4 research outputs found
Entrepreneurship Capital and Performance of Social Forestry Entrepreneurship Group
Usaha kehutanan masyarakat dalam konteks pengelolaan hutan oleh masyarakat yang terus berkembang penting untuk dijelaskan sebagai usaha sosial yang dapat meningkatkan sumber penghidupan dan manfaat lingkungan. Penelitian ini mengadaptasi konsep modal kelompok Flora untuk menjelaskan tingkat modal wirausaha dan pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja Kelompok Usaha Perhutanan Sosial (KUPS) melalui pendekatan kuantitatif dengan pengumpulan data Focus Group Discusion, wawancara, oberservasi dan studi pustaka. Analisis data yang digunakan dengan metode skoring, pengkategorian dan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan tingkat modal wirausaha pada KUPS pada kategori rendah hingga sangat tinggi, berbanding lurus secara simultan mempengaruhi kinerja. Modal alam, keuangan dan politik memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja sosial ekonomi dan lingkungan, modal politik berperan dalam meningkatkan modal sosial, fisik, dan manusia. KUPS berbasis komoditi sumberdaya hutan sebagai sumber penghidupan perlu mendapatkan perhatian diantaranya peningkatan modal manusia berupa keterampilan secara intensif dapat melalui proses pendampingan oleh petugas dan kemudahan untuk mengakses sumber dana.It is important to explain community forestry entrepreneurship in the context of community forest management, which continues to develop as social entrepreneurship that can increase sources of livelihood and environmental benefits. This study adapted the concept of community capital to explain the level of entrepreneurial capital and its influence on the performance of the Social Forestry Entrepreneurial Group (SFEG) through a quantitative approach by collecting data from Focus Group Discussions (FGD), interviews, observations, and literature studies. Data analysis was used with scoring, categorizing, and multiple regression analysis. The results of this study reveal the level of entrepreneurial capital in SFEG in the low to very high category is directly proportional to the simultaneous effect on performance. Natural capital, finance capital, and political capital significantly influence socioeconomic and environmental performance; political capital increases social capital, physical capital, and human capital. SFEG based on forest resource commodities as a source of livelihood needs to get attention, including increasing human capital in the form of intensive skills through a mentoring process by officers and easy access to funding sources throughgovernment policies. 
Muara SUngai Jenggalu merupakan salah satu sungai yang ada di Bengkulu yang termasuk
ke dalam habitat jenis Anguilla spp. sebab parameter kualitas air masih dalam keadaan baik bagi kelangsungan hidup ikan sidat tersebut . Hasil tangkapan ikan sidat dengan menggunakan bubu bambu semakin berkurang serta banyaknya permintaan dan kurangnya produksi anakan dari alam untuk budi daya. Penelitian ini bert
berujuan untuk menganalisis komposisi jumlah hasil tangk apan fingerlingsidat , dan menghitung produktivitas dan sel ektivitas hasil tangkapan bubu berbahan bambu di Muara Sungai Jenggalu, Kota Bengkulu. Penelitian ini menggun akan metode experimental fishing, yakni uji coba pengop erasian 20 unit bubu bambu dengan menggunakan objek penel itianya ngtertangkap sebagai sampel . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Persentase HTU ( Hasil Tangkapan Utama ) berjumlah 4% dan HTS ( Hasil Tangkapan Sampingan ) berj umlah 96%, nilai produktifitas alat tangkap bubu bambu yaitu 46,067 gram / unit serta selektifitas bubu bambu termasuk ke dalam kriteria sangat rendah .
Kata Kunci : Sidat , Bubu Bambu, Muara Sungai , Komposisi Hasil Tangkapan
Effect of species grouping and site variables on aboveground biomass models for lowland tropical forests of the Indo-Malay region
Key message: This study assessed the effect of ecological variables on tree allometry and provides more accurate aboveground biomass (AGB) models through the involvement of large samples representing major islands, biogeographical zones and various succession and degradation levels of natural lowland forests in the Indo-Malay region. The only additional variable that significantly and largely contributed to explaining AGB variation is grouping based on wood-density classes. Context: There is a need for an AGB equation at tree level for the lowland tropical forests of the Indo-Malay region. In this respect, the influence of geographical, climatic and ecological gradients needs to be assessed. Aims: The overall aim of this research is to provide a regional-scale analysis of allometric models for tree AGB of lowland tropical forests in the Indo-Malay region. Methods: A dataset of 1300 harvested trees (5 cm ≤ trunk diameter ≤ 172 cm) was collected from a wide range of succession and degradation levels of natural lowland forests through direct measurement and an intensive literature search of principally grey publications. We performed ANCOVA to assess possible irregular datasets from the 43 study sites. After ANCOVA, a 1201-tree dataset was selected for the development of allometric equations. We tested whether the variables related to climate, geographical region and species grouping affected tree allometry in the lowland forest of the Indo-Malay region. Results: Climatic and major taxon-based variables were not significant in explaining AGB variations. Biogeographical zone was a significant variable explaining AGB variation, but it made only a minor contribution on the accuracy of AGB models. The biogeographical effect on AGB variation is more indirect than its effect on species and stand characteristics. In contrast, the integration of wood-density classes improved the models significantly. Conclusion: Our AGB models outperformed existing local models and will be useful for improving the accuracy on the estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in tropical forests. However, more samples of large trees are required to improve our understanding of biomass distribution across various forest types and along geographical and elevation gradients.We are grateful to GIZ and KFW Forclime for supporting
field-data collection. The support of the Australia Award Scholarship is
gratefully acknowledged