62 research outputs found

    Durable and sustainable shotcrete

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    Nowadays there is a special need to develop “new” construction materials to reduce the environmental footprint of structures. Investigations focus on durability of constructions and the use of sustainable materials and the reduction of CO2 emission (especially of the binder). Constructions have to be sustainable and durable. This will lead to low maintenance work and costs as well as a good life cycle performance. The aim of the Austrian research project „Advanced and Sustainable Shotcrete - ASSpC“ is to improve shotcrete mix design regarding durability and sustainability. There are different ways which may lead to success, one possibility is to replace part of the clinker content in the binder with supplementary cementitious materials. But it is crucial that new mix designs fulfil the technical requirements on site concerning workability and early age strength development, too. One central issue of the research project is to investigate how the pumpability of shotcrete can be determined in lab. At the moment there is no proven method available to measure the pumpability of shotcrete. Several test methods are used to determine the stability, tendency to segregation, bleeding and of course the consistency of concrete. Common test methods like the spread flow table and V-funnel flow time are used as well as two point test methods like the concrete rheometer eBT2 and Sliper. The segregation tendency is evaluated by the filter pressing test and the bucket setting test. Results from lab will be compared to results from site to define threshold values and parameters which describe the pumping characteristics of shotcrete base mix. In addition to that the early age strength development of the shotcrete mix design is investigated with the Minishot System designed by Sika. The shotcrete system is downscaled to a mini spray unit. In opposite to common test methods it is not necessary to mix the accelerator into the cement paste or mortar, but it will be added at the nozzle. The paste is sprayed by a downscaled nozzle and thus a realistic shear stress can be achieved. The paste is applied to a pulsment ultrasound spectrometer and the shear modulus development is measured continuously over time. The results can be linked to the strength development of shotcrete. The paper presents the tests procedures mentioned above in detail as well as first results with different shotcrete mix-designs

    Ulična poezija v interakciji z (živim) jezikom

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    In the 1970s a new musical genre called rap appeared in the United States, continuing the tradition of rock and punk music. In about twenty years, this new form of protest poetry created global sociolinguistic changes because its presence helped shape a special social group with a special lexicon and grammar. Rap uses both standard and colloquial vocabulary and syntax. Its traditional origin in poor black urban neighborhoods justifies the use of the term street poetry.V sedemdesetih letih 20. stoletja se je v Ameriki pojavila nova glasbena zvrst, imenovana rap, in nadaljevala tradicijo rock in punk glasbe. V kakih dvajsetih letih je ta nova oblika protestne poezije povzročila globalne družbeno-jezikovne spremembe, saj se je ob njeni prisotnosti izoblikovala posebna družbena skupina s posebnima slovarjem in slovnico. Za svojo uresničitev rap uporablja tako knjižno kot tudi pogovorno besedje in skladnjo. Tradicionalni izvor iz revnih črnskih mestnih predelov vsekakor utemeljuje rabo besedne zveze »ulična poezija«


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    In the area of street poetry the end of the 20th century meant a radical turning point. General popularization of internet caused its affirmation in lyrics of the street poetry. The living language directives make authors and authoresses modernize their vocabulary and actualize presented contents using elements of internet environment. At the same time new forms of sound records, communication, advertising, marketing, (self-)promotion etc. have been introduced by internet. The following article will present internet influence on street poetry in America and Slovenia as well. Some examples of the authors` and authoresses` lyrics will also be presented.Konec 20. stoletja je pomenil korenito prelomnico na področju ulične poezije, saj je s splošno popularizacijo spleta prišlo do njegove afirmacije v besedilih. Avtorji in avtorice v skladu s smernicami živega jezika modernizirajo svoj slovar ter aktualizirajo upovedane vsebine z elementi, ki jih prinaša spletno okolje. Hkrati se s spletom pojavijo nove oblike zvočnega zapisa, komunikacije, oglaševanja, trženja, (samo)promocije itd. Prispevek bo prikazal vplive spleta na ulično poezijo v Ameriki in Sloveniji, pri čemer bodo posebej obravnavani primeri besedil avtorjev in avtoric

