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    Pengaruh Penyuluhan SADARI terhadap Minat Wanita Usia Subur 20-45 Tahun Melakukan Pemeriksaan Payudara Sendiri (SADARI) di Dusun Gumuk Ringinharjo Bantul

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    INTISARI Latar Belakang : Kanker payudara adalah salah satu jenis penyakit yang sangat ditakuti oleh setiap orang khususnya perempuan. Angka penderita kanker payudara di Indonesia adalah 10 dari 100 ribu perempuan, untuk mendeteksi dini adanya kanker payudara dapat dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan payudara sendiri (SADARI). Hasil studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan di dusun Gumuk Ringinharjo Bantul menunjukkan bahwa masih kurangnya minat untuk melakukan SADARI dikarenakankurangnya informasi dan rendahnya pengetahuan tentang SADARI. Tujuan : Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk diketahui pengaruh penyuluhan SADARI terhadap minat wanita usia subur 20-45 tahun melakukan pemeriksaan payudara sendiri didusun Gumuk Ringinharjo Bantul Tahun 2015. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Quasi eksperimen dengan desain one-grup pre-test post-test design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 110 orang. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 86 orang. Alat pengumpulan data minat melakukan pemeriksaan payudara sendiri adalah kuesioner tertutup. Analisa data dilakukan dengan Uji paired t-test. Hasil : Hasil uji t antara pre dan post-test diperoleh nilai t-hitung sebesar - 21.258 dan nilai p value 0.000 < p hitung 0,05 dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ha diterima, Ho ditolak yang berarti ada pengaruh penyuluhan SADARI terhadap minat melakukan pemeriksaan payudara sendiri. Simpulan : Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui adanya pengaruh penyuluhan SADARI pada wanita usia subur 20-45 tahun dengan bersikap positif untuk melakukan pemeriksaan payudara sendiri. Saran : Bagi wanita usia subur 20-45 tahun di dusun Gumuk Ringinharjo Bantul diharapkan untuk lebih aktif menggali informasi tentang kesehatan terutama tentang cara melakukan pemeriksaan payudara sendiri dan dapat melakukan pemeriksaan payudara sendiri dengan teratur. Kata Kunci : Penyuluhan SADARI, Minat Kepustakaan : 23 buku, 3 Jurnal, 6 hasil penelitian, Al-Qur’an Jumlah Halaman : xiv, 104 halaman, 4 Daftar Pustaka, 12 lampira


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    Background:The Health school program (UKS) is an effort to develop healthy life habits with three main programs which include: health education, health services, and fostering a healthy lifestyle in school.This researchdescribesthe implementation of the health school program and determine factors influencing the UKS's implementation.Method: Qualitative research design and descriptive. Informantsdeterminedto use purposive sampling.Subjects research washeadmaster, homeroom teachers (I, III, VI), sports teacher, and UKS teacher.Techniquedata collection wasan observation, interviews, and documentation. Validity data was checked with the triangulation technique. Qualitative data analysis used an interactive model based on the theory of George C. Edward III, which consists of communication, resources, dispositions, and bureaucratic structures.Result: The health school programhaven’t been implemented optimally, especially in the resource. Facilityfor UKS isn’t complete and the number is insufficiency. There isn’ta specific budget for the implementation ofthe health school program. Supporting factor is communication; there is threehealth school programthat always communicated to school residents. Disposition factor; there is a good understanding of health school program implementers. Bureaucratic structure factor; there is SOP's existence in implementing the health school program.Conclusion:Implementation of health school program has not been maximized, so it needs to be supported by all factors, both communication factors, resource factors, disposition factors, and bureaucratic factors

