14 research outputs found
Needs and ways to meet them by adolescents during adolescence
Kuszniar Klaudia, Firlej Ewelina, Janiszewska Mariola, Konarska Jagoda, Kustra Paulina, Barańska Agnieszka. Needs and ways to meet them by adolescents during adolescence. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(8):894-906. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.995619
The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017).
1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7
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Received: 05.08.2017. Revised: 10.08.2017. Accepted: 31.08.2017.
Potrzeby oraz sposoby ich zaspokajania przez młodzież w okresie adolescencji
Needs and ways to meet them by adolescents during adolescence
Klaudia Kuszniar1, Ewelina Firlej2, Mariola Janiszewska2, Jagoda Konarska1, Paulina Kustra1, Agnieszka Barańska3
1Studenckie Koło Naukowe przy Zakładzie Informatyki i Statystyki Medycznej Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie
2Katedra Zdrowia Publicznego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie
3Zakład Informatyki i Statystyki Medycznej Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie
1Student Scientific Group at the Department of Informatics and Medical Statistics of the Medical University of Lublin
2Department of Public Health of Medical University of Lublin
3Department of Informatics and Medical Statistics of Medical University of Lublin
Wprowadzenie. Potrzeby człowieka wynikają z jego uwarunkowań biologicznych i psychicznych. Każda jednostka ze względu na swoją indywidualność generuje odmienne potrzeby. Szczególnie w okresie dorastania człowiek intensywniej odczuwa własne pragnienia. Pęd życia prowadzi go ku dorosłości oraz uniezależnienia od rodziców. Powoduje to chęć poznawania świata, ludzi oraz eksperymentowania. Młode osoby charakteryzuje impulsywność; szybkie i nieprzemyślane decyzje oraz zachowania ryzykowne.
Cel. Celem pracy było ukazanie potrzeb oraz sposobów ich zaspokajania przez młodzież w wieku adolescencji.
Podsumowanie. Potrzeby człowieka są różnorodne podobnie jak sposoby ich zaspokajania. Zaspokojenie potrzeb jest niezwykle istotne w prawidłowym funkcjonowaniu człowieka. Niezaspokojone potrzeby wpływają negatywnie na codzienne funkcjonowanie jednostki. W sytuacji, w której młode osoby nie są w stanie poradzić sobie z poczuciem braku, podświadomie motywują się do zapełnienia pustki. Budowanie hierarchii potrzeb u każdego człowieka przybiera inną formę, bowiem to czego ludziom brak zależy od ich poziomu inteligencji, wykształcenia, doświadczeń życiowych, środowiska, sytuacji rodzinnej czy materialnej. Istotne jest prowadzenie badań na temat potrzeb młodzieży oraz sposobów ich zaspokajania w okresie adolescencji, aby jak najlepiej wspierać młode osoby w realizacji własnych celów życiowych.
Słowa kluczowe: okres dorastania, młodzież, hierarchia potrzeb
Introduction. The needs of man derive from his biological and psychological conditioning. Each unit, due to its individuality, generates different needs. Especially in adolescence, a person feels more strongly about his or her own desires. The drive of life leads him towards adulthood and independence from parents. This causes the desire to get to know the world, people and experiment. Young people are characterized by impulsiveness; quick and ill-considered decisions and risky behaviors.
Target. The aim of the work was to show the needs and ways of satisfying them by youth in adolescence.
Summary. The needs of man are varied as well as the ways of satisfying them. Satisfaction of needs is extremely important in the proper functioning of man. Unmet needs have a negative impact on the daily functioning of the individual. In a situation in which young people are unable to cope with a sense of lack, they are subconsciously motivated to fill emptiness. Building the hierarchy of needs for each person takes on a different form, because what people lack depends on their level of intelligence, education, life experiences, environment, family and material situation. It is important to conduct research on the needs of adolescents and how they can be met during adolescence in order to best support young people in achieving their own adult goals.