    Open Moderation for Democratic Fact Checking

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    We consume a lot of information on the web, yet it is relatively hard to know whether what we read is true and unbiased. Mainstream content sharing platforms like YouTube implement recommendation algorithms that ensure the user is most likely to agree with what (s)he sees. Content that contains controversial claims often suffers from sampling bias that skews their like-dislike ratio. This shows that such platforms are rather useless to determine whether something is true. It is also easy to cherry pick facts that favour one side of the issue. This work presents a solution for mitigating these problems by using open moderation and a simple variation of liquid democracy with linking capabilities built on top and a Google Chrome extension that shows the relevant information when needed. Target users are people who value truth more than hearing what they already believe


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    Konec 20. stoletja je pomenil korenito prelomnico na področju ulične poezije, saj je s splošno popularizacijo spleta prišlo do njegove afirmacije v besedilih. Avtorji in avtorice v skladu s smernicami živega jezika modernizirajo svoj slovar ter aktualizirajo upovedane vsebine z elementi, ki jih prinaša spletno okolje. Hkrati se s spletom pojavijo nove oblike zvočnega zapisa, komunikacije, oglaševanja, trženja, (samo)promocije itd. Prispevek bo prikazal vplive spleta na ulično poezijo v Ameriki in Sloveniji, pri čemer bodo posebej obravnavani primeri besedil avtorjev in avtoric

    Vloga spola in žensko vprašanje v (slovenski) ulični poeziji

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    Prispevek bo v kontekstu ulične poezije izpostavil žensko vprašanje, pri čemer bodo za obravnavo te problemske teme uporabljeni primeri tako avtorjev kot avtoric (slednje prihajajo iz domačega in tujega kulturno-jezikovnega okolja). Najprej bo predstavljena utemeljitev besedne zveze »ženska ulična poezija«, sledile bodo opredelitve biološkega in družbenega spola, spolnih vlog, feminizma in maskulizma, ki jim bodo dodani reprezentativni primeri iz prakse, nato pa bo sledila še pregledna zgodovina ženske ulične poezije v slovenskem prostoru od domnevno prve pojavitve v začetku 80. let 20. stoletja (Neca Falk) do prvega desetletja 21. stoletja

    Vplivi spleta na slovensko ulično poezijo

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    Splet je prinesel veliko jezikovnih novosti, ki so jih pesniki prevzeli in integrirali v besedila. Po eni strani so bile spremembe koristne, saj je prišlo do aktualizacije slovarja, po drugi strani pa je novi medij odprl vprašanje, ali je neki zaznamovani izraz s spleta, ki ga mladi prevzamejo v splošno rabo, že slengizem ali ne. Splet je povzročil tudi spremembe na prenosniškem, komunikacijskem, oglaševalnem, tržnem in (samo)promocijskem polju ulične poezije

    Open Moderation for Democratic Fact Checking

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    We consume a lot of information on the web, yet it is relatively hard to know whether what we read is true and unbiased. Mainstream content sharing platforms like YouTube implement recommendation algorithms that ensure the user is most likely to agree with what (s)he sees. Content that contains controversial claims often suffers from sampling bias that skews their like-dislike ratio. This shows that such platforms are rather useless to determine whether something is true. It is also easy to cherry pick facts that favour one side of the issue. This work presents a solution for mitigating these problems by using open moderation and a simple variation of liquid democracy with linking capabilities built on top and a Google Chrome extension that shows the relevant information when needed. Target users are people who value truth more than hearing what they already believe

    Prof. Wetterer und Studierende auf der Suche nach Konstruktionsprozessen von Geschlecht in Graz: Alltag macht den Unterschied

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    "Zu den grundlegenden Selbstverständlichkeiten unseres Wissens gehört die Überzeugung, dass es zwei Geschlechter gibt, die wir mühelos voneinander unter scheiden können. Die Autorin hat aufgezeigt, wie sehr soziale Praktiken und unser tägliches Umfeld diese Verschiedenheit unterstreichen beziehungsweise überhaupt erst hervorbringen." (Autorenreferat