18 research outputs found

    Capillary Electrophoresis Separation of Protein Composition of Îł-Irradiated Food Pathogens Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus

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    which were previously treated at different irradiation doses., one protein (50 S ribosomal protein) with the MW of 16.3 kDa was significantly decreased at a low dose of irradiation treatment and the other protein (transcriptional regulator CtsR) with the MW of 17.7 kDa was increased significantly (P≤0.05) at all doses of irradiation treatment compared to control.. The research further confirmed that capillary electrophoresis is a useful method to separate and analyse proteins expression which may be related to the resistance or sensitivity of food pathogens to γ-irradiation

    Literature research training in health sciences in a new academic library - straight through and strategic planning: the concept of the "hsg Bochum"

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    The first state-funded University of Applied Sciences for the fields public health, therapeutics and occupational medicine, especially health care/nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy and midwifery, the "Hochschule für Gesundheit - hsg" was founded in October 2009. As soon as possible the academic library had to support students and teachers to find print and electronic resources for learning, teaching and research in the library portfolio of catalogs, databases and full texts including external repositories, and to organize it in a professional way. Designated target was help at once, especially for the pioneers (study beginners), but also establishing structured elements for an information literacy program within the curricula. Literature research trainings were aimed to be as personal and focused on the topic as possible but also to get more and more efficient. First result of the efforts is a mixture of personal advice and training and consecutive modules in curricula, which have to be stabilized with teaching material, organization tools and e-learning components.Für die Fachkontexte der im Oktober 2009 neu gegründeten Hochschule für Gesundheit (hsg) - i.e. Pflege, Ergotherapie, Logopädie, Physiotherapie und Hebammenkunde - bedurfte es so früh wie möglich einer Unterstützung der Studierenden und Lehrenden darin, Lern-, Lehr- und Forschungsliteratur im vielfältigen Angebot der Bibliothek inklusive der bereitgestellten externen Informationsquellen aufzufinden und damit professionell umzugehen. Ziel war Soforthilfe, insbesondere für die Pioniere (Erstsemester), sowie eine Implementierung strukturierter Angebote zur Informationskompetenz im Studiensystem. Schulungen und Beratung sollten so persönlich und für die jeweilige Fragestellung zielgerichtet wie möglich sein, aber mittelfristig immer effizienter werden. Erarbeitet wurde bisher eine Mischung von persönlicher Beratung und konsekutiven Bausteinen im Curriculum, die noch weiter stabilisiert und mit Unterrichtsmaterial, Organisationstools und auch E-Learning-Komponenten unterfüttert werden muss. Das Konzept wird im Folgenden dargestellt

    Effect of change in nursing method on the performance of rabbit does

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    [EN] To study the effect of nursing method on reproduction, 232 primiparous and multiparous lactating Pannon White and NZW rabbit does were distributed proportionately among four experimental groups: FF: free nursing from kindling until weaning; FC: free nursing from day 1 to 7 and controlled nursing from day 8 to 17; CF: controlled nursing from day 1 to 7 and free nursing from day 8 to 17; CC: controlled nursing from day 1 to 17. After the 17th day of lactation, free nursing was used in all groups until weaning at 35 days of age. In controlled nursing the females could visit the nest box between 8 and 9 a.m. every day. Artificial inseminations (AI, n = 482) with 42d intervals were performed on day 10 post partum, within 15 minutes after nursing. The results of three consecutive kindlings were evaluated. In conclusion, it is not recommended to follow controlled nursing between 1-17th days of lactation because productivity traits were relatively poorer than in the other groups. The change from controlled to free nursing before AI did not increase productivity parameters. Conversely, the switch over from free to controlled nursing did increase the number of 21 day-old young per insemination (3.0, 4.2, 3.4 and 3.1 for FF, FC, CF and CC, respectively, P<0.05) suggesting that such a change in nursing two days before AI can be an efficient biostimulation tool for improving productivity. However, young body weight at 21 days of age was considerably impaired, especially by numerically larger litters (432, 401, 414 and 417 g in FF, FC, CF and CC, respectively, P<0.05), which suggests that the duration of controlled nursing must be shortened to avoid a detrimental effect on growth. Therefore, further studies are needed to determine the optimum form of controlled nursing and its long term effect on productivity.Financial support for the research was obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development (project no. KF-173/4/00).Eiben, C.; Kustos, K.; Gódor-Surmann, K.; Theau-Clément, M.; Szendrõ, Z. (2004). Effect of change in nursing method on the performance of rabbit does. World Rabbit Science. 12(3):173-183. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2004.572SWORD17318312

