143 research outputs found

    Nose-Hoover dynamics for coherent states

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    The popular method of Nose and Hoover to create canonically distributed positions and momenta in classical molecular dynamics simulations is generalized to a genuine quantum system of infinite dimensionality. We show that for the quantum harmonic oscillator, the equations of motion in terms of coherent states can easily be modified in an analogous manner to mimic the coupling of the system to a thermal bath and create a quantum canonical ensemble. Possible applications to more complex systems, especially interacting Fermion systems, are proposed.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Nose-Hoover sampling of quantum entangled distribution functions

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    While thermostated time evolutions stand on firm grounds and are widely used in classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, similar methods for quantum MD schemes are still lacking. In the special case of a quantum particle in a harmonic potential, it has been shown that the framework of coherent states permits to set up equations of motion for an isothermal quantum dynamics. In the present article, these results are generalized to indistinguishable quantum particles. We investigate the consequences of the (anti-)symmetry of the many-particle wavefunction which leads to quantum entangled distribution functions. The resulting isothermal equations of motion for bosons and fermions contain new terms which cause Bose-attraction and Pauli-blocking. Questions of ergodicity are discussed for different coupling schemes.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PHYSICA A. More information at http://www.physik.uni-osnabrueck.de/makrosysteme

    JJ-pairing Interactions of Fermions in a Single-jj Shell

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    In this talk I shall introduce our recent works on general pairing interactions and pair truncation approximations for fermions in a single-j shell, including the spin zero dominance, features of eigenvalues of fermion systems in a single-j shell interacting by a J−J-pairing interaction.Comment: 10 pages and 4 figures, international symposiu

    Quantum dissipation

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    We address the question of the microscopic origin of dissipation in collective motion of a quantum many--body system in the framework of a parametric random matrix approach to the intrinsic dynamics. We show that the fluctuation--dissipation theorem is generally violated and, moreover, energy diffusion has a markedly non--Gaussian character and the corresponding distribution has very long tails. Such features do not support a Langevin or Fokker--Planck approach to dissipation in collective nuclear motion

    Angular momentum I ground state probabilities of boson systems interacting by random interactions

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    In this paper we report our systematic calculations of angular momentum II ground state probabilities (P(I)P(I)) of boson systems with spin ll in the presence of random two-body interactions. It is found that the P(0) dominance is usually not true for a system with an odd number of bosons, while it is valid for an even number of bosons, which indicates that the P(0) dominance is partly connected to the even number of identical particles. It is also noticed that the P(Imax)P(I_{max})'s of bosons with spin ll do not follow the 1/N (N=l+1N=l+1, referring to the number of independent two-body matrix elements) relation. The properties of the P(I)P(I)'s obtained in boson systems with spin ll are discussed.Comment: 8 pages and 3 figure

    Regular spectra in the vibron model with random interactions

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    The phenomenom of emerging regular spectral features from random interactions is addressed in the context of the vibron model. A mean-field analysis links different regions of the parameter space with definite geometric shapes. The results that are, to a large extent, obtained in closed analytic form, provide a clear and transparent interpretation of the high degree of order that has been observed in numerical studies.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables. Physical Review C, in pres
