20 research outputs found

    Population Study of Black Cormorants (Phalacrocorax Sulcirostris) and Other Waterbirds in Kota Baru Bandar Kemayoran Bird Park, Jakarta

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    This paper is the result of eight months research since November 1994 -June 1995, which is a part of hroaderresearch for the writer's master (S-2) thesis (on preparation). Research in three aqutic habitat (water reservoir,mangroves, and the mangrove-swamps boundary) had shown that most of the Black Cormorant population foundin the water reservoir areas. The number of the cormorant population is time fluctuated, with the highest numberfound on the 4th week of April (144 bird).Nineteenspeciesofwaterbirdsand2speciesoffisheatingteresterialbirdwerefound,specifically15speciesofwaders,3speciesofmarshhird,1speciesofseabirdsand2speciesolfisheatingterrestrialbirds.Thenumberofspeciesfoundrelativelylowerthantheresultofresearch). Nineteen species of water birds and 2 species of fish eating teresterialbird were found, specifically 15 species of waders, 3 species of marsh hird , 1 species of seabirds and 2 species o lfish eating terrestrial birds. 'The number of species found relatively lower than the result of research conducted byMulyani and Pakpahan (1993) or Oni (1995) which were done on Febuary, March, April, May and August1994.The difference occurs because less area coverage and shorter observation time ( 12 hours in a day)

    Struktur Komunitas Berudu Anura Di Sungai Cibeureum Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango, Jawa Barat

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    The use of various types of habitats can affect the structure of tadpole communities. The purpose of this study was to identify and measure: a) composition and diversity of Anuran species on two different seasons, b) distribution of tadpoles in different microhabitat types, and c) developmental stages of tadpole in two different season. Quantitative sampling of amphibian larvae was carried out on along the 224 m transect in Cibeureum stream, Mount Gede-Pangrango National Park, West Java. Four species were found in Cibeureum stream were Leptophryne cruentata (37.10%), Megophrys montana (34.33%), Rhacophorus margaritifer (28.49%), and Huia masonii (0.07%). Cibeureum stream microhabitat can be grouped into torrents, riffles and shingle areas. Tadpoles were only found in riffles and shingle areas. Omitting H. masonii data from linear regression test showed that microhabitat variables did not significantly affect the presence of tadpoles. Most tadpoles were found in stage 25. The dominant stage of tadpole found were in Gosner growth stage 24-28 (no foot) for both dry and wet season, which indicated that the frogs in the Cibeureum stream reproduce throughout the year

    Preferensi Pakan dan Pertumbuhan Anakan Bulus (Amyda Cartilaginea Boddaert, 1770) di Penangkaran PT. Ekanindya Karsa, Kabupaten Serang, Banten

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    Softshell turtle (Amyda cartilaginea Boddaert, 1770) is categorized as Appendix II CITES and vulnerable in IUCN Red List Data Book. Captive breeding of this turtle is important to continue their sustainable utilization. PT Ekanindya Karsa was one of the pioneers in captive breeding of this species since 2008. Until now, reference related to management and maintenance techniques of softshell turtle in captivity are few. This research aims to analyse feeding preferences in juveniles. The results will assist wildlife conservation efforts and improve captive breeding effort for the future. Research was carried out at PT. Ekanindya Karsa from July to October 2012. Fifteen juveniles were given food for 9 weeks comprises of tuna, shrimp, spinach and sweet potatoes with cafeteria methods. Based on the number of food intake and cost efficiency, prefereed food was sweet potato and tuna. Feeding activities were visible in the morning (7.00 – 10.00 am) and evening (7.00 – 10.00 pm) with ad libitum sampling methods. During experiment, all growth parameter (curve carapacea length, curve carapacea width and body mass) increased constantly

    Identifikasi Nematoda Gastrointestinal Pada Katak Fejervarya Cancrivora Dan Limnonectes Macrodon Di Wilayah Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat (Gastrointestinal Nematode Identification of Frogs Fejervarya Cancrivora and Limnonectes Macrodon in Bogor Residence)

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    A research was conducted to identify and to descript nematode worm genera as parasite from gastrointestinal tract of local consumption frogs. Fifty five adult Fejervarya cancrivora and seventy Limnonectes macrodon were collected from three subdistricts in Bogor Residence; Caringin, Cibatok, and Cimanggis. The research was also carried out to quantify prevalence nematode that infest both of frogs and to observe relationship between prevalence level and resource area also spesies of its. Nematode generas which found in F. cancrivora were identified as Amplicaecum, Camallanus, Aplectana, Cosmocerca, Cosmocercella,and Spinicauda. The same generas infested L. macrodon for exception Camallanus. Fejervarya cancrivora nematode prevalence level was higher than L. macrodon in all subdistricts. Its prevalence level weren't influenced by resource area. But, there was significant correlation between prevalence level and species of frogs (α=0,01 and α=0,05). The differences of gastrointestinal nematode infestation are related to differences in habitat and food type of frogs also life cycle of nematodes

    Studi Pendahuluan : Keberadaan Kura-kura Rote (Chelodina Mccordi, Rhodin 1994) Di Pulau Rote, Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    A preliminary to investigate the remaining population of Rote snake-necked turtle Chelodina mccordi in Rote Island, Nusa Tenggara Timur was conducted in 20th of May – 25 th of June 2005. Based on previously known turtle distribution and interviews with local people, we surveyed 105 locations in Rote Island. We found 35 locations in Rote island suitable for turtle habitat, in which based on interviews 26 locations were previosly known as turtle habitats but no turtles were found anymore during the last few years, and nine locations where turtles are still occasionally seen. Our survey yielded no sighting of terrapin, we only found one snake-necked turtles brought by harvester from Peto marsh. Threats to Rote snake-necked turtles are hunting, loss of habitat to agricultural conversion and polution from agricultural land, and grazing by herds. More survey need to be carried out, especially during rainy season where there are more possibility of finding this turtle

    Is Chytridiomycosis an Emerging Infectious Disease in Asia?

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    The disease chytridiomycosis, caused by the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), has caused dramatic amphibian population declines and extinctions in Australia, Central and North America, and Europe. Bd is associated with >200 species extinctions of amphibians, but not all species that become infected are susceptible to the disease. Specifically, Bd has rapidly emerged in some areas of the world, such as in Australia, USA, and throughout Central and South America, causing population and species collapse. The mechanism behind the rapid global emergence of the disease is poorly understood, in part due to an incomplete picture of the global distribution of Bd. At present, there is a considerable amount of geographic bias in survey effort for Bd, with Asia being the most neglected continent. To date, Bd surveys have been published for few Asian countries, and infected amphibians have been reported only from Indonesia, South Korea, China and Japan. Thus far, there have been no substantiated reports of enigmatic or suspected disease-caused population declines of the kind that has been attributed to Bd in other areas. In order to gain a more detailed picture of the distribution of Bd in Asia, we undertook a widespread, opportunistic survey of over 3,000 amphibians for Bd throughout Asia and adjoining Papua New Guinea. Survey sites spanned 15 countries, approximately 36° latitude, 111° longitude, and over 2000 m in elevation. Bd prevalence was very low throughout our survey area (2.35% overall) and infected animals were not clumped as would be expected in epizootic events. This suggests that Bd is either newly emerging in Asia, endemic at low prevalence, or that some other ecological factor is preventing Bd from fully invading Asian amphibians. The current observed pattern in Asia differs from that in many other parts of the world