9 research outputs found

    Pengujian Daya Hasil Beberapa Varietas Tanaman Jagung pada Kondisi Cekaman Kekeringan yang Diberi Pupuk Kandang di Lahan Kering Lombok Utara

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    This study aimed to determine the efficacy of several varieties of maize at various rate of manure under drought condition on the dry land of North Lombok. The experiments were designed using split plot design, with manure rates (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 t.ha-1) as the main plots, and five different maize varieties (P4IS, Gumarang, Lamuru, Sukmaraga and NK212 Hybrid) as subplots. The efficacy of several maize varieties were determined from the weight of dry seeds per plant. Experimental data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) at 5 percent significant levels. The mean of each treatments was further tested using the Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) at the same level. The results showed that the highest yield of maize crop was obtained on Lamuru variety at rate of manure of 20 t/ha, ie 85.94 g.plant-1 or 6.14 t.ha-1. The yield of Lamuru variety is similar to that of Sukmaraga, but it is higher compared to P4IS, Gumarang and Hybrid of NK212.The highest yield of maize crop was obtained at rate of manureof 20t.ha-1

    Mitigasi Longsor Dengan Penataan dan Peningkatan Kemampuan Kawasan Perbukitan Pada by Pass BIL-MANDALIKA Sebagai Infrastruktur Penunjang Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) Mandalika Lombok : Landslide Mitigation by Structuring and Increasing the Capability of Hill Areas on By Pass BIL-MANDALIKA as Supporting Infrastructure for The KEK Mandalika, Lombo

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    One of the tourist destinations in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara is the Special Economic Zone Mandalika (KEK Mandalika), a coastal tourism area with various supporting infrastructures on an international scale covering an area of 1,035.67 hectares. The pace of development brings environmental impacts, especially the morphology of the land in the form of mountains and hills is exposed by the conversion of land functions from proteced forest to agricultural areas without the application of land conservation methods. Bypass BIL-KEK Mandalika as the main connecting road for this tourism area is 17.2 km long flanked by hills with a slope of >30o and almost all hilly areas have been converted into agricultural areas. In this area there is minimal standing vegetation accompanied by unstable physical conditions, making all hilly areas on the BIL-KEK Madalika bypass classified as a Very High Erosion Hazard Level which reaches > 560 tons/ha/year which triggers more potential hazards. big like landslides and floods. Various steps have been taken, such as: 1) Integration of porang (Amorphopallus) and standing vegetation (canopy) applied in hilly areas in the Bypass BIL-KEK Mandalika area; 2) Emphasizing and preventing the conversion of buffer zones; 3) Rehabilitation of the Bypass BIL-KEK Mandalika Hills Area

    Perubahan Sifat Kimia Tanah Tercemar Merkuri Dengan Berbagai Modifikasi Pemberian Biochar Dan Tanaman Akar Wangi (Vetiveria zizanioides (L.)

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    The aims of this research is to determine changes in the chemical properties of mercury-contaminated soil with various modifications in the application of corn cob biochar and vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides (L.). This research used an experimental method with an ex-situ remediation approach which was carried out from October 2023 to January 2024 in greenhouse. Sampling of mercury-contaminated soil was carried out on former traditional gold mining land in Segubuk Hamlet, Kuang Village, Taliwang Sub-District, West Sumbawa Regency. Soil sampling was taken from 13 locations determined by purposive sampling and carried out using a soil drill. Soil pH H2O, C-organic and CEC as well as analysis of the total concentration of mercury (Hg) in the soil were analysed before and after the experiment. The results showed that the application of corn cob biochar alone and corn cob biochar planted with vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) had a significant effect) on changes in soil chemical properties and was effective in reducing the concentration of mercury (Hg) in the soil. Corn cob biochar application can improve soil chemical properties by increasing soil pH, organic C, and soil CEC. On the other hand, the release of H+ ions from the carboxyl functional group (-COOH) in corn cob biochar has the opportunity to form complexes with heavy metal ions so that it can reduce their concentration of mercury in the soil

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Pertanian Sebagai Media Tanam Pada Teknik Bedeng Permanen Untuk Memenuhi Kebutuhan Sayuran Sehat di Kek Mandalika

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    Bedeng permanen adalah bedeng yang dipergunakan dalam jangka lama dan bertujuan meningkatkan produksi pertanian melalui penerapan pertanian lestari, dan berkelanjutan dengan memanfaatkan limbah pertanian sebagai media tanam serta meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani. Ada tiga prinsip dasar pertanian konservasi yakni: i) menerapkan pengolah tanah minimal atau tanpa olah tanah ii) menerapkan tanaman penutup tanah (cover crops) secara terus-menerus sepanjang tahun, dan  iii) menerapakan diversifikasi tanaman, baik secara  tumpang sari, rotasi tanaman, dan tanam beruntun (relay cropping), terutama antara tanaman non legume dan legume. Tujuan  kegiatan ini adalah mendemonstrasikan penerapan pertanian teknik bedeng permanen untuk mengurangi biaya produksi usahatani. Kegiatan pengabdian ini diharapkan dapat: 1) sebagai contoh penerapan pertanian yang berbasis bedeng permanen dapat  menjaga tanah agar tidak mengalami  erosi dengan menanam  tanaman penutup tanah (cover crops) dan mulsa,  2) sebagai contoh teknik bedeng permanen untuk memelihara stabilitas tanah dan irit biaya, 3) sebagai contoh cara alamiah dalam pemulihan kesuburan  fisik,  kimia dan biologi tanah tegalan, dan 4) sebagai contoh cara peningkatan  produktivitas tanah lahan sawah kering.  Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut, maka beberapa metode konservasi di sawah diperkenalkan, serta diperkenalkan beberapa jenis tanaman sayuran dan teknis olah tanah minimal. Target luaran yang akan dicapai berupa: (1) Buku panduan pertanian berbasis bedeng permanen, dan (2) materi publikasi ilmiah bidang pengabdian masyarakat yang diterbitkan dalam format jurnal pengabdian pada masyarakat skala lokal di Lingkungan Universitas Mataram

