13 research outputs found

    Nilai Diagnostik Indeks Wayne dan Indeks Newcastle untuk Penapisan Kasus Hipertiroid

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    Iodium Lingkungan Daerah Replete dan Non-replete Gaki, di Kabupaten Magelang

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    One of the fundamental factors causing the emergence of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) is low environmental iodine. Epidemiological studies show that IDD problem is found in areas expressed as poor areas of iodine, but without measurement data. In Kabupaten Magelang, there is a replete area, an area that has a history of IDD problems in the past, and intervention has been made, so it is hoped that the problem can be overcome. The aim of this study was to compare environmental iodine levels in replete and non-replete areas in Magelang District. The study design was cross sectional with iodine content in water samples variable of surface and ground water. The sample size is 71 from 17 surface water points and 54 ground water points. Analysis of iodine content in water samples was done with Sandell-Kolthoff method at Laboratory of Balai Litbang GAKI Magelang. The results showed that iodine content in surface water was within a fairly wide range of 0 to 22 μg/L in the replete areaand 0 to 115 μg/L in the non-replete area. The iodine content in ground water in the replete area ranges from 0 to 77μg/L, in the non-replete area between 3to 48 μg/L. There was a significant difference of iodine content between water samples from replete area with non-replete area (P <0.05). It is necessary to maintain the sustainability of sufficiency of iodine intake especially in replete area

    Faktor Ibu Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kemampuan Kognitif Anak PRA Sekolah Di Daerah Endemik Defisiensi Yodium

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    Background: Maternal conditions were important determinants for children development. Therefore, mothers impacted by IDD condition also became risk factor for children developmental delays. Objective: Analyze the associations between maternal social status, maternal nutritional status including maternal goiter status, maternal IQ, and quality of care, with pre-school children cognitive abilities in IDD endemic areas. Method: This study explores the data screening of parenting and iodized salt intervention studies of pre-school children in IDD endemic areas. The study was conducted in Pituruh, Purworejo district. A total pair of 82 mothers and 4-5 years aged children became subjects of this research. Data were analyzed with path analysis. Result: The percentage of child cognitive ability problems found were high (59.5%) and 17.1% mothers had goitre enlargement. Multivariate analysis with Path showed that home quality of care (r=0.41) and maternal verbal responsiveness (r=0.24) associated directly and rather strongly with preschool child cognitive ability. Maternal education and IQ both significantly correlated with home environmental quality of care. Since both variable having colinearity, just one variable chosen as determinant of care. Maternal IQ associated indirectly with child cognitive ability through home environmental quality of care (r=0.38) and maternal verbal responsiveness (r=0.31). Maternal goiter associated with child cognitive development indirectly through its association with maternal IQ (r= 0.23). Conclusion: The cognitive abilities of preschool children in endemic areas GAKI affected directly by the home environmental quality of care and maternal verbal responsiveness. Indirectly, maternal quality of care is affected by maternal IQ and maternal education. Maternal goiter status affected children cognitive abilities through its influence on maternal IQ, maternal education, and quality of care

    Kombinasi Indikator Status Iodium Pada Anak Usia Sekolah Untuk Menilai Keseriusan Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Iodium (Combined Indicator of Iodine Status Among School Age Children to Assess Severity of Iodine Deficiency Disorders)

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    Iodine in salt fortification program is intended for universal iodized salt in the response to Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD). There are clinical indicators and biological indicators to assess the seriousness of the IDD problem among school-age children (SAC) is volume of the thyroid gland, urinary iodine concentration (UIC) levels, and levels of thyroglobulin (Tg). To assess the seriousness of IDD problem on the basis of the clinical and biological indicators of SAC. The study was conducted in Purbalingga, Pati and Malang Districts. Subjects were 10-12 years of age children. Data collected include UIC levels, Total Goiter Rate (TGR), and serum Tg levels. In Pati Districts: Wedarijaksa Subdistrict: median value of UIC was 150 µg/L; TGR was 28 percent and Tg >50 µg/L was 1 percent. Pucakwangi Subdistric: median value of UIC was 207 µg/L; TGR was 42 percent and Tg level >50 µg/L was 1,8 percent. In Purbalingga District: Karangtengah Subdistrict: median value of UIC was 191 µg/L; TGR was 11 percent and no children with Tg level >50 µg/L. Pengadegan: Subdistrict: median value of UIC was 232 µg/L; TGR was 8 percent and Tg level >50 µg/L was 1 percent. In Malang District: Sumber Manjing Wetan Subdistrict: median value of UIC was 148 µg/L; TGR was 1 percent and Tg level >50 µg/L was 2 percent. Poncokusumo Subdistrict: median value of UIC was 145 µg/L; TGR was 19 percent and no Tg level data. Seriousness of the IDD problem in Pati District: clinically is an area of endemic goiter, but biologically, iodine intake is sufficient. In Purbalingga District: clinically is an area of mild endemic goitre, but biologically, iodine intake is sufficient. In Malang Distrct: clinically is an area of non-endemic goiter and biologically, iodine intake is sufficient. Discrepancy between clinical indicators and biological indicators of iodine is the impact transition because of IDD control