    A matter of place: sensory and chemical characterisation of fine Australian Chardonnay and Shiraz wines of provenance

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    Establishing a fine wine image through regional typicality has been of interest to New World wine producing countries like Australia, but previous research mainly involved unoaked experimental wines, which were not reflective of the retail wine market. The regional typicality of commercially available fine Australian wines (FAW) was therefore explored, based on the hypotheses that sensory and chemical composition of varietal fine wines would discriminate by region, and further nuances within region would be explained by drivers of intraregional typicality. Chardonnay wines (2015 vintage) from Margaret River (MR, n = 16) and Yarra Valley (YV, n = 16); and Shiraz wines (2014 vintage) from Barossa Valley (BV, n = 16) and McLaren Vale (MV = 15), were selected for descriptive sensory analysis and underwent profiling of volatiles by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC–MS). For both grape varieties, there was large variability in wine styles among wines from the same GI, such as fruity/crisp vs oaked Chardonnay and oaky/astringent vs savoury Shiraz. Consequently, human intervention seemed to be an important component of regional/sub-regional typicality, which therefore cannot be determined solely on geographic origin of the fruit. Using a combination of sensory markers and volatile profiles allowed the building of regional typicality models, which are promising, however, consumers may not perceive sub-regional differences based on sensory attributes. Undoubtedly, variation of wine styles emerging across wine regions, vintages, and viticultural and winemaking practices needs to be further explored, but this work created a preliminary sensory and volatile map for future research.Marcell Kustos, Joanna M. Gambetta, David W. Jeffery, Hildegarde Heymann, Steven Goodman, Susan E. P. Bastia

    Hochleistungsverbundwerkstoffe auf Basis von Hochmodulfasern und temperaturbestaendigen Thermoplasten. Teilthema 3.2. Modifizierung von Hochmodul-Faseroberflaechen Abschlussbericht

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    Within the scope of the documented research project the focus was on investigating the modification of carbon fibers by electropolymerization and impregnation of carbon fiber rovings by means of aqueous polymer powder dispersions. Bringing to bear the outstanding mechanical characteristics of carbon fibers in composite materials requires a purposeful modification of the fiber surfaces adapted to the respective matrix material. Based on the natural conductivity of carbon fibers the method of electropolymerization offers itself. Among the variety of possibilities of electrochemical deposition of polymers, oxidative anodic polymerization of monomers, which leads to intrinsically conductive polymers, was selected. The formation of these polymers occurs in a step-by-step reaction analog to polycondensation. In the process, at least two electrochemical oxidation equivalents are required for each step of growth, with the polymers being deposited as conducting polymeric radical cations containing anions dispersed from the conducting salt used in the electrolytic bath. The investigation of deposited polymers was made by means of gravimetry, electrochemistry and scanning electron microscopy. Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) was used as matrix material. Handling of this subject involved the problem whether it would not be appropriate to substitute powder impregnation for melt impregnation during the impregnation of rovings. Relating to this problem, contributions were made in respect of procurement, classification, characterization and production of fine particle polymer powders. In addition, appropriate dispersing formulations were developed. (orig./RHM)Available from TIB Hannover: F94B1996+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie (BMFT), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman