-9 pada pasien AR, kadar MMP-9 berkorelasi dengan gambaran erosi tulang secara radiologis, lama sakit berkorelasi dengan gambaran radiologis (skor Sharp), Faktor reumatoid dan LED tidak berkorelasi dengan gambaran radiologis (skor Sharp)
Tumor di dalam toraks
Buku ini menyajikan penarikan radiologi konvensional, tomografi komputer, MRI dari tumor yang ditemukan di dalam toraks.vi, 75 hlm.: ilus.; 24 c