7 research outputs found

    Study of the Effect of Giving Organic Fertilizer as a Substitution of Chemical Fertilizer for the Growth and Product Components of Corn in Dry Vertisolands

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    The continuous use of chemical fertilizers causes a decrease in soil quality and crop production. Vertisol soil has sufficient nutrients but cannot be utilized by plants. Provision of organic fertilizers can improve soil quality. This study aims to survey the effect of applying organic fertilizers as a substitute for chemical fertilizers on the growth and yield components of maize in vertisol dry land. This experiment was conducted on vertisol dry land in Mujur Village, Central Lombok Regency, from July to November 2022. The experiment used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with two factors: organic fertilizer factor P0 (without organic fertilizer), P1 (organic fertilizer 5 t/ha), P2 (organic fertilizer 10 t/ha). Chemical fertilizer factors, K1 (NPK 25%), K2 (NPK 50%), K3 (NPK 75%), K4 (NPK 100%), obtained 12 treatment combinations and three replications so that there were 36 treatment units. The observed parameters included plant height, leaf width, number of leaves, cob weight, length, and cob diameter. Data were analyzed with Factorial RAK ANOVA and further testing using Honest Significant Difference (BNJ) analysis. The results showed that the use of organic fertilizers had a significant impact on all observed parameters. Treatment without organic fertilizer showed a minor effect compared to treatment with organic fertilizer, while treatment P1 (5 t/ha) and P2 (10 t/ha) showed no significant difference except for cob length (P1). The application of NPK fertilizer at doses of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% did not significantly impact corn's growth and yield components

    The Quality of Compost Made From a mixture of Oyster Mushroom Baglog Waste and Cow Manure with the Addition of Dekomposer of Promi, MA-11, and BPF

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    :  This study aims to determine the quality of compost of a mixture of Oyster Mushroom Baglog waste and Cow Manure, using Promi (Promoting Microbes), MA-11 (Microba Alfaafa-11), and BPF (Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria) decomposers. The experiment was arranged in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD), consisting of 4 ( Four) treatments: P0 = Baglog Oyster Mushrooms and Manure with a ratio = 1:2 without decomposers, P1 = Baglog Oyster Mushrooms and Manure with a ratio = 1:2 plus Promi, P2 =Baglog Oyster Mushrooms and manure with a ratio = 1:2 plus MA 11, P3=Baglog Oyster Mushrooms and Manure with a ratio of = 1:2 plus (BPF). Each treatment was repeated three times to obtain 12 experimental units. Parameters measured were: texture, pH, C-organic, N-total, C/N Ratio, Temperature (Temperature), Compost Color, and Compost Odor. The results showed that of the three decomposers used in this study, Promi was better at decomposing compose for two months. Promi is faster in changing the color of the compost to black, faster in reducing the temperature of the compost, has a pH of 6.81, and has the lowest organic C content and total N content of 0.94%. Of the three decomposers used in this study, Promi is better and faster for producing compost from a mixture of baglog and cow manure than the other treatments

    Teknik Bedeng Permanen Alternatif Mengurangi Biaya Produksi Usahatani Pada Kondisi Pendemi Covid19

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    Permanent raised-beds can be used in several soil seasons and aim to increase production through the application of sustainable and sustainable agriculture and can improve the welfare of farmers. The three basic principles of conservation agriculture are: i) applying minimal or no tillage ii) applying cover crops continuously throughout the year, and iii) applying crop diversification, either by intercropping, crop rotation, and consecutive cropping (relay cropping), especially between non-legume and legume crops. Service activities provide knowledge to farmers by demonstrating the application of permanent bed farming techniques to reduce farm production costs. This activity is expected to: 1) as an example of the application of permanent bed-based agriculture to prevent soil erosion by planting cover crops and mulch, 2) as an example of a permanent bed technique to maintain soil stability and save costs, 3) as an example of a natural way to restore physical, chemical and biological fertility of dry soil, and 4) as an example of how to increase soil productivity in dry paddy fields typology. To achieve this, several conservation methods will be introduced, as well as several types of vegetable crops and minimum tillage techniques will be introduced. 

    Pemanfaatan Biochar dan Respon Pertumbuhan Tanaman Sawi Hijau (Brasicca juncea L) pada Tanah Tercemar Merkuri (Hg): Utilization of Biochar and Growth Response of Green Mustard Plant (Brasicca juncea L) on Mercury (Hg) Polluted Soil

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    This study aims to determine the potential of biochar on the mobility of mercury (Hg) in polluted soil planted with mustard greens (Brasicca juncea) and to determine the growth response of mustard greens (Brasicca juncea) in absorbing mercury (Hg). This study used the experimental method, which is a method that aims to examine the effect of biochar application at various doses on the mobility of mercury using the indicator plant mustard greens (Brasicca juncea L) in mercury (Hg) polluted soil. This experiment was carried out from March to June 2023 in the Greenhouse of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mataram. Soil samples were collected in Pelangan Village, Sekotong District, West Lombok Regency at several points near the gold processing unit. The samples were taken at top soil of 30 cm with a distance of 100 cm from the processing site then composited. Soilschemical properties including concentration of Hg before and after experiments were measured. Agronomic variables include fresh and dry weight of roots, total dry weight of and concentration of Hg) in plant tissue were also measured. The results of the study showed that the application of rice biochar reduced mobility of Hg in soils. The concentration of extractable-Hg in biochar-treated soils were lower compared to control. This is likely related to the potential adsorption of a number of IHg and MeHg by the negative surface of the biochar and also the formation of association of Hg bonds with the functional groups of the biochar. However, this needs further confirmation

    Pengaruh Biochar Terhadap Mobilitas Merkuri (Hg) Pada Percobaan Pencucian (Leaching) Tertutup: Effect of Biochar on Mercury (Hg) Mobility in a Closed Leaching Experiment

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    This study aims to determine the effect of biochar application on Hg mobility in a closed leaching experiment using gold processing tailings contaminated soil. The factorial experiment was set up using a Completely Randomized Design (RBD) which tested three types of biochar (rice husk biochar, coconut shell, and corncob biochar) and three doses of biochar (0.10 tons ha-1 and 15 tons ha-1). The PVC column containing a mixture of polluted soil and dibiochar was washed four times with deionized water for a total of 1090 ml of watering. The results showed that the application of biochar can reduce the mobility of mercury (Hg) in small scale gold processing tailings polluted soils. The dissolved Hg concentration in the leachate decreased with increasing dose of biochar application. Leachate from corn cob biochar (15 tons ha-1) treatment showed the lowest Hg concentration of 0.0012 ppm but was not significantly different from leachate from the soil column that was applied coconut shell and rice husk biochar. The concentration of Hg in the leachate for all biochar treatments ranged from 0.0012 - 0.0062 ppm, significantly different from the leachate concentration of the soil column without biochar, which was 1.62 ppm. This provides an indication that biochar can reduce the leaching rate, so that the concentration of Hg is not much leached into the soil. Therefore, biochar can be used as a soil enhancer in remediation of mercury (Hg) polluted soil so that it can slow down the mobility of mercury (Hg) so that it has a small impact on the environment


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    Sistem bedeng permanen telah terbukti lebih unggul pada Vertisol tadah hujan Lombok dibandingkan gora, akan tetapi masih perlu penyempurnaan, dalam hal stabilitas bedeng. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi permasalahan stabilitas Vertisol dalam upaya mewujudkan bedeng permanen yang stabil. Serangkaian percobaan, yang terdiri dari empat tahapan percobaan, telah dilaksanakan untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian ini. Percobaan tahap pertama adalah uji faktor-faktor dominan penentu stabilitas agregat Vertisol tadah hujan Lombok yang dilakukan menggunakan metode survei pada tingkat semi detil, satu titik pengambilan contoh tanah mewakili areal seluas 50 ha. Percobaan tahap kedua adalah uji 3 macam bahan pembenah tanah (pasir, pupuk kandang, dan gipsum) untuk dievaluasi pengaruhnya terhadap stabilitas struktur tanah. Percobaan tahap ketiga adalah uji desain bedeng untuk mendapatkan pola bedeng yang cocok di Vertisol Lombok. Percobaan keempat merupakan uji lapangan terhadap hasil terbaik yang diperoleh dari percobaan kedua dan ketiga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa stabilitas struktur tanah, melalui kemantapan agregat tanah, ditentukan oleh kandungan bahan organik tanah, nilai COLE (coefficient of linear extensibility), kadar klei, dan kadar kapur tanah, tetapi tidak nyata dipengaruhi oleh persen sodium tertukarkan (ESP). Bahan pembenah pasir dan pupuk kandang, masing-masing pada takaran 20% dan 15 ton ha &mac

    Study of Soil Erodibility in Various Agroforestry Systems Based on Elephant Foot Yam (Amorphophallus oncophyllus) in Bayan District, North Lombok Regency

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    Bayan District has a wavy to mountainous topography. The type of soil in the area is classified as Inceptisol, so it is very susceptible to erosion. An agroforestry system, with various stands of perennial crops, has been developed in the area, as a conservative measure to support the sustainability of land resources. Since the past decade, the agroforestry system has been complemented by domestication of Elephant foot yam plants to take advantage of the shade from stands in the system. This study aims to assess the value of soil erodibility in Elephant foot yam-based agroforestry systems in five types of stands, namely: Teak (A1), Cashew (A2), “Gamal” and Banana (A3), Cocoa (A4), and Coffee (A5). The method used is descriptive method with survey technique. Determination of the research location was carried out by purposive sampling with the criteria of land having a rather steep slope (15-17%), the soil order Inceptisol, located in the upper slope, and a high level of stand vegetation homogeneity. Soil samples (undisturbed and disturbed) were collected using the diagonal method on 10 x 10 m plots randomly placed in each agroforestry system with a depth of 0-20 cm. Parameters observed were soil texture (pipette method), soil permeability (constant head), soil structure (qualitative in the field), and soil organic matter (Walkley and Black). The result showed that the value of soil erodibility, in agroforestry systems with different stands, was significantly difference, with the lowest value was found in the Coffee agroforestry system (A5) of 0,416 and the highest was found in the Cashew system (A2) of 0,661. The effectiveness of improvement soil erodibility in the agroforestry system of A5 was 37% better than A2