    Implementation of Health School Program (Uks) in Elementary School

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    Background:The Health school program (UKS) is an effort to develop healthy life habits with three main programs which include: health education, health services, and fostering a healthy lifestyle in school.This researchdescribesthe implementation of the health school program and determine factors influencing the UKS's implementation.Method: Qualitative research design and descriptive. Informantsdeterminedto use purposive sampling.Subjects research washeadmaster, homeroom teachers (I, III, VI), sports teacher, and UKS teacher.Techniquedata collection wasan observation, interviews, and documentation. Validity data was checked with the triangulation technique. Qualitative data analysis used an interactive model based on the theory of George C. Edward III, which consists of communication, resources, dispositions, and bureaucratic structures.Result: The health school programhaven't been implemented optimally, especially in the resource. Facilityfor UKS isn't complete and the number is insufficiency. There isn'ta specific budget for the implementation ofthe health school program. Supporting factor is communication; there is threehealth school programthat always communicated to school residents. Disposition factor; there is a good understanding of health school program implementers. Bureaucratic structure factor; there is SOP's existence in implementing the health school program.Conclusion:Implementation of health school program has not been maximized, so it needs to be supported by all factors, both communication factors, resource factors, disposition factors, and bureaucratic factors


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    Background:Smoke-free policies in school established to protect and reduce young students' smoking rates from cigarette smoke's harmfulness. This research to describe implementation of smoke-free policies in school and determine factors influencing the policy's implementation. Method: Qualitative research design and descriptive. Informants determined use purposive sampling. Subjects research were headmaster, student vice headmaster, counseling teachers, homeroom teachers, employees, and students. Technique data collection were observation, interviews, and documentation. Validity data was checked with triangulation technique. Qualitative data analysis used an interactive model based on theory of George C. Edward III, which consists of communication, resources, dispositions, and bureaucratic structures. Result: Smoke-free policies in school hasn’t been implemented optimally, especially in the resource. There are some teachers and employees who still smoke. There isn’t specific budget for the implementation of the smoke-free policies. Billboards facilities with no smoking or smoke-free area are still limited. Supporting factor is communication; smoke-free area policy always communicated to school residents. Disposition factor; there is commitment of policy implementers. Bureaucratic structure factor; there is SOP's existence in implementing the policies. Conclusion: Implementation of smoke-free policies in school has not been maximized, so it needs to be supported by all factors, both communication factors, resource factors, disposition factors, and bureaucratic factors. Keywords: implementation, policy, smoke-free are


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    In the implementation of the car rental agreement, rights and obligations arise between the two parties. Problems that arise in the implementation of renting a car are if one of the parties does not fulfill their rights or obligations. Therefore this study aims to determine the process of the rental agreement. – rent a car at CV. Atmojo Transport Indonesia between the parties, then the rights and obligations between the parties, as well as the regulations in the car rental agreement at CV. Atmojo Transport Indonesia and legal liability if one of the parties violates or makes a mistake on the basis of Default and/or Unlawful Acts on renting a car at CV. Atmojo Transport Indonesia. The approach method used is using the normative method, because in this study the legal aspects, legal rules relating to car rental and legal responsibilities if one party makes a mistake in the form of default or acts against the law on the rental of the car. The type of research used is descriptive research, because it explains the car rental process. The result of this research is the process of renting a car in CV. Atmojo Transport Indonesia consists of 3 stages, namely before, during and after the agreement between the tenant and CV. Atmojo Transport Indonesia. Prior to the agreement the parties must meet administrative and legal requirements, at the time of the agreement there is a signing of the agreement between the two parties, after an agreement is made by the parties, it will then create a legal relationship which will then give birth to binding rights and obligations for both the lessee. and the lessor. If there is an error in renting a car, one of the parties does not fulfill obligations, then it must be responsible based on default and if one of the parties violates the rules in renting a car and violates road traffic regulations, it can be held accountable based on acts against the law, then there is a need for liability. Legal liability can be in the form of fines, compensation and if one party still feels aggrieved can file a lawsuit to the district court, based on a breach of contract or an act against the law, if one of the parties is proven guilty then must be responsible for compensation in accordance with the judge's decision