    Kajian Biofisik Lahan Untuk Tanaman Porang Sebagai Anasir Konservasi Pada Sistem Agroforestri Di Pulau Lombok

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    Agricultural land in North Lombok is dominated by a typology of sub-optimal land, physically, chemically and biologically. These properties make it vulnerable to degradation. In such land, agroforestry system is highly recommended, where the porang plant can be included as a component. Nowdays, porang is gaining popularity as a commodity with economic value, and is suitable as an intercropping plant. It is easy to grow on almost all types of soil, and is resistant to shade, making it adaptive to agroforestry systems as non-timber under standing plants in community forest systems. It is believed that this will provide multiple benefits economicly and environmentaly, if it accompanied by the principles of soil and water conservation. The role of porang as a conservative agent has been investigated through a scientific approach as the basis for the domistication of porang in agroforestry systems. The results showed that agroforestry with porang could help improve the stability of the soil aggregates as indicated by the soil aggregate stability index 59 which means rather stable. Soil moisture of wilting point in agroforestry system with porang increased from 3.0% (without porang) to 5.4%. In addition, the soil organic matter content increased to 3.94% (quite high) on the system with porang because the stems and leaves of porang plant are quickly weathered. The ground cover is relatively tight, so it can prevent soil erosion. Porang also play a role in increasing water infiltration due to the presence of porang’s roots and tubers. Thus the domistication of porang fulfills the requirements as an agent of soil conservation, as non-timber plant in the agroforestry system, if it is cultivated according to the principles of soil and water conservation on the typology of sub-optimal land in North Lombok.

    Pengujian Daya Hasil Beberapa Varietas Tanaman Jagung pada Kondisi Cekaman Kekeringan yang Diberi Pupuk Kandang di Lahan Kering Lombok Utara

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    This study aimed to determine the efficacy of several varieties of maize at various rate of manure under drought condition on the dry land of North Lombok. The experiments were designed using split plot design, with manure rates (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 t.ha-1) as the main plots, and five different maize varieties (P4IS, Gumarang, Lamuru, Sukmaraga and NK212 Hybrid) as subplots. The efficacy of several maize varieties were determined from the weight of dry seeds per plant. Experimental data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) at 5 percent significant levels. The mean of each treatments was further tested using the Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) at the same level. The results showed that the highest yield of maize crop was obtained on Lamuru variety at rate of manure of 20 t/ha, ie 85.94 g.plant-1 or 6.14 t.ha-1. The yield of Lamuru variety is similar to that of Sukmaraga, but it is higher compared to P4IS, Gumarang and Hybrid of NK212.The highest yield of maize crop was obtained at rate of manureof 20t.ha-1

    Soil management systems improve water use efficiency of rainfed rice in the semi-arid tropics of southern Lombok, Eastern Indonesia

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    Rice (Oryza sativa) grown on rainfed Vertisols in the semi-arid tropics of southern Lombok, Eastern Indonesia, is usually flooded in the short wet season, creating a considerable demand for water. However, rice crops and secondary crops frequently suffer from water stress as the soil dries after the wet season. Four systems of soil management for rice were studied at Wakan and Kawo, with average annual rainfalls of 984 mm and 1665 mm respectively. The objective was to improve water use efficiency (grain yield/m3 water consumed). The four systems were unflooded permanent raised beds with tillage (RMT) or without tillage (RNT), and flooded flat land with tillage (FMT, the conventional system, gogorancah), or without tillage (FNT). Water was kept at 0.1 m depth in the furrows (RMT, RNT) or at 0.05 m depth on flat land (FMT, FNT). Excess water was collected in a dam (embung), and used when necessary to keep the water at the desired depth. Compared with FMT, RNT reduced crop water requirement for rice by 50% at Wakan and by 44% at Kawo. Water use efficiency in RNT was increased by 90% at Wakan, and by 56% at Kawo, compared with that in FMT. There were no differences between treatments in the yield of rice at Kawo (4.5 t/ha), but at Wakan yield was better in FMT or FNT (4.2 t/ha) than RMT or RNT (2.8 t/ha). Hence, on rainfed Vertisols of Southern Lombok, rice grown on permanent raised beds, with or without tillage, could successfully replace rice grown under the conventional flooded system with tillage on flat land (gogorancah), where the rainfall is higher. The extra water saved with permanent raised beds could be used to irrigate secondary crops