Keywords: adolescence, youth, need, hierarchy of need
Pre- and perioperative prophylaxis of anti-VEGF therapy in patients with exudative macular degeneration
Macular degeneration is one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide. Nowadays, the gold standard treatment for its exudative form is intravitreal injections with vascular growth factor inhibitor preparations performed on a once-daily basis. Great importance is now attached to the appropriate prophylaxis in the pre- and perioperative period in order to minimise the risk of complications, which often lead to irreversible damage to vision
Evaluation of changes of anterior segment parameters in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome after cataract surgery using anterior segment optical coherence tomography
Abstract The aim of the study was to compare the anterior segment parameters after cataract surgery in pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PEX) and control eyes. We conducted a prospective comparative study of 36 eyes (PEX group), 16 eyes (PEXG group) and 46 eyes (control group) of 98 patients after phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation. Before surgery, 1 week, 1 month and 3 months postoperatively, anterior chamber parameters were evaluated by swept source anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT). Anterior chamber depth (ACD), angle opening distance (AOD500/750), trabecular-iris space area (TISA500/750), trabecular-iris angle (TIA500/750) and lens vault (LV) were assessed at each study visit. Preoperatively, ACD, AOD500/750 and TISA500/750 were significantly smaller, while LV was significantly greater in PEX and PEXG eyes than in controls. 3 months postoperatively all irido-corneal parameters and ACD were significantly greater in all study groups without intergroup differences. ACD and LV significantly increased in PEX group between 1 and 3 months after surgery while being stable in control group. Relative increases in ACD, AOD500, TISA750, TIA500/750 were significantly higher in PEX and PEXG groups than in controls. Our study finds that ACD and iridocorneal parameters in AS-OCT demonstrated significantly greater relative increases 3 months after phacoemulsification in PEX and PEXG groups than in control eyes. Significantly greater deepening of anterior chamber and opening of the irido-corneal angle may be a reason for different refractive outcomes and IOP control in patients with PEX and PEXG after routine cataract surgery
Anthropometric measurements, nutritional status and body composition in children with cystic fibrosis – the prospective study
Background: Cystic fibrosis(CF),despite much progress in therapy, remains the disease which affects nutrition. Nutrition is an important prognostic factor of the outcome of the disease. We want to evaluate physical development, nutrition and body composition in CF children. Material and methods: 75 children diagnosed with CF (9 months to 18 years old) were included into the study. 33 healthy children (9 months to 18 years old) constituted the control group. The study consisted of 2 stages. In the first the differences between groups were investigated. The second, took place a year later. At each time point the following measurements were performed: height, body mass, skin fold, arm circumference; BMI, FFM%, FM% and Frisancho index. FFM(fat free mass), FM(fat mass), muscle mass, TBW(total body water) were evaluated by mans of BIA(bioimpedance). Results: CF children were shorter than healthy children. Stunting affected 18,67% of CF patients at first examination and 21,6% a year later. Underweight was diagnosed in 28% of patients at the beginning and in 41.2% a year after. Underweight was the result of both little FM and scarce muscle mass. Conclusions: Many children with cystic fibrosis suffers from short stature and underweight, which progresses within time. FFM decreases with the disease progres
Longitudinal Analysis (1994–2020) of Prevalence and Trends of Underweight in Polish Children
Nutritional status disorders are a worldwide problem. Approximately 5.9 million children under the age of five die each year, and 45% of these deaths are related to malnutrition. The aim of the study was to analyse the prevalence of underweight children aged between 6 and 7 years old, living in the Gdańsk, Poland, in the years 1994–2020. The anthropometric parameters of 67,842 children were analysed. BMI (Body Mass Index) value <5 percentile (pc) was defined as underweight. The BMI value was compared to the WHO (World Health Organization) centile charts and the OLAF (research project PL0080) national reference charts. The prevalence of underweight children in relation to the WHO charts was 1.9%; underweight status was found to be more significant in the group of boys (2.1%) than the group of girls (1.7%) (p < 0.001). According to the OLAF centile charts, the underweight figure among all of the study population was 2.1% and no statistical significance between boys (2.1%) and girls (2.0%) was found (p = 0.670). The occurrence of underweight indviduals in the studied group slightly increased in the years 1994–2020. We found a statistically significant increasing linear trend in the analysis of underweight children in our group (p < 0.001), in group of boys (p < 0.001), but not girls (WHO p = 0.603; OLAF p = 0.787). This points to the need to conduct regular screening systems for children and adolescents