    Estimasi Kadar Iodium dalam Urin 24 Jam melalui Urin Sesaat

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    Kecukupan asupan iodium individu diukur berdasarkan ekskresi iodium urin (EIU). Metode untuk mengukur kadar iodium urin adalah dengan menampung urin selama 24 jam. Namun, alternatif praktis adalah menggunakan sampel urin sesaat. Makalah ini membahas prakiraan kadar iodium dari sampel urin 24 jam dengan menggunakan urin sesaat. Sebanyak 37 wanita usia subur (18-45 tahun) diukur EIUnya. Sampel urin untuk analisis diperoleh dengan dua cara: (i) urin sesaat yang dikumpulkan setiap buang air kecil; dan (ii) urin 24 jam. Kadar iodium urin ditentukan menggunakan metode ammonium persulphate digestion. Uji statistik t-test dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan antara kadar iodium dari urin sesaat dalam rentang waktu tertentu dengan kadar iodium urin 24 jam. Keeratan hubungan kadar iodium sampel urin sesaat dengan kadar iodium urin 24 diuji dengan korelasi metode Pearson'. Kadar iodium dari sampel urin sesaat pada rentang waktu sebelum jam 12 siang tampak lebih rendah 5,9 - 13,8 persen dibandingkan dengan kadar iodium dari sampel urin 24 jam. Demikian pula kadar iodium urin sesaat antara pukul 12.00 hingga pukul 24.00 tampak lebih tinggi 0,8 - 2,2 persen dibandingkan kadar iodium urin 24 jam. Namun demikian, secara statistik tidak ada perbedaan kadar iodium urin yang diambil dari sampel urin sesaat dengan sampel urin 24 jam. Koefisien korelasi kadar iodium urin sesaat antara pukul 17.00 hingga pukul 24.00 dengan kadar iodium urin 24 jam adalah yang tertinggi yaitu rho 0,82. Kadar iodium berdasarkan urin sesaat dapat digunakan untuk mengukur masukan iodium individu dan dapat digunakan untuk mengestimasi kadar iodium urin 24 jam

    Hipotiroidisme Pada Ibu Hamil Di Daerah Replete Dan Non-replete Gondok Di Kabupaten Magelang

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    Latar belakang: Hipotiroid pada masa kehamilan dapat menyebabkan dampak serius pada janin yang dikandungnya. Peningkatan kebutuhan iodium dan sumber iodium yang terbatas berpotensi menyebabkan hipotiroidisme pada masa kehamilan. Tujuan: Untuk memberikan gambaran kejadian hipotiroid pada ibu hamil di daerah replete gondok dibandingkan dengan daerah non-replete (bukan endemis gondok di masa lalu). Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional di Kecamatan Sawangan dan Bandongan sebagai daerah replete gondok dan Kecamatan Mungkid dan Borobudur sebagai wilayah non-replete gondok di Kabupaten Magelang. Sampel penelitian adalah ibu hamil di trimester 1, 2 dan 3 yang diambil secara simple random sampel dari kerangka sampel yang sudah di stratifikasi. Fungsi tiroid diukur dengan indikator Thyroid Stimulating Hormon (TSH) dan free thyroxin (fT4) dalam serum dengan metode Elisa. Analisis data dilakukan secara univariat dengan SPSS 21. Hasil: Responden berjumlah 244 ibu hamil, berusia 16-44 tahun, usia kehamilan 2–38 minggu. Prevalensi hipotiroid di daerah replete gondok sebesar 17,2 persen dan 19,2 persen di daerah non-replete gondok. Lebih rinci disebutkan pada daerah replete gondok prevalensi overt hypothyroid sebesar 0.0 persen, hipotiroid subklinis 13 persen, hypothyroxinemia 4,1 persen. Pada daerah non-replete gondok prevalensi overt hypothyroid 4,2 persen, hipotiroid subklinis sebesar 15 persen dan hypothyroxinemia sebesar 0.0 persen. Prevalensi lebih tinggi pada ibu hamil di trimester tiga dibanding dua trimester sebelumnya di kedua wilayah. Kesimpulan: Hipotiroid pada ibu hamil terjadi pada daerah replete dan non-replete gondok dan tidak ada perbedaan prevalensi di daerah replete dan non-replete gondok. Perbedaan nyata terlihat pada ibu hamil antar trimester kehamilan

    Karakteristik Klinis Penderita Hipertiroid Di Daerah Endemik Dan Non Endemik Gaki

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    Background: Iodine is the essential component for synthesis of tyroid. In the area of dificiency iodium the iodine intake was also obtained from high doses of iodine capsules and iodized salt. While in the area of non-iodine deficiency, iodine source may be more complex, considering a more varied diet and a lot of drugs containing iodine. The Wayne index used to estimate the suspect of hyperthyroidism but to get right diagnosis for hyperthyroidism are use laboratory examination. Positiv hyperthyroidsm if TSH in serum < 0,3 µlU/ml and FT4 > 2 nano gram/dl. Obyektives: The purpose of this paper is to view clinical characteristic in the nonendemik areas and endemic iodine deficiency disorder. Method: The method used is analitic research design with a crosssectional study. Respondent of the research are woman that age 15-50 years old. The number of samples in this research is 36 woman from endemic areas and 36 samples from non endemic areas. Analysis of data using excel and SPSS programs. Result: Results can be seen that in general clinical characteristics in two areas namely endemic and non endemic areas are not statistically different with p = 0.803 (p> 0.05). But in these two regions are typical symptoms of hyperthyroidism suspect in non-endemic area when compared with endemic areas such as the prominent and showed statistical differences in the symptoms exopthalmus value of p = 0.00, rapid pulse value p = 0.01, appetite increased with p-value = 0.03. alue index of sensitivity and specificity to predict hyperthyroid wayne in endemic areas is 0.67 and Se 0.87. While the value of sensitivity and specificity indices wayne to suspect hyperthyroidism in non-endemic areas is 0.55 and 0